Go Ahead

作者: 水写苍茫 | 来源:发表于2017-03-03 00:08 被阅读0次

Why I feel so busy and tired? Because I have a lot of hobbies, works and activies.

Just like tonight, I work hard with my matlab programme, I just solved the bugs, and I was satisfied with it. It's a step closer to my little target.

Then talk about my job. I am a member of Communist Party of China. This afternoon my branch of CPC hold a meeting, and we do criticism and self-criticism. It just liked a table topic. I spoke almost 3mins without notes and pointed out a bunch of problems and weaknesses. But the most difficult session is that we have to criticize our leaders! This need the "art" of communication, so I remembered what I have learned in toastmasters, I gave my leader positive feedbacks, hahaha. Fun.

I have to take part in the kindergarten's activity - A Dinner Party. The teachers ask me to go there and bring some big dishes. Gosh... I am not good at cooking, if they ask me to give a speech, maybe i would like to come.

Record my life & cost 30 mins.


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