

作者: linda2021 | 来源:发表于2018-06-10 14:15 被阅读0次

    1. brand new

    Wow, her Christmas present is that brand new bag.

    2. be fit to

    The doctor said he is unlikely to be fit to play sports for a while.

    3. keep an eye on

    The mother keeps an eye on her baby daughter.

    4.tune out

    She tunes out when her mother shouts at her.

    5. set forth

    He will set forth on his journey in 30 minutes.

    6. be resistant to

    The bacteria is resistant to the antibiotics.

    7. tell apart

    It's hard for me to tell the twins apart.

    8. then and there

    After the lightning struck him , he died then and there.

    9. run parallel to

    The trains run parallel to each other.

    10. gain access to

    Without a keycard you cannot gain access to the building.

    Alan is a five years old boy and he is fit to new environment quickly.He has experienced four schools since he came to London in 2015, 

    Southfield Primary School from Jan 2016 to Jul 2016 (Miss Seed and Miss Baptiste),

    Ark priorty primary school from Sep 2016 to Jul 2017 (Miss Kiss, Miss B and Miss Chalton)

    William Hogarth Primary School from Sep 2017 to Mar 2018 (Miss Hall and Miss Preston)

    Seven Mills Primary School from May 2018 to Jul 2018 (Mr Johnston and Miss Anne). 

    He enjoys every school life and makes good friends then and there. For example, 

    Sami from Southfield

    Livia, Yasmeen, Yaseen, Ario, Naimon,Lilian, Hanhna, Massi, Adnan,Alyssa,The twins ( I cannot tell apart them but Alan can), Lara from Ark.

    Alex, Felix, Hanhna,Kai, Ai,Fredrant from William Hogarth.

    from seven mills.

    Sometimes Alan isn't resistant to admiring his classmates' things. For example, when he came to Seven Mills Primary School, he found some classmates wearing sunglasses. He wanted to have a pair of  brand new sunglasses immediately.



