Publish 将信息发送到指定的频道
publish redis命令
PUBLISH channel message
* Publish messages to channels.
* Warning: this function will probably change in the future.
* @param string $channel a channel to publish to
* @param string $message string
* @return int Number of clients that received the message
* @link
* @example $redis->publish('chan-1', 'hello, world!'); // send message.
public function publish($channel, $message)
Subscribe 订阅给定的一个或多个频道的信息
subscribe redis命令
SUBSCRIBE channel [channel ...]
* Subscribe to channels.
* Warning: this function will probably change in the future.
* @param string[] $channels an array of channels to subscribe
* @param string|array $callback either a string or an array($instance, 'method_name').
* The callback function receives 3 parameters: the redis instance, the channel name, and the message.
* @return mixed|null Any non-null return value in the callback will be returned to the caller.
* @link
* @example
* <pre>
* function f($redis, $chan, $msg) {
* switch($chan) {
* case 'chan-1':
* ...
* break;
* case 'chan-2':
* ...
* break;
* case 'chan-2':
* ...
* break;
* }
* }
* $redis->subscribe(array('chan-1', 'chan-2', 'chan-3'), 'f'); // subscribe to 3 chans
* </pre>
public function subscribe($channels, $callback)
pSubscribe 订阅一个或多个符合给定模式的频道
- 每个模式以 * 作为匹配符,比如 it* 匹配所有以 it 开头的频道( 、 、 it.tweets 等等)
- news.* 匹配所有以 news. 开头的频道( 、 等等),诸如此类
* Subscribe to channels by pattern
* @param array $patterns an array of glob-style patterns to subscribe
* @param string|array $callback Either a string or an array with an object and method.
* The callback will get four arguments ($redis, $pattern, $channel, $message)
* @param mixed Any non-null return value in the callback will be returned to the caller
* @link
* @example
* <pre>
* function psubscribe($redis, $pattern, $chan, $msg) {
* echo "Pattern: $pattern\n";
* echo "Channel: $chan\n";
* echo "Payload: $msg\n";
* }
* </pre>
public function psubscribe($patterns, $callback)
unSubscribe 退订给定的频道
* Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels.
* @param array $channels an array of channels to usubscribe
* @link
public function unsubscribe($channels = null)
pUnsubscribe 退订所有给定模式的频道
* Stop listening for messages posted to the given channels.
* @param array $patterns an array of glob-style patterns to unsubscribe
* @link
public function punsubscribe($patterns = null)
Pubsub 查看订阅与发布系统状态,它由数个不同格式的子命令组成
pubsub redis命令
PUBSUB <subcommand> [argument [argument ...]]
* A command allowing you to get information on the Redis pub/sub system
* @param string $keyword String, which can be: "channels", "numsub", or "numpat"
* @param string|array $argument Optional, variant.
* For the "channels" subcommand, you can pass a string pattern.
* For "numsub" an array of channel names
* @return array|int Either an integer or an array.
* - channels Returns an array where the members are the matching channels.
* - numsub Returns a key/value array where the keys are channel names and
* values are their counts.
* - numpat Integer return containing the number active pattern subscriptions
* @link
* @example
* <pre>
* $redis->pubsub('channels'); // All channels
* $redis->pubsub('channels', '*pattern*'); // Just channels matching your pattern
* $redis->pubsub('numsub', array('chan1', 'chan2')); // Get subscriber counts for 'chan1' and 'chan2'
* $redis->pubsub('numpat'); // Get the number of pattern subscribers
* </pre>
public function pubsub($keyword, $argument)