Veterans Day and Memorial Day
Thesedays are different, but both are about people whom we send to murder other, theoretically worse, people. We all agree that murder is bad,but somehow we have not figured out a way to avoid it. Processed meatsare eaten on these days as well. On Memorial Day, people often stand in the street and watch more famous people go by on a platform and scream at them.
Veterans Day is an official United States public holiday observed annually on November 11, honoring military veterans, that is, persons who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
Veterans Day is distinct from Memorial Day, a U.S. public holiday in May. Veterans Daycelebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day honorsthose who died while in military service.
Veterans Day: 1919年11月,伍德罗·威尔逊总统宣布11月11日作为停战日,但这个节日直到1938年才正式成为国家法定假日。1954年,议会通过将这个节日更名为退伍军人节。
历史文化节日由来:Veterans Day退伍军人节(双语阅读)_更多西方世界节日_历史文化 - 小e英语手机版
Memorial Day:阵亡将士纪念日是每年5月的最后一个星期一,是美国的阵亡将士纪念日。纪念美国历史上所有为国捐躯的人。美国人传统上会举行各种纪念活动,向为国捐躯的军人表达哀思和敬意。
【美国文化】美国阵亡将士纪念日的来历(Memorial Day) 2015年5月25日
【figure out】
1. to be able to understand something or
to solve a problemfigure out how/what/who etc:
I couldn’t figure out what the teacher was talking about.
2. to understand what someone is like and why theybehave in the way that they do
figure out a way to… 也是一个常见搭配
Let's figure out a way to help.
【go by】
1.If you say that time goes by, you meanthat it passes.
2. If you go by something, you use it asa basis for a judgment or action.
3. to move past you, especially when you are not moving:
I sat down at an open-air cafe, and watched the people going by. (我自己出去旅行的时候干过这样的事儿)
【Processed meats are eaten on these days as well.】
