Acts 1:3 |
使徒行传1:3 |
Intro |
引言 |
Last week we saw the main point of the whole book of Acts. “What King Jesus continued to do and teach by his Spirit through his apostles.” |
上周我们看到了整卷使徒行传的要点。“耶稣王通过祂的使徒,用祂的灵继续祂所做的和所教的。” |
I am continuously stressing this point because this is what Luke wants us to see. As Martyn Lloyd-Jones wrote: |
我不断强调这一点,因为这就是路加希望我们看到的。正如钟马田写道: |
The starting point, the fundamental thing, is that Christianity is about Jesus. “I’ve written to you already about Him,” said Luke in effect, “and I’m going to tell you more about Him.” Christianity is not a teaching—it is a person. It is not merely a moral outlook that is to be applied in the realm of politics. You start with a historical person. Luke was a pure historian. He was giving an account of events and of facts. |
出发点,根本的东西,就是基督教是关于耶稣的。“我已经给您写过关于祂的事情了,”路加实际上说,“而我还要告诉你更多关于祂的事情。”基督教不是一种教导—而是关于一个人。它不仅仅是一种要应用于政治领域的道德观。你要从一个历史人物开始。路加是一个纯粹的史家。他是在陈述事件和事实。 |
The Lord Jesus Christ was the theme of the preaching of the early church. He is the theme of the Gospel of Luke. He is the theme of the Acts of the Apostles (Lloyd-Jones, Acts). |
主耶稣基督是早期教会传道的主题。祂也是路加福音的主题。他是使徒行传的主题。(钟马田,《使徒行传注释》) |
But what if it is all a hoax? What if Jesus did not really rise from the dead? What if it was a hallucination? What if the disciples only saw Jesus in a visionary experience or as a spirit? |
但如果这一切都只是骗局呢?要是耶稣没有真的从死里复活呢?要是那只是个幻觉呢?要是门徒们只是在幻象中看到了耶稣,或者是只看到了耶稣的幽灵呢? |
Verse 3 is here to put all of those questions to rest. |
第3节在这里把这些问题都解决了。 |
Text |
经文 |
3 He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God |
3 他受难以后,用许多凭据向使徒显示自己是活着的。他向使徒显现,并且讲论 神的国的事,有四十天之久。 |
1. What He Did (v. 3a) |
1. 祂做了什么(3a) |
2. How He Did It (v. 3b-c) |
2. 祂怎么做(3b-c) |
a. Visible (Eyes) |
a.(眼)可见 |
b. Audible (Ears) |
b. (耳)可听 |
1. What He Did (v. 3a) |
1. 祂做了什么(3a) |
Jesus presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs. Once again, we see that the Book of Acts is the Acts of King Jesus himself. Jesus took the initiative. The disciples never searched for him and found him. He bends to meet them in their weakness. He presented himself alive to them. |
耶稣受难以后,用许多凭据向使徒显示自己是活着的。我们再一次看到,使徒行传是耶稣王本人的行传。耶稣采取了主动。门徒们从来没有主动去找祂,然后找到祂。祂在他们的软弱中俯就他们。祂向他们显示自己是活着的。 |
They saw him suffer. They had no doubts about his death. It was easy to see and irrefutable. But they had a hard time believing that he was really alive. So Jesus presented himself alive with many convincing proofs. |
他们看到祂受难。他们对祂的死没有任何怀疑。这是显而易见的,也是无可辩驳的。但他们很难相信祂真的还活着。所以,耶稣用许多令人信服的证据显明自己活着。 |
This word for “proofs” is very important. It means a compelling sign or strict proof. We might call it a tangible proof or irrefutable evidence. One commentator makes the observation that “many proofs” is an expression that occurs almost exclusively in Greek works of historiography (Ben Witherington, Acts, 1998, p. 108). This word occurs only here in the New Testament. Luke is a historian and he is insisting on the historicity of the resurrection. It is hard to imagine how Luke could have chosen a stronger word to communicate the compelling sense of the reality of the resurrection beyond a doubt. The disciples saw Jesus – not in a visionary or spiritual experience, but in an irrefutably physical way: they saw him and touched him. |
