

作者: 天问和他的梦想在旅行 | 来源:发表于2019-01-21 01:16 被阅读0次




    接触“懂你英语”,经过90天的坚持与努力,将Level2圆满学习结束,尽管还没有能通过APP的考试过关,但我明显感受到自己的听力与口语能力有了显著提升。为了更好的信心去迎接Level3的学习,决定好好复习巩固一下整个Level 2内容。也因此,准备将引用网络各路同学整理的课程文本过来,再将自己在这这期间学习过程中每节课的复述与阅读难点整理标注出来,尤其是容易在AI反馈中失分的部分——大部分是听力上容易错误、复述上容易失分的部分。



    Listening: The Jackson Family

    This is the Jackson family.

    It’s a family of four.

    Bill and Helen are the parents.

    They have two children.

    Both of their children are girls.

    复述:They have two children. 
     They don't have two children.

    Both of their children are girls.

    Lisa is the oldest of the girls.

    She is 12 years old.

    Angela is the youngest.

    She is 9.

    They also have a dog.

    Its name is Jumper.

    Its name is Jumper because he likes to jump.

    Jumper can jump rope.

    复述:Lisa is the oldest of the girls. 
     She is 12 years old.

    Angela is the youngest. 
     She is 9 years old.

    Listening: Their Neighborhood

    The Jackson family lives in Shanghai.

    They live in a large apartment building.

    Their apartment building has many apartments.

    Their apartment is on the 5th floor.(They live on the 5th floor.)

    They usually take the elevator to the 5th floor.

    Sometimes the elevator doesn’t work.

    Then they take the stairs.


    There are many trees outside their apartment building.

    There is also a small pond.

    Inside the pond are fish and frogs.

    Lisa and Angela like to feed the fish.


    There is also a family of ducks.

    There are two adult ducks and five baby ducks.

    Lisa and Angela like to watch the ducks.

    The baby ducks are getting bigger each day.

    复述:There is also a family of ducks.

    There are five baby ducks.

    Vocabulary: Nature & Animals

    A tall tree.This tree is tall and green.

    A river.This river is long.

    A pond.Fish and frogs live in this pond.

    An ocean.We can’t drink ocean water.

    A mountain.Some mountains are very high.

    A forest.A forest has many trees.

    复述:This river has clean water.
    This river is long.

    This tree is tall and green.
    A forest has many trees.

    朗读:Fish and frogs live in this pond.
    Some mountains are very high.

    Ocean is very large bodies of water.
    We can't drinking ocean water.

    A little dog.This little dog is walking.

    A sleeping cat.This cat is sleeping.

    Two birds in a tree.These two birds are in a tree.

    A frog.This frog lives in a pond.

    A family of ducks.This is a family of ducks.


    A little dog.This little dog is walking.

    A black and white cat.This cat is sleeping.

    A bird.Birds can fly.

    A frog.This frog lives in a pond.

    Ducks.This is a family of ducks.

    复述:This cat is sleeping.
    This little dog is walking.

    The bird is flying.
    Birds can fly.

    阅读:This is a family of ducks.
    This frog lives in a pond.(冠词a发音总是扣分)

    These two birds are in a tree.(难点)
    The cat is sleeping on the chair.

    Vocabulary: Positions & Actions

    On the table.The keys are on the table.

    Under the table.There is white ball under the table.

    Between.The boy is standing between the two girls.

    Next to.The keys are next to the green book.

    Inside.The boy is standing inside the circle.

    Outside.The girl is standing outside the circle.

    复述:The girl is standing outside the circle.

    阅读:The boy is standing inside the circle.

    Walk up.He is walking up some stairs.

    Walk down,She is walking down some stairs.

    Look out.She is looking out the window.

    Go to.They are going to the door.

    Come from.He is coming from the door.

    复述:They are going to the door.(the成为我长期读失分的地方!)

    He is walking up some stairs.

    阅读:She is looking out the window.

    Dialogue: This Is My Family

    Hello, my name is Lisa Jackson.

    This is my family.

    My parents are both teachers.

    My sister and I are both students.

    We go to the same school.

    We also have a dog.

    Its name is Jumper.

    My sister and I really like Jumper.

    My parents are not Chinese.

    But we live in China.

    We live in Shanghai.

    I can speak Chinese fairly well, and so can my sister.

    We like living in China.

    I like the people here.

    复述:We go to the same school.

    She likes living in China.

    阅读:My sister and I really like Jumper.

    Do you have any questions?

    M: First question, how do you spell your family name?

    Lisa: My family name is Jackson, J-a-c-k-s-o-n.

    M: Thanks, how old are you?

    Lisa: I’m 12 years old.

    M: Do you like your school?

    Lisa: Yes, I do, it’s a good school.

    M: What time do you and your sister go to school?

    Lisa: We go to school at 8:00.

    M: What time do you come home from school?

    Lisa: We come home around 4:00.

    M: What language do you speak at home?

    Lisa: We speak English at home.

    M: Thank you, Lisa.

    Lisa: You are welcome.

    复述:We come home around 4:00.

    Do you like your school?

    阅读:What time do you and your sister go to school?


    Bill: Hi, I’m Lisa’s father, Bill. This is my wife,Helen.

    Helen: Yes, Bill is my husband and we have two daughters.Lisa is our oldest daughter. She’s 12.

    Bill: Angela is our youngest daughter. She’s 9.


    Helen: My husband and I are both teachers. I teach children and he teaches university students.

    Bill: Yes, we both teach English.

    Helen: He teaches in the afternoon and evening.

    Bill: And she teaches in the morning and afternoon,

    Do you have any questions?

    M: Can you both speak Chinese?

    Bill: Yes, a little, but it isn’t very good.

    Helen: Our two daughters speak Chinese fairly well.

    M: Do you both take Chinese classes?

    Bill: Yes, but we don’t go to a school. We study online.

    Helen: I study a little bit every day.

    M: Thank you.

    Helen: You’re welcome.

    复述:Lisa is our oldest daughter. (our容易听漏!)

    Can you both speak Chinese?

    阅读:Bill is my husband and we have two daughters.

    Letters & Numbers: Days of the Week

    There are seven days in a week.

    Monday is the first day of the week.

    Sunday is the last day of the week.

    Tuesday is the second day of the week.

    Wednesday is the third day of the week.


    Thursday is the fourth day of the week.

    Friday is the fifth day of the week.

    Saturday is the first day of weekend.

    Sunday is the seventh day of the week.

    The weekend days are Saturday and Sunday.


    One minute is sixty seconds.

    Ninety seconds is a minute and a half.

    Thirty minutes is half an hour.

    Fifteen minutes is a quarter of an hour.

    Forty-five minutes is three quarters of an hour.

    Sixty minutes is an hour.

    Ninety minutes is an hour and a half.

    Six fifteen is a quarter after six.

    Six thirty is half past six.

    Six forty-five is a quarter to seven.



