I had a dream

I had a dream

作者: 耨薄地2019 | 来源:发表于2022-02-15 06:04 被阅读0次

    I had a dream this morning. It was about my journey near a sea or lake . I saw many living things but I focused my attention on a giant bird.  I thought it was an eagle in the water, lost its wings and almost motionless like a sea cucumber there. I knew it was alive but I also knew it could die any minute under the water. I tried to save it without high expectations. (What's the difference between life and death after all? Which one is the more desirable state, who can tell.) I saves the dying bird. it became a chick. I tried to feed it some dried black sesame powder and it ate it very easily. I relaxed because I was worried that my offerings we're not it's dish. It had naturally become my pet and it nestled next to my heart within folds of clothes. I was glad to enjoy the company of a pet with the knowledge that our companionship was only temporary in the ocean of time. Still I felt satisfied and grateful for this relationship. it's as simple as that:  a person and a saved bird.

    Namas Amitabha

    非空非色见如来 无人无我观自在 庙小妖风大 池浅王八多 爱河千尺浪 苦海万重波 欲免轮回苦 及早念弥陀 南无阿弥陀佛



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