绘本讲师训练营【52期】17/21实践原创《These five

绘本讲师训练营【52期】17/21实践原创《These five

作者: d957e0a64ccf | 来源:发表于2020-06-27 17:49 被阅读0次

绘本讲师训练营【52期】17/21实践原创《These five fingers》

52004 文英美

《These five fingers》

By Haneul Ddang

今天刚好有一个一岁半的小朋友在身边,就实验了一下这本《These five fingers》。因为宝宝小龄,而且专注力比较弱,就选了这本游戏互动的绘本,想着边讲边玩会比较有趣,可能会吸引到小宝宝。讲读开始前先给宝宝看看绘本,然后伸出五根手指头说finger,让她意识到手指和finger的联系。宝贝用茫然的延伸看着我,不过做下了。首先讲到第一页,先伸出一只手指头说一下finger,然后动动手指头发出Swish、swish的声音,再说cat's tail,然后发出几声喵喵的声音,宝宝好奇又茫然的看着我。之后讲到第二页two fingers,伸出两根手指头,然后讲大象,指出大象的长鼻子。然后刚打开第三页宝宝就跑了。。。。。

One is 1.

This little finger is a cat's tail. Swish,swish! 

Two is 2.

These two fingers are an elephant's tusks. So strong!

Three is 3.

These three fingers are a dinasour's horns. Watch out!

Four is 4.

These four fingers are the puppy's legs. Woof,woof!

Five is 5.

These five fingers are the lion's teeth. RARRRRRRR!



    本文标题:绘本讲师训练营【52期】17/21实践原创《These five
