Cherish now! Be healthy!
Written by: 杨梅jillyang
【杨梅jillyang】English Diary Day8
Today is Father’s Day. Lots of people expressed bless by weChat.
Today is also special Day. Because I heard of bad news from my roommate Lili Cao by weChat.
" I miss my mum. She passed away." She told me after my question.
How sad she was ! I did not know what I could say. Bless everything goes well in paradise for her mummy.
I believe the only all-enduring & selfless love is that of a mother for her child. Therefore, I know she is sorrowful. We can pray for the soul.
Another bad news from my neighbor this afternoon.
Actually, the sound of many voices loudly outside while I was reading. A few minutes later, Lion told me all the families were on the way home. I was shocked.
In fact, her mother-in-law passed away today. She arrived at the airport at 10:40pm just now . They went home in a hurry. Bless everything goes well in paradise for her mother-in-law.
There are so many things change in the life. Be healthy, try our best to love who we should cherish in the world.
I got up early as usual this morning. Then had breakfast, and went to school.
Mrs. Q was earlier than me. We practised singing for a short while. And we talked about sth. of dancing and interests when we were young. Good memories!
She has so many advantages and is talent in dancing in my mind. I admire her deeply. She is brave & dare to learn her hobbies. What an excellent girl!
I really like her attitude on many aspects on living. She is active every day. I love the style of life.
After my work, I cooked meal as quickly as possible.
Lion was reading in my room. He is diligent, I agree with him.

Delicious food was finished. I felt a little tired & hot. It took me 1 hour in the kitchen.
We were eating, talking. How time flies!
Lion kept on reading the new book for a long time. And had a rest for nearly 10mins.
I read my book as well. Sometimes I made notes & thought for myself.
I learned from Lion to clean up the house when I found I was a little headache.
That was a good idea! To clean my wardrobe was such interesting thing. Although I dripped sweat, I felt comfortable then.
Lion helped me wash the plates, bowls and pan. Well done. Good boy!
“You did a good job!” I told Lion.
He expressed very happy when I was listening to his speech carefully this evening. I really admire his great memory for a whole novel.
I heard an interesting story by his words.
“Good boy, come on! You have the best expressions ability.” I said to myself.
Lion is my model. Hope you have a good future!
Life is not easy for any of us.
Love yourself, be healthy, be happy!
Goodnight, dear!
我是杨梅jillyang,简书/公众号/微博 同名。微信 jillyang_88 。自由写作者,陕西汉中人。一位爱文学,有梦想,喜欢音乐、健身、旅游,敢拼敢尝试新事物的八零后。当有幸遇见您读我的文字,请君雅正!前行路上,期望结交更多志同道合的伙伴,向坚持写作的朋友们致敬!Love you all.Never give up! 感谢您来,遇见就是缘分!