“凭据”这个词非常重要。它的意思是一种令人信服的标志或严格的证明。我们可以称它为实实在在的证明或无可辩驳的证据。有一位注释家提出这样的看法:“许多凭据”是一个几乎只出现在希腊史学作品中的说法(Ben Witherington,Acts,1998,p.108)。这个词只在新约这里出现。路加是一个史家,他坚持复活的历史真实性。很难想象路加还能选择一个比这更有力的词来传达复活的无可置疑的真实性。门徒们看到了耶稣—不是在异象或灵性的体验中,而是在无可置疑的身体上:他们看到了祂,摸到了祂。 |
Think of the way the apostle John makes this point crystal clear: |
想到使徒约翰把这一点说得很清楚: |
That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— 2 the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us— 3 that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ (1 John 1:1-3). |
论到太初就已经存在的生命之道,就是我们所听见,亲眼所看见,仔细观察过,亲手摸过的;2 这生命已经显现出来,我们见过了,现在也作见证,并且向你们宣扬这本来与父同在,又向我们显现过的永远的生命。3 我们把所看见所听见的向你们宣扬,使你们也可以和我们彼此相通。我们是与父和他的儿子耶稣基督彼此相通的(约翰一书1:1-3)。 |
These proofs were an essential part of the disciples’ preparation for ministry. It is hard to overstate the importance of the resurrection for them. It was the key to the history of Acts. Historians always study the tangible effects of history and they try to postulate a probable cause that could explain the effect. |
这些凭据是预备门徒投入事奉的一个重要部分。复活对他们的重要性怎么强调都不为过。这是使徒行传历史记载的关键所在。历史学家总是研究历史的有形效果,他们试图假设一个可能的原因,可以用来解释效果。 |
Here we see the answer in black and white. Jesus did not give the disciples mere ideas to take into the world. He gave them himself. Proof that he is alive. Yes, he died. They saw him at the cross. They heard the nails driven by hammers into his flesh. Some saw the spear thrust into his side. They were so convinced of his death that some of them scattered and others cowered in fear with doors locked for fear that they would be next. |
在这里,我们看到了白纸黑字的答案。耶稣没有给门徒们纯粹的空想,让他们带入这个世界。祂把自己给了他们。证明祂还活着的凭据。是的,祂死了。他们看到祂死在十字架上。他们听到锤子把钉子钉进祂的肉里。有人看到长矛刺入了祂的肋旁。他们对祂的死深信不疑,有的人四散而逃,有的人因害怕下一个就轮到自己而锁上门瑟瑟发抖。 |
But something changed everything. Jesus conquered death. He appeared to them. That is the only explanation to all the effects that follow. They never would have gone forth based on a fable or a fairy tale or wishful thinking or an elaborate philosophy. No! They gathered together in Jerusalem because the Jesus they knew and loved was alive again. |
但有件事改变了一切。耶稣战胜了死亡。祂向他们显现。这是对后面所有效果的唯一解释。他们绝不会根据一个寓言或童话或一厢情愿的想法或精心设计的哲学而前行。不会的!他们在耶路撒冷聚集在一起,因为他们所认识和所爱的耶稣又活过来了。 |
If they were not absolutely convinced that he was alive, they would have never gone out in ministry and all gave their lives for him. |
如果他们不是绝对相信祂还活着,就不会出去服事,更会为祂付出生命。 |
Luke deals in detail with what we may call a period of preparation for his disciples that took place between his resurrection and Pentecost. Luke stresses what Jesus did to prepare his disciples to be sent out into the world. |
路加详细描述了在复活和五旬节之间我们可以称之为祂为门徒预备的时期。路加强调了耶稣为预备门徒被派往世界所做的事情。 |
