

作者: 橄榄树上结果果 | 来源:发表于2020-10-31 13:00 被阅读0次

Our last guest may be the most important and influential. As disciples, we should all know how important it is that Yeshua is a son of David. That title is what allows for him even to be considered a candidate for Messiah, but why is that? This is due to the covenant that God made with David that he and his sons would rule on the throne forever. David did not live a perfect life, but the Scriptures famously remember him as, “A man after mine own heart, which shall fulfill all my will” (Acts 13:22). David replaced Saul as king of Israel and established God as the true King over Israel.

Many important and deep parallels can be made between David and his ultimate son, Yeshua. One important connection is David’s desire to build a Temple for God here on earth. David wanted God’s presence to be permanently placed in his chosen house and usher in ultimate peace and prosperity. As we know, he was allowed only to prepare for this reality and was not permitted to build the Temple.

Similarly, our Master Yeshua desired to usher in the Messianic Kingdom and establish God’s rule on earth and usher him in as the King of the world. Sadly, this did not occur. We are still waiting for this to happen. But like David prepared the way and raised up Solomon to carry out his plan, our Master Yeshua took care of the important element of sin’s hold and sent his disciples to prepare the way for his return. He will undoubtedly return and truly bring fulfillment to God’s plans. As Sukkot represents the culmination of the festivals and a shadow of the Messianic Era, on this last day, let us welcome King David and King Yeshua and ask God to send his Son to bring to pass all that he has promised.





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