td-agent 升级

td-agent 升级

作者: HelloWorld_26 | 来源:发表于2018-06-22 11:39 被阅读0次

curl -L https://toolbelt.treasuredata.com/sh/install-amazon1-td-agent3.sh | sh


[root@ip td-agent]# cat td-agent.conf

@include /etc/td-agent/conf.d/*.conf


[root@ip conf.d]# cat td-gamex.conf


@type forward

port 24224




@type tail

format json

time_key time

time_format %N

pos_file /var/log/td-agent/a.log.pos

path /opt/supervisor/log/log*.%d.%m.%Y.log

tag log.106



<match debug.**>

@type stdout



<match log.**>

@type forward # forward模式,转发给其他服务器处理

send_timeout 60s

recover_wait 10s


phi_threshold 16

hard_timeout 60s


 name log.shard

 host 【IP】

 port 24224

 weight 1



 @type file

 path /var/log/td-agent/log-forward-failed




例如添加一个 client log

[root@ip conf.d]# cat client.conf


@type tail

format json

time_key time

time_format %N

pos_file /var/log/td-agent/client_150.log.pos

path /opt/supervisor/log/client*.%d.%m.%Y.log

tag client.150



<match debug.**>

@type stdout



<match client_log.**>

@type forward # forward模式,转发给其他服务器处理

send_timeout 60s

recover_wait 10s


phi_threshold 16

hard_timeout 60s


 name client_log

 host 【IP】

 port 24224

 weight 1



 @type file

 path /var/log/td-agent/logics-forward-failed





[root@ip conf.d]# cat td-client.conf

<match debug.**>

@type stdout



<match client_log.**>

@type copy


@type elasticsearch_dynamic

host  【IP】

port 9200

request_timeout 15s #defaults to 5s

reload_connections false

reload_on_failure true # defaults to false

logstash_format true

logstash_prefix client_logiclog

logstash_dateformat %Y.%m.%d

time_key time


  @type file

  path /var/log/td-agent/buffer/td-client_log-buffer

  chunk_limit_size 512MB #Default: 8MB (memory) / 256MB (file)

  total_limit_size 32GB #Default: 512MB (memory) / 64GB (file)

  chunk_full_threshold 0.9 #output plugin will flush the chunk when actual size reaches chunk_limit_size * 

  compress text #The option to specify compression of each chunks, during events are buffered

  flush_mode default

  flush_interval 15s #Default: 60s

  flush_thread_count 1 #Default: 1 The number of threads of output plugins, which is used to write chunks in parallel

  delayed_commit_timeout 60 #The timeout seconds until output plugin decides that async write operation fails

  overflow_action throw_exception

  retry_timeout 10m





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      本文标题:td-agent 升级