Here the stress is that an apostle had to be a “witness with us of his resurrection” (Acts 1:22; 10:41). This type of presentation was an essential qualification to be an apostle. They had to be chosen and commissioned by Jesus, but they also had to be eyewitnesses of his ministry and resurrection. |
这里强调的是,使徒必须“与我们一同见证祂的复活”(徒1:22;10:41)。这种同在是成为使徒的基本资格。他们必须受耶稣的拣选和委托,但他们也必须是耶稣传道和复活的目击证人。 |
2. How He Did It |
2. 祂怎么做 |
A. He Appeared to Them (Visible) |
A. 祂向他们显现(可见的) |
We learn he presented himself alive to them with many proofs. Jesus presented himself to them alive by appearing to them. |
我们了解到,祂用很多凭据向他们显示自己活着。耶稣通过向他们显现,显明自己活着。 |
The Gospel of Luke ends with three appearances of Jesus: (1) Cleopas and his companion (Luke 24:13-33), (2) Simon Peter (Luke 24:34), and (3) the Eleven and those with them (Luke 24:36-51). |
路加福音以耶稣的三次显现结束。(1) 革流巴和他的同伴(路加福音24:13-33),(2) 西门彼得(路加福音24:34),(3) 十一个使徒和与他们同在的人(路加福音24:36-51)。 |
36 As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to you!” 37 But they were startled and frightened and thought they saw a spirit. 38 And he said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.” 40 And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. 41 And while they still disbelieved for joy and were marveling, he said to them, “Have you anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate before them. |
36 正说这话的时候,耶稣亲自站在他们当中,说:“愿你们平安。”37 他们非常惊怕,以为看见了灵。38 他说:“你们为甚么惊慌,为甚么心里疑惑呢?39 你们看我的手、我的脚,就知道我是谁。摸我看看,灵没有骨,没有肉;你们看,我是有的。”40 说了这话,就把手和脚给他们看。41 他们欢喜到不敢相信,并且很惊奇。耶稣说:“你们这里有甚么吃的没有?”42 他们就给了他一片烧鱼。43 他接过来,在他们面前吃了。 |
Notice that these proofs were not just for the eyes, but for the hands as well. They thought he was a ghost. So he showed them his hands and feet. He asked them to touch him. He was not a ghost because he had flesh and bones. |
请注意,这些证明不仅是针对眼睛的,也是针对手的。他们以为祂是个幽灵。于是祂向他们展示了自己的手和脚。祂让他们摸祂。祂不是幽灵,因为祂有肉有骨。 |
They still struggled to believe because of their joy and marveling so he went further. He ate a piece of broiled fish in front of them. |
他们仍然因为喜悦和惊叹而难以相信,所以祂更进一步。祂在他们面前吃了一块烧鱼。 |
This was a defining moment for the disciples and Peter even mentions it in his sermon to the Gentiles in Acts 10. |
这对门徒来说是一个决定性的时刻,彼得甚至在使徒行传第10章对外邦人的讲道中也提到了这一点。 |
They put him to death by hanging him on a tree, 40 but God raised him on the third day and made him to appear, 41 not to all the people but to us who had been chosen by God as witnesses, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead. |
他们竟然把他挂在木头上,杀了他。40 神叫他第三天复活,并且使他显现,41 不是显现给所有的人看,而是给 神预先拣选的见证人看,就是我们这些在他从死人中复活之后,与他一同吃喝的人。 |
Acts 1 now tells us that there were many more appearances and that they took place over a period of 40 days. 1 Corinthians 15 also stresses that there were many appearances to many different people. |
使徒行传第1章告诉我们,还有更多的显现,而且是在40天的时间里发生的,哥林多前书第15章也强调,有许多显现是向许多不同的人显现的。哥林多前书第15章也强调,有许多次向许多不同的人显现。 |
5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. 6 Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. 7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. 8 Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me (1 Cor. 15:5-8). |
