

作者: 好想去曼大啊 | 来源:发表于2021-02-16 12:09 被阅读0次

The graph illustrates how the percentage of adults that do not do physical exercise changed in terms of genders in Australia in 2005.

Both males and females had the highest percentage of age group which is more than 75 years old, while males got lowest percentage in the age group from 25 to 34 years old and females had least proportion from 18 to 24 years old, The formal was about 16% and the later was around 17%. The middle figure of the age group from 44 to 53 years old in males was 33%, but for females it had the same percentage from 44 to 53 and from 54 to 64 years old at about 27%.

However, the results of males and females that didn’t do exercise in Australia were different. From 18 to 34 and from 65 to 75+, during these ranges of age groups the proportion of males was smaller than that of females. From 44 to 64 years old the figure of females words more than males. Nevertheless, the percentage of the age group from 35 to 43 years old was the same which was 25%.

Overall, nearly half of adults were more than 75 years old did not do physical exercise.


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