The Trap of Ace

The Trap of Ace

作者: WhatColor_8842 | 来源:发表于2019-04-29 10:10 被阅读0次


    Seven years ago, Emerald Hutton had left her family and friends behind for high school in New York City, cradling her broken heart in her hands, to escape just only one person. Her brother's best friend, whom she loved from the day he'd saved her from bullies at the age of seven. Broken by the boy of her dreams and betrayed by her loved ones, Emerald had learned to bury the pieces of her heart in the deepest corner of her memories.

    Until seven years later, she has to come back to her hometown after finishing her college. The place where now the cold-hearted stone of a billionaire resides, whom her dead heart once used to beat for.

    Scarred by his past, Achilles Valencian had turned into the man everyone feared. The scorch of his life had filled his heart with bottomless darkness. And the only light that had kept him sane, was his Rosebud. A girl with freckles and turquoise eyes he'd adored all his life. His best friend's little sister.

    After years of distance, when the time has finally come to capture his light into his territory, Achilles Valencian will play his game. A game to claim what's his.

    Will Emerald be able to distinguish the flames of love and desire, and charms of the wave that had once flooded her to keep her heart safe? Or she will let the devil lure her into his trap? Because no one ever could escape from his games. He gets what he wants. And this game is called...

    The trap of Ace.

    第1章   Prologue

    I stared at the girl before me, and her nervous eyes behind those black rimmed glasses were also set on me. Tentatively, I tucked a strayed strand behind my ear and bit my lip.

    She mimicked.

    I blinked, so did she.

    "You done with your stare down match with yourself, Em?" A huff came from behind me. "For God's sake! You're doing this for the last five minutes! You're creeping me out now!"

    I glanced at my best friend through the mirror. With folded arms on her chest, sitting at the edge of my bed, she scowled at me.

    My eyes went back to my reflection. "I don't know, Beth. Do you think he- he'll like my look?"

    "After we spent two hours to doll you up? Yes, we think that he'll like your look. And won't reject you when you announce your undying love for him, " said my other best friend, Casie, standing beside Beth.

    Reject. The same word that has been haunting my dreams for years now. I've been waiting for this day for six years. The day he said those words to me. I've been waiting since.

    And if he rejects me today… I don't know what I'd do.


    "Will you be my prince, Ace? I want to be your princess, " I'd asked my brother's best friend when he gave me a Cinderella dress on my ninth birthday.

    He laughed at my silly question, almost breaking my heart. But then when he saw my crestfallen face, he crouched down before me, looking into my turquoise eyes with his stormy grey. "You're my princess."

    "Really?" I brightened up like a Christmas tree. "That means you will marry me?"

    He bit his lip, his eyes lit up with amusement. "I'm sorry, Rosebud! But I can't."

    "Why not?" I pouted.

    "Because it's not the right time. You're still so young."

    "Then when will be the right time?" I gazed up at him with so much hope.

    "When you turn into a blooming rose from a rose bud."

    End of flashback~

    I'd waited till that day to bloom into a rose. I didn't know what that meant at that moment. But to remember and understand, I'd written those words into my personal diary.

    And Casie said at this age we were big enough to have a lover. Well she already had one at the age of fourteen, and is on her fourth at fifteen now.

    I knew whatever Ace had said that day was because he didn't want to break a nine year olds naive heart. But I didn't care. I think I was ready to confess my feelings to him today. For real this time.

    "Em, you're looking stunning! Though I preferred your long wavy hair. But it's alright, this also suits you, " commented Beth.

    I'd cut my waist length hair to my shoulder and tamed my wild waves into straight. Just like Tess, my sister. She and my brother, Tobias, were twins. So obviously, Ace was her best friend too. And I'd once heard him say that he liked Tess's hair. So I turned my hair just like her. Though hers were blonde where mine was chestnut.

    "Short hair is in fashion now. And Ace likes them short, " I replied, checking my manicured nails. Just like Tess's.

    Just like Ace preferred. All of his girlfriends were just like my sister. Beautiful and classy. Yes, I was jealous of them. But then they all were temporary. Once we'd be together, then there wouldn't be anyone else in his life other than me.

    I blushed at the thought.

    So I decided to be like them taking inspiration from my sister. Maybe he'd notice me then?

    And today's whole makeover was the proof. Dressed like Tess, styled like Tess. I even sneaked her favorite perfume from her room.

    "Isn't this dress too short, Casie?" Though I wanted to wear something like Tess, I was uncomfortable in them. Well she looked good in those tight little dresses. She had a good amount on both front and behind. Where I was flat in both ways. Well, a fifteenth year old couldn't have any more.

    "Is not! You're wearing that and that's final! Don't you want to make Ace notice you?" She raised her brow.

    "Fine!" I said, taking a deep breath. Come on, Em! You can do this!

    "Alright, let's go now! Otherwise we will miss you brother and sister's grand entry, " she chirped, sauntering outside.

    Today was my older sibling's nineteenth birthday. And every occasion at Hutton family was known to be grand. So no one wanted to miss this special event. Almost half of the renowned families were invited today.

    When we all reached the hall, I kept fidgeting in my place. My hands were clammy and my chest thudded. I was nervous for tonight's meeting with Ace. And my too short dress made me more uncomfortable.

