

作者: 范俊如 | 来源:发表于2017-05-09 21:35 被阅读0次

Some people say that it is better to teach language students in small classes. Others think the number of people does not matter. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Language study, which is one of the key words of education, has become an inevitable access to foreign culture and global communication. Therefore, it comes a conflicting topic on how to improve the language education. One possible suggestion is to limit the number of students in a class.

Advocates of this believe that a great many of advantages can be gained through teaching language learners in small class. The most significant benefit is that teachers can allocate more time and energy to providing each student with more pointed education because it is easier for educators to organize the class. Therefore, a better teaching effect could be achieved. Moreover, it could also diversified the teaching method. Many vivid forms of education, like seminars, story salon, even a theatre playing, could run through the language learning in small class. These flexible lessons can easily drag students' attention and stimulate their interest. Thus, the efficiency of language teaching could be enhanced rapidly.

In contrast, some people consider that the number of students does not matter the effect of language education. They argue that the effect of education is most due to students' personal willingness and their learning ability, rather than the efforts of teachers. So, the scale of class is not important. However, a language study does not only depend on learners' intelligence and the degree of their study hard, but also an efficient learning method and previous experience, which could only be acquired from a good teacher. That is the reason why many parents make a lot of efforts to find an excellent teacher for their children.

In conclusion, the important role which a teacher plays in education cannot be ignored. Especially in language teaching, the small size of class is not only helpful to educators' teaching organizing and also benefit to students' knowledge understanding.


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