20190225 explore

20190225 explore

作者: angelqi_b03a | 来源:发表于2019-02-25 16:17 被阅读3次



v. 1. if you explore a place, you travel around it to find out what it is like. 在……探险,探测,勘察,考察 V n  /  V

2. if you explore an idea or suggestion, you think about it or comment on it in detail, in order to assess it carefully. 探讨,研究观点或建议 V n

3. if people explore an area for a substance such as oil or minerals, they study the area and do tests on the land to see whether they can find it. 勘探 V for n  /  be V-ed for n  /  also V n for n 

4. if you explore something with your hands or fingers, you touch it to find out what it feels like. 用手等摸索,触碰 V n

inquire into or discuss (a subject) in detail


explore是动词,除了基本的“勘察,探索”的意思之外,还可以表示“探讨,研究”。可以用在PPT演示和论文写作的介绍部分,替换discuss/talk about/look at。


1. In this presentation, I would like to talk about/explore some common taboos in India culture.

taboo n. 禁忌,忌讳

2. I am sorry I am running out of time. Let's explore this issue more fully tomorrow in a meeting.

3. This report will explore how Muslim identity has been moulded by external and internal pressures since the mass migration to the West began in the 1950s. It will explore how Muslim communities have responded to policies designed to aid assimilation or improve security. 本报告将探讨自20世纪50年代开始大规模向西方移民以来,穆斯林身份是如何被外部和内部压力塑造的。它将探讨穆斯林社区如何回应旨在帮助融合或改善安全的政策。

assimilation  /ə,sɪmɪ'leɪʃən/ n. (对新思想的)吸收;同化,融合

4. The report will also look at the generation shifts within Muslim communities as their members have adapted to life in the West. 本报道还将关注穆斯林社区内部的世代变迁,因为他们的成员已经适应了西方生活。



This book explores the intricate relationship between China and America in the past two decades. (自己)

This book explores the complicated relationship between China and the US in the past two decades. (参考翻译)


Along with the hot showing of The Wandering Earth, more and more people start to explore the knowledge of space sci-fi.


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