《非普通读者》The Uncommon Reader

《非普通读者》The Uncommon Reader

作者: 梓漆 | 来源:发表于2020-05-05 22:18 被阅读0次

    《非普通读者》,英国小说家Alan Bennett所著。作者想象了英国女王伊丽莎白二世爱上阅读之后的生活变化。从邂逅流动借书站,到与诺曼的相识,女王的读书习惯渐渐培养起来了;从皇宫的侍卫,到英国首相,周围的人都不理解也不乐意看到女王为什么突然读起书来;从南希·米特福德到普鲁斯特,女王博览群书,却才发现书海没有止境。



    To begin with, it's true, she read with trepidation and some unease. The sheer endlessness of books outfaced her and she had no idea how to go on; there was no system to her reading, with one book leading to another, and often she had two or three on the go at the same time. The next stage had been when she started to make notes, after which she always read with a pencil in hand, not summarising what she read but simply transcribing passages that struck her. It was only after a year or so of reading and making notes that she tentatively ventured on the occasional thought of her own. "I think of literature," she wrote, "as a vast country to the far borders of which I am journeying but cannot possibly reach. And I have started too late. I wil never catch up." Then (an unrelated thought): "Etiquette may be bad but embarrassment is worse."


    Authors, she soon decided, were probably best met with in the pages of their novels, and were as much creatures of the reader's imagination as the characters in their books. Nor did they seem to think one had done them a kindness by reading their writings. Rather they had done one the kindness by writing them. 


    That the Queen was not more troubled by Norman's sudden departure might seem surprising and to reflect poorly on her character. But sudden absences and abrupt departures had always been a feature of her life. She was seldom told, for instance, when anyone was ill; distress and even fellow feeling something that being Queen entitled her to be without, or so her courtiers thought. When, as unfortunately happened, death did claim a servant or even sometimes a friend, it was often the first time that the Queen had heard that anything was amiss, "We mustn't worry Her Majesty" a guiding principle for all her servants.


    In the darknes it came to the Queen that, dead, she would exist only in the memories of people. She who had never been subject to anyone would now be on a par with everybody else. Reading could not change that - though writing might.

    Had she been asked if reading had enriched her life she would have had to say yes, undoubtedly, though adding with equal certainty that it had at the same time drained her life of all purpose. Once she had been a self-assured single-minded woman knowing where her duty lay and intent on doing it for as long as she was able. Now all too often she was in two minds. Reading was not doing, that had always been the trouble. And old though she was she was still a doer.

    She switched the light on again and reached for her notebook and wrote:"You don't put your life into your books. You find it there."

    Then she went to sleep.




    "I wonder," she turned to her other neighbour, "whether as professor of creative writing you would agree that if reading softens one up, writing does the reverse. To write you have to be tough, do you not?" Surprised to find himself discussing his own subject, the professor was momentarily at a loss. The Queen waited. "Tell me," she wanted to say, "tell me I am right." But the lord lieutenant was rising to wait upon her and the room shuffled to its feet. No one was going to tell her, she thought. Writing, like reading, was something she was going to have to do on her own.




          本文标题:《非普通读者》The Uncommon Reader