5 并且曾经向矶法显现,然后向十二使徒显现。6 以后又有一次向五百多个弟兄显现。他们中间大多数到现今还在,也有些已经睡了。7 以后也向雅各显现,再后又向众使徒显现,8 最后也向我显现;我好像一个未到产期而生的人(哥林多前书15:5-8)。 |
Why? Two reasons: (1) so they could be certain, and (2) so they could be prepared for what was coming. |
为什么?两个原因:(1) 这样他们就可以确定无疑,(2) 这样他们就可以为即将发生的事情做好准备。 |
Take the fact that he appeared to 500 at one time. It would be the only mass hallucination in history that happened to so many people over such a long period of time. It is irrefutable proof. |
就拿祂一次出现在500人面前来说。如果这是幻觉,这将是历史上唯一一次在这么长的时间内,发生在这么多人身上的大规模幻觉。这是无可辩驳的证据。 |
But second Jesus was mercifully preparing them for what was to come. Jesus appeared and then disappeared so many times over such a long time period to prepare them for the days when he would not longer be physically with them. He was with them all the time in Luke. At the end of Luke and the beginning of Acts, he came and went many times. His departure would not be sudden and instantaneous. Here one day and then gone forever the next day. Jesus remained with them from his resurrection to his ascension. Surely these appearances would gradually help them come to terms with the fact that he was really going to go way and not return again until he splits the skies and every eye will see him coming on the clouds. |
其次,耶稣是在仁慈地为即将到来的事情而预备他们。耶稣在这么长的时间里多次出现,然后消失,是为了让他们准备好迎接祂不再与他们同在的日子。在路加福音中,祂一直和他们在一起。在路加福音的结尾和使徒行传的开头,祂多次来了又去。祂的离开不会是突然的、瞬间的。前一天还在这里,第二天就永远消失了。耶稣从复活到升天,一直与他们同在。当然,这些显现会逐渐帮助他们接受一个事实,那就是祂真的要走了,不会再回来了,直到祂裂天而降,所有人都眼看着祂驾云而来。 |
B. He Spoke to Them (Audible) |
B. 祂向他们说话(可听的) |
Jesus was “speaking about the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3). The Kingdom of God refers to the rule or reign of God. The book begins with a reference to the kingdom (1:3) and ends with a reference to the kingdom (28:31). There are many references to the kingdom that occur in strategic places in Acts (1:3; 8:12; 19:8; 20:25; 28:23; 28:31). |
耶稣“讲论神的国的事”(使徒行传1:3)。神的国指的是神的统治或掌权。本书开头提到神的国(1:3),结尾也提到神的国(28:31)。在使徒行传中,有许多地方提到神的国,都出现在关键性的位置(1:3;8:12;19:8;20:25;28:23;28:31)。 |
30 He lived there two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him, 31 proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance. |
30 保罗在自己所租的房子里,住了整整两年。凡来见他的人,他都接待,31 并且放胆地传讲 神的国,教导有关主耶稣基督的事,没有受到甚么禁止。 |
What is the connection between the resurrection of Jesus and the kingdom of God? The kingdom of God is the reality of God’s reign that invades this present evil age. Listen to the proof that Jesus gave the Pharisees that the kingdom had actually come in his ministry. |
耶稣的复活和神的国之间有什么联系?神的国是神统治的现实,闯入这个现今邪恶的时代。听听耶稣给法利赛人的证据,证明在祂的事奉中,神的国实际上已经来临。 |
20 But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you (Luke 11:20). |
20 我若靠 神的能力赶鬼,这就是 神的国临到你们了(路加福音11:20)。 |
What in the world do the casting out of demons have to do with the coming of the kingdom? Perhaps the reason we struggle so much to understand this basic point is because of what we have come to define what is normal as what is natural. |
