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- 绘本讲师训练营【15期】18/21实践原创-who stole
15014-李敏 Selina

《who stole the cookies from the cookie jar》是一本绘本,是一首儿歌,也是游戏。有趣的抽拉设计,重复出现的句型,朗朗上口的旋律,让小朋友们欲罢不能。
Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?
Dog stole the cookies from the cookie jar!
小狗Dog正在浴缸里搓背,听到了这样的指控,赶紧爬出来,穿上浴袍Who me? 你们说谁?我吗?
Yes, you! 就是你
Couldn’t be!怎么可能啊!
Then who?那你说是谁?
One two three four five. 只剩下五块饼干了
Kitty stole the cookies from the cookie jar! 是小猫偷得!
小猫Kitty正在厨房煎pancake 煎饼
Who me? Yes, you!
Couldn’t be!
Then who? One two three four只剩下四块饼干了。
Mouse stole the cookies from the cookie jar!
Who me? Yes, you!
Couldn’t be!
Then who? One two three只剩下三块饼干了
Bunny stole the cookies from the cookie jar!
Who me? Yes, you!
Couldn’t be!
Then who? One two只剩下两块饼干了
Piggy stole the cookies from the cookie jar!
Who me? Yes, you!
Couldn’t be!
Then who? One只剩下一块饼干了
Did you? 是你干的吗?
