
作者: 王海藻儿 | 来源:发表于2016-06-13 22:18 被阅读9次

                    Be a grownup

Oh,my friend,there's only thing you need to know is to be a true grownup.

there's not fairy tale world anymore

You can't directly act out your angry

You can't burst into tears but hold back it

Those people who desert themselves

will not get away with punishment from their conscience one day

Oh my friend,please ease your own mind and just take it easy

Just get down to used to this fucking confusing world

take a closer look people who love you so much

Leave these jerks behind ,

they are nasty,they're dirty ,

Oh,my friend,try to be a grownup

there's always easy way out

so don't be angry anymore

When you look back on those foolish days,

Only shame and regret pop into your heart

So don't directly act out your angry just hide it from light ,

tastes it when night approaching

savor it slowly ,lonely

then you get more knowledge about the world day by day

Oh my friend,it's time to see what the world really is

Get down to accepting this fucking world and be a grownup.


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