赶鬼与国度的到来究竟有什么关系?我们之所以如此费力地理解这个基本点,也许是因为我们已经把正常的东西定义为自然的东西。 |
Here is what I mean. Many people define miracles as the disruption of the natural order. Here is nature and then God suddenly breaks in and does something supernatural – which we almost interpret as unnatural. But we have it the wrong way around. Miracles are not interruptions of the natural order; they are the restoration of the natural order. We have lived so long with this fallen world that we think the normal is natural. We think sickness, disease, pain, and death are natural. They are not. They are the unnatural. They were not there from the beginning. Those unnatural things broke into God’s good world that he made. |
我的意思是这样的:很多人把神迹定义为打破自然秩序。这里是自然,然后神突然闯入,做了一些超自然的事情—我们几乎把它理解为不自然。但我们把它弄错了。神迹不是自然秩序的中断,而是自然秩序的恢复。我们与这个堕落的世界相处得太久了,以至于我们认为常态就是自然。我们认为病痛和死亡是自然的。实际上并不是。它们是非自然的。它们不是从一开始就有的。那些非自然的东西闯进了上帝所创造的美好世界。 |
And when Jesus comes into this world, he comes to bring creation back to its original and natural order. The fall invaded this world, but now the kingdom invades this fallen world and brings reconciliation and restoration. |
而当耶稣来到这个世界上时,祂是来把创造物带回到原来的自然秩序中去。堕落侵袭了这个世界,但现在神的国侵袭了这个堕落的世界,并带来了和解与恢复。 |
So when Jesus drives out demons, what is he doing? He drives out of creation these powers of darkness and destruction. When Jesus heals the sick, what is he doing? He is driving out of creation the powers of debilitation and bodily destruction. Wherever Jesus goes we see him restoring not just people to health, but creation to health. Each miracle is a foreshadowing of the future. The new heavens and new earth will be when the natural fully replaces sin’s unnatural dark reign of terror. |
那么当耶稣赶鬼的时候,祂在做什么呢?祂在把这些黑暗和毁灭的力量从受造物中赶出来。当耶稣医治病人时,祂在做什么?祂正在把衰弱和身体毁灭的力量从受造物中赶出来。无论耶稣走到哪里,我们都能看到祂不仅使人恢复健康,而且使受造物恢复健康。每一个神迹都是对未来的预示。新天新地将是自然完全取代罪的非自然、黑暗、恐怖统治的时候。 |
Jesus’ resurrection is the proof that he has defeated death, that dreadful enemy that invaded his good world. He has vanquished death and opened the door to the world to come. But it is the prophecy of something better than even the beginning. Jesus’ resurrection body was a transformed, glorified body that could eat and drink and talk, but could also do more. He could appear and disappear and even go through locked doors. Jesus’ body was not less than a natural body, just more. And his transformed body is the beginning of God’s new creation rule and reign. The firstfruits guaranteeing our resurrection. |
耶稣的复活是证明祂已经打败了死亡,那入侵美好世界的可怕的敌人。祂已经战胜了死亡,打开了通往未来世界的大门。但这里所预言的是比起初还要好的世界。耶稣复活的身体是经过转变的,荣耀的身体,可以吃喝说话,也可以做更多的事情。祂可以出现和消失,甚至可以穿过上锁的门。耶稣的身体不仅仅是自然的身体,而且更进一步。而祂转变后的身体是上帝新的创造统治和掌权的开始。是保证我们复活的初熟果子。 |
The resurrection is the proof that Jesus defeated death (1 Cor. 15:45-57). It is proof that he is God (Rom. 1:4; John 20:28). They are the stamp of authenticity from the Father upon everything that Jesus said and did: this is my Son, with him I am well pleased. The work is finished, the sacrifice was given and it has been accepted fully so that God’s wrath is fully satisfied and our sins are completely forgiven. |
