《正面管教》读后感(二):Positive Discipline

《正面管教》读后感(二):Positive Discipline

作者: 育儿知识搬运工 | 来源:发表于2018-12-31 15:24 被阅读8次



1. When it comes to "positive pause", many adults find it difficult to accept the idea of "pause" as a positive experience. They mistakenly regard it as a "reward" for their children's bad behavior. However, when they really understand the long-term effects of punishment and reptile brains, they can see the benefits of "positive pause".


2. Many people do not realize that personality based on decisions made in their childhood is affecting their children.


3. How harmful are the following practices to children: doing what they should do for their children, over-protecting them, buying too many things for them, taking care of the difficulties they encounter, not spending enough time with them, doing homework for them, nagging them, giving orders, shouting at them, and then rescuing them quickly?


4. Healthy self-esteem is the basis for children to develop the belief that "I can do". When parents do any of these things to their children, they will not develop this belief. When children are always told what to do without their respectful experience of participating in problem solving to practice the skills their parents want them to possess, they are unable to develop those skills that help them feel capable.


5. When we treat our children with respect and dignity and teach them valuable life skills that they should acquire in order to form good character, they will spread peace in the world.


6. Being too kind and unswerving may turn into arrogant children, while being too firm and unswerving may turn into excessive severity.


7. Seven important perceptions and skills necessary to be a competent person: (1) Perception of personal abilities - "I can do it." (2) Perception of one's own value in an important relationship - "My contribution is valuable, and you really need me." (3) Perception of one's own power or influence in life - "I can influence what happens to me." (4) Introspective ability: the ability to understand personal emotions, and to use this understanding to achieve self-discipline and self-control. (5) Strong interpersonal communication skills: good at cooperating with others and building friendship on the basis of communication, cooperation, consultation, sharing, empathy and listening. (6) Strong overall grasp ability: with a sense of responsibility, adaptability, flexibility and integrity to deal with various constraints in daily life and the consequences of behavior. (7) Strong judgment ability: use wisdom to assess the situation according to the value of the matter. Most of the children's bad behavior is due to the lack of the above seven important perceptions and skills.


8. Positive discipline is based on mutual respect and cooperation. Positive discipline integrates kindness and firmness as a whole, and takes them as the cornerstone to cultivate children's various life abilities on the basis of their self-control.


9. Four criteria for effective discipline: (1) Does kindness and firmness go hand in hand? (Respect and encouragement for children) (2) Does it help children feel a sense of belonging and value? (Psychic ties) (3) Are they long-term effective? (Punishment is effective in the short term, but has long-term negative effects). (4) Can we give our children valuable social skills and life skills to cultivate their good character? (Respect, care, problem solving, responsibility, contribution and cooperation)


10. The importance of "kindness" lies in expressing our respect for our children. The importance of firmness lies in respecting ourselves and the needs of the situation.


11. Let's assume that the child talks back to you. One way to deal with "kindness and firmness" is to walk away and go to another room. Walking away is when you treat yourself with respect, and it sets the best example for your child. You can always talk to your child later, so that everyone has a chance to calm down. Only when you are in a good mood can you do a good job. ... It's worth emphasizing that too many parents think they need to solve problems when they are angry. In fact, this is the most unsuitable time to solve the problem.


12. Positive discipline tools: (1) Abolish punishment; (2) Abolish arrogance; (3) Be kind and firm; (4) Give children the opportunity to develop seven important perceptions and skills; (5) Be careful what works (punishment brings long-term negative effects); (6) Abandon the absurd idea that if you want your child to do well, you must make him feel bad; (7) Let him participate. With the establishment of restrictions; (8) asking heuristic questions; (9) using friendly and firm words.


13. I believe that if we think we can give our children self-esteem, it is actually a kind of harm to their children. A campaign to "give children self-esteem" has continued to this day, including praise, happy stickers, smiling faces and making children "the most important person today". These can be fun and harmless, as long as the child does not think that his self-esteem depends on the evaluation of others outside. If this happens, the child may become a "flatterer" or "always seeking approval from others". Instead of self-evaluation and introspection, they learn to observe other people's reactions to judge their own behavior. They cultivate "self-esteem" rather than "self-esteem". ... The most beneficial thing we can do for our children is to teach them how to learn.


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      本文标题:《正面管教》读后感(二):Positive Discipline
