作者: MIRROR1027 | 来源:发表于2018-06-18 10:20 被阅读0次
Pandora  *Chain My Heart* 

I never buy second-hand things like I only enjoying totally fresh stuffs 

Things get worse suddenly feel PANIC when getting them sorted 

Really need 8 hour long sleep every day but stay up so late even talking to the ultra gentleman 

BRAND NEW things can be of bad quality also 

only advantage is that you can replace or repair them

I feel so BLESSED to meet someone can raise me up & let me stand high where I was so afraid of 

Also so LUCKY to experience what I always expected the feeling of realizing is just so so though  Shouted by a shithole on way to Uni today

Almost ruined the whole day but I know he will be there for me always like the bracelet always chains my heart and give me comfort 


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      本文标题:BRAND NEW
