上次和大家分享小檬是六月三十号。The previous sharing of Little Lemon with everyone was on June 30th.
一个礼拜没有仔细的关注它,它已经成长到了是一个分支阶段了。In one week without detailed attending to, Little Lemon has grown to 11 branch nodes.
养了小檬两个月让我意识到在家这个环境里有有植物的重要性。Having Little Lemon for months made me realize the importance of plants in the home environment.
我看到了一个来自于大自然的生命的成长,我的内心很舒服也会得到成长。When I witness the growth from a life of nature, I grow inside and feel very comfortable.
每一天给它阳光和水,就够了。大自然给了我们一个多么宝贵的提醒啊:简单的生活,结果是健康的成长。Sunlight and water everyday is plenty for it. What a precious reminder nature has provided: simple living results in healthy growth.