复活是耶稣战胜死亡的证据(林前15:45-57)。这证明祂是神(罗1:4;约20:28)。它们是来自天父的真实性的印记,印在耶稣所说和所做的一切之上:这是我的儿子,我喜悦祂。工作已经完成了,牺牲已经献上了,而且已经被完全悦纳了,所以神的愤怒已经完全满足了,我们的罪已经完全赦免了。 |
Just feel with me what each appearance said. Each appearance said: the debt is paid in full. Each appearance says the death has been swallowed up in victory. Each appearance says, “even the grave cannot separate us from God.” |
就和我一起感受一下耶稣每一次显现说的是什么。每一次显现都在说:债已经全部还清。每一次显现都说死亡已被胜利吞噬。每一个显现都在说:"哪怕是坟墓也不能把我们与上帝隔绝。" |
Conclusion |
结语 |
The disciples in Jesus’ day needed these irrefutable proofs. The apostle Thomas was the greatest of all the doubters and skeptics. He would not take anyone’s word for it. He had to touch Jesus for himself. And Jesus stooped to his weakness. Jesus came to him. And Thomas confessed, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). What does the resurrection prove? It proves that Jesus is Lord and God and we should confess our worshipful allegiance to him as our God. |
耶稣时代的门徒需要这些无可辩驳的证据。使徒多马是所有疑惑者和怀疑者中最伟大的。他不会盲信任何人的话。他必须亲自触摸耶稣。而耶稣却俯就于他的软弱。耶稣来到他面前。多马也承认:“我的主,我的神”(约翰福音20:28)。复活证明了什么?复活证明了耶稣是主,是神,我们应该承认我们敬拜效忠祂是我们的神。 |
But there are others who might say this morning: why can’t I have the same proof as Thomas? Why doesn’t he appear to me like Jesus did to him? Jesus follows this verse with an immediate blessing for you. |
但也有人可能会在今天早上说:为什么我不能拥有和多马一样的证明?耶稣为什么不像祂对他那样显现在我面前?耶稣在这节经文之后,立即为你祝福。 |
29 Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29). |
29 耶稣说:“你因为看见我才信吗? 那些没有看见就信的人,是有福的。” (约翰福音20:29) |
There is a special blessing for God’s people today. They are those who like Peter says, “even though we do not see him, we believe in him and rejoice with a joy that is inexpressible and full of glory. |
今天神的子民有一个特别的祝福。他们是那些像彼得说的:“虽然没有见过他,却爱他;现在虽然不能看见他,却信他。因此,你们就有无法形容、满有荣耀的大喜乐。 |
The kingdom of God is established when God speaks life into our dead hearts. The eyes of our hearts were blinded, but God opens the eyes of our hearts to see the risen Christ. We believe in him. We love him. We rejoice with resurrection hope. |
当神开口让生命进入我们已死的心里时,神的国就建立了。我们心中的眼睛被蒙蔽了,但神打开我们心中的眼睛,让我们看到复活的基督。我们相信祂。我们爱祂。我们因复活的盼望而喜乐。 |
Saturday’s Children vs. Sunday’s Children |
周六的孩子对照主日的孩子。 |
Ray Stedman calls people living today, “Saturday’s children.” So many people today live in despair and darkness like the people on that dark Saturday between Jesus’ death and resurrection. They don’t know about the bright victory of Easter Sunday. But there are some who are different. They are “Sunday’s children.” Sunday’s children know how to look at the empty tomb and say “O death where is your victory?” They know how to speak to the sorrows that surround you in the dark valley. |
雷-斯特德曼称生活在今天的人们为“周六的孩子”。今天有很多人生活在绝望和黑暗中,就像耶稣受死和复活之间那个黑暗的星期六的人一样。他们不知道复活节主日的光明胜利。但也有一些人是不一样的。他们是“主是的孩子”。主日的孩子们懂得看着空荡荡的坟墓说:“死亡啊,你的胜利在哪里?”他们知道如何在死荫幽谷中向四周环绕你的黑暗说话。 |
Dear friends, we are not Saturday’s children. We are not those who throw in the towel and call it quits. We are not those who cynically say, “nothing really matters.” We are not children of this pandemic. |
