在Android 12+上,Android添加了一个新的运行时权限BLUETOOTH_CONNECT,官方解释是
Required to be able to connect to paired Bluetooth devices. 看起来要配对蓝牙就一定需要这个权限了。可是这个权限是Dangerous,这样就得弹窗申请了,有没有可能不用这个权限,依旧可以配对蓝牙。
首先dumpsys 看看能否找到线索,分析音频蓝牙相关的调用就需要看 dumpsys audio, dumpsys media.metrics, 在机器上操作了下,发现的确使用了通话音量,并且也有连接sco的记录,这就证明了这个产品的确做到了。
比如dumpsys audio下有以下信息记录:
10-18 11:35:14:511 setCommunicationRouteForClient for pid: 20191 device: AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:bt_sco addr: from API: startBluetoothSco()) from u/pid:10324/20191
10-18 11:35:14:512 startBluetoothSco()) from u/pid:10324/20191
10-18 11:35:14:529 onUpdateCommunicationRoute, preferredCommunicationDevice: null eventSource: startBluetoothSco()) from u/pid:10324/20191
10-18 11:35:14:542 removePreferredDevicesForStrategySync, strategy: 15
10-18 11:35:15:309 onUpdateCommunicationRoute, preferredCommunicationDevice: AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:bt_sco addr:9C:FC:28:59:5E:C1 eventSource: setBluetoothScoOn(true) from u/pid:1002/13471
10-18 11:35:15:312 onUpdateCommunicationRoute, preferredCommunicationDevice: AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:bt_sco addr:9C:FC:28:59:5E:C1 eventSource: BtHelper.receiveBtEvent
10-18 11:35:15:313 setPreferredDevicesForStrategySync, strategy: 15 devices: [AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:bt_sco addr:9C:FC:28:59:5E:C1]
可是dumpsys 里看不出来调用什么接口感知到蓝牙设备了,接下来就得通过hook了,对于这种问题,应该用objection就够了。和音频相关的类主要是Audio.Media.AudioManager, 那直接hook这个类的所有方法就好了。
android hooking watch class android.media.AudioManager
android hooking watch class_method android.media.AudioManager.registerAudioDeviceCallback --dump-args --dump-ba
cktrace --dump-return
[usb] # (agent) [681721] Called android.media.AudioManager.registerAudioDeviceCallback(android.media.AudioDeviceCallback, android.os.Handler)
(agent) [681721] Backtrace:
android.media.AudioManager.registerAudioDeviceCallback(Native Method)
* Registers an {@link AudioDeviceCallback} object to receive notifications of changes
* to the set of connected audio devices.
* @param callback The {@link AudioDeviceCallback} object to receive connect/disconnect
* notifications.
* @param handler Specifies the {@link Handler} object for the thread on which to execute
* the callback. If <code>null</code>, the {@link Handler} associated with the main
* {@link Looper} will be used.
public void registerAudioDeviceCallback(AudioDeviceCallback callback,
@Nullable Handler handler) {
synchronized (mDeviceCallbacks) {
if (callback != null && !mDeviceCallbacks.containsKey(callback)) {
if (mDeviceCallbacks.size() == 0) {
if (mPortListener == null) {
mPortListener = new OnAmPortUpdateListener();
NativeEventHandlerDelegate delegate =
new NativeEventHandlerDelegate(callback, handler);
mDeviceCallbacks.put(callback, delegate);
看起来这个方法会以回调形式提供所有的路由设备变化,而蓝牙对应的Flag就是TYPE_BLUETOOTH_A2DP, TYPE_BLUETOOTH_SCO,用demo 验证了下,的确不需要运行时权限也可以感知到。
到了这儿还没有结束,对于Android12, 通过广播感知sco的连接状态也需要运行时权限,看了下对比产品,没有感知sco的连接结果,而我们的产品有这块的检测,为了保持逻辑一致,也需要想办法感知到到sco的连接结果。这下就不能对比了,不过看了下开启sco的api,有如下的介绍:
* Start bluetooth SCO audio connection.
* <p>Requires Permission:
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS}.
* <p>This method can be used by applications wanting to send and received audio
* to/from a bluetooth SCO headset while the phone is not in call.
* <p>As the SCO connection establishment can take several seconds,
* applications should not rely on the connection to be available when the method
* returns but instead register to receive the intent {@link #ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED}
* and wait for the state to be {@link #SCO_AUDIO_STATE_CONNECTED}.
* <p>As the ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED intent is sticky, the application can check the SCO
* audio state before calling startBluetoothSco() by reading the intent returned by the receiver
* registration. If the state is already CONNECTED, no state change will be received via the
* intent after calling startBluetoothSco(). It is however useful to call startBluetoothSco()
* so that the connection stays active in case the current initiator stops the connection.
* <p>Unless the connection is already active as described above, the state will always
* transition from DISCONNECTED to CONNECTING and then either to CONNECTED if the connection
* succeeds or back to DISCONNECTED if the connection fails (e.g no headset is connected).
* <p>When finished with the SCO connection or if the establishment fails, the application must
* call {@link #stopBluetoothSco()} to clear the request and turn down the bluetooth connection.
* <p>Even if a SCO connection is established, the following restrictions apply on audio
* output streams so that they can be routed to SCO headset:
也就是通过注册ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_UPDATED 广播,由于这个广播是粘性的,那么就可以同步感知到sco连接结果了。再在demo上验证了下,的确没问题。