亲爱的朋友,我们不是周六的孩子。我们不是那些扔下毛巾轻易放弃的人。我们不是那些愤世嫉俗地说“什么都无所谓”的人。我们不是这种大流行病的孩子。 |
We are Sunday’s children. We are not the people of pandemic gloom, but the people of resurrection hope. A Christian is someone who is uncertain about the immediate, but certain about the ultimate. We are Sunday’s children. We have a living hope. |
我们是主日的孩子。我们不是瘟疫阴霾之民,而是有复活盼望的人。基督徒是一个对眼前不确定,但对终极归宿很笃定的人。我们是主日的孩子。我们有永活的盼望。 |
Closing Song: Living Hope |
结束歌曲:《永活的盼望》 |
Sermon Discussion Questions |
讲道讨论问题 |
Title: The Resurrection of Jesus and the Kingdom of God |
标题:耶稣的复活与神的国 |
Text: Acts 1:3 |
经文:使徒行传1:3 |
Outline |
纲要 |
1. What He Did (v. 3a) |
1. 祂做了什么(3a) |
2. How He Did It (v. 3b-c) |
2. 祂怎么做(3b-c) |
a. Visible (Eyes) |
a.(眼)可见 |
b. Audible (Ears) |
b. (耳)可听 |
General Questions |
一般性问题 |
1. What were your initial responses to the sermon? What was the Holy Spirit doing in your heart during or after the sermon? Was there a new insight gained? Any questions prompted? What did you find convicting, helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain. |
1. 你对讲道的初步反应是什么?在讲道时或讲道后,圣灵在你心中做了什么?是否有了新的感悟?想到什么问题了吗?你觉得哪些地方让你信服,哪些地方对你有帮助,哪些地方让你大开眼界,哪些地方让你烦恼?请解释。 |
2. What point from the sermon landed on you with the most weight of joy or conviction? What things did you see and savor that you feel like you need to share with others? |
2. 讲道中的哪一点让你感到最大的喜悦或为罪沉痛?你看到了什么,品味了什么,让你觉得需要和别人分享? |
Discussion Questions |
讨论问题 |
1. What does Luke mean by the word “proofs”? Why is it such an important word? |
1. 路加所说的“凭据”是什么意思?为什么它是一个如此重要的词? |
2. Why is the resurrection of Jesus so important to the history in the rest of Acts? |
2. 为什么耶稣的复活对使徒行传其他章节所记载的历史如此重要? |
3. Why did Jesus appear to the disciples so many times? |
3. 为什么耶稣要向门徒显现这么多次? |
4. How do you define the kingdom of God? Is it a major theme in Luke/Acts? |
4. 你如何定义神的国?这是路加福音/使徒行传中的一个主要主题吗? |
5. What is the relationship between the resurrection and the kingdom of God? |
5. 复活与神的国之间有什么关系? |
Application Questions |
应用问题 |
1. Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus? If so, what are your remaining doubts? If you do believe in the resurrection, then how does it impact you in your daily life? What does it mean to be “Sunday’s children” instead of “Saturday’s children”? |
1. 你相信耶稣的复活吗?如果是,你还有什么疑问?如果你真的相信复活,那么它对你的日常生活有什么影响?要作“主日的孩子”而不要作“周六的孩子”是什么意思? |
2. The original apostles were all witnesses of the resurrection with their physical eyes and ears with many appearances of Jesus. In what sense are you a witness of the resurrection? |
2. 最初的使徒们都是用他们的肉眼和耳朵见证了耶稣的复活,有许多耶稣的显现。你在什么意义上是耶稣复活的见证人? |
3. What adjustments do you need to make in order to make the resurrection be a central part of your life – rather than out of sight out of mind? |
3. 为了使复活成为你生活的中心—而不是视而不见,心不在焉,你需要做哪些调整? |
Prayer Focus: Pray for a grace to see the risen Lord Jesus at work in your life so that you are a witness of his resurrection life. |
祷告焦点:求主恩典,让你看到复活的主耶稣在你的生命中工作,使你成为祂复活生命的见证。 |