    I spotted my dad and mom in the crowd. They stood close to each other, as always. They'd to be always by the hips. Even after twenty years of marriage, they were so madly in love with each other.

    And that made me hope. If I and Ace would be like that someday…

    "Emmy!" Mom's voice broke my daydream.

    I smiled and padded towards them.

    "Oh my! Look at you! My little baby looks so beautiful today!" she gushed, her smile blinding.

    "You think?" I blushed.

    "Of course, baby! You should do it more!"

    Dad stayed quiet. He didn't seem to be pleased with me dressing up like that. Opposite of my nature.

    "You didn't like the gown I brought for you, princess?" he asked.

    I did. Very much. But Ace wouldn't like that.

    "Of course I did, Dad! But… I couldn't find matching jewelry with it, " I lied.

    He nodded his head.

    Mom had a knowing look on. She knew, everyone knew of my crush on Achilles Valencian. But they didn't know that it was more than just a mere crush.

    He became my dream prince from the day he was introduced to me by Tobias when I was just seven. I still remembered that day clearly in my vague memories. But the day he saved me from some bullies in my school, he became my hero. And with time, he became my heart.

    I stopped the urge to cover my flushed cheeks.

    Where was he?

    I looked around. He should've been here by now. Last month when he played chess with me, he'd promised me he'd be here tonight. And he never broke his promises to me.

    He used to come here everyday. But after the tragedy his family faced a year ago, his visit in our home had lessened. He changed. Carefree playful Ace turned into a lost and always angry Ace. But he was always soft with me though. He'd come and see us once a month. And of course, to play chess with me.

    The crowd cheered as Tess and Tobias climbed down the stairs in a dramatic way with the spotlight on them. In a pink mid-thigh fairy dress, Tess looked like a real fairy, when Tobias looked good in his black tux. They smiled down at the cameras and everyone as their group of friends clapped and whistled wildly.

    But there wasn't still any sign of Ace.

    Excusing myself, I aimlessly wandered around the people.

    Where are you?


    Colliding into a hard chest, I stumbled back. A pair of arms circled around my waist.

    "I'm so so…" Looking up, my breath hitched at my throat.

    Stormy grey eyes stared down at me. His dense stubbles were gone, showing his chiseled jaw. Jet black hair gelled back and the ring on his right brow wasn't there today. Even though there were dark shadows under his beautiful eyes, and he'd lost some weight than before, he still looked breathtaking.

    "Rosebud?" His forehead creased as he straightened me on my feet. His eyes roamed up and down my body, his lips tightening. "What're you wearing?" Greek accent in his voice came deep.

    And it happened whenever he was angry.

    My eyes widened. Didn't he like my appearance?

    "Uh, why? Don't I look good?" I bit my lip. "I thought you'd like it."

    His frown deepened as he watched my hair and heavy make-up. But then he shook his head. "You don't need my approval in anything, Emerald. It's your choice to whatever you want to wear." With that, he walked away.

    My heart fell. I looked down at myself. Was anything wrong with my look? Why was he so distant?

    He has been like this since his Dad died. Our families weren't that close, they always preferred their privacy. So no one really knew what happened to his dad. But whatever happened, it changed my Ace drastically. And it made my heart ache for him.

    Running upstairs, I changed into the white gown Dad had brought me and removed my makeup. Once satisfied with my new neutral look, I headed back downstairs.

    Ignoring Casie and Beth's raised brows, I went to find Ace again.

    My brother and sister were busy chatting with their friends, but he wasn't there.

    "Hey, Em!" Tobias called out.

    Smiling, I walked to them.

    "Aren't you forgetting something, little sis?"

    Chuckling, I hugged him tight. "Happy birthday!"

    He lifted me off the ground, getting a squeal out of me. "Where is my gift?" he asked, once he put me down.

    Tobias loved his birthday gift from me. Actually, he loved the red velvet cake I baked him since I honed my skills in baking. And so did Ace.

    "You will get it after the party. It's in the fridge, " I replied, my eyes going back to the crowd for a moment.

    And there he was, standing at a corner, beside a table. With a drink in his hand, he looked deep in thought.

    "Happy birthday!" Wrapping my arms around Tess, I wished her.

    "Thanks!" She pulled back. "You changed?" Her eyes raked over my gown.

    Mark, a boy in their group slapped on Ace's back, greeting him. But he ignored him. And when Mark went to reach for the glass in his hand, Ace shot him a sharp look, making him back away.

    "Uh, yeah! That dress was slightly uncomfortable, " I said absentmindedly. My eyes set on him. "I will be back just in a minute."

    When I went to move, she caught my arm and dragged me away from her friends' earshot.

    "You're going to confess tonight, aren't you?"

    I let out a surprised gasp. How did she know?

    "Don't, " she said in a sharp voice. "You will only be heartbroken."

    Frowning, I snatched my arm from her grip. "How do you know? Who knows, maybe he likes me too."

    "Don't be foolish, Em! Just because he is soft with you doesn't mean he harbors any kind of feelings for you." Her voice was harsh. "And you and I both know he only cares for you as a brother, not a lover. So don't embarrass him with your stupidness. He is already disturbed with his own problems."

    Her words stung. I always feared that his kindness towards me might be just a brotherly love. But deep down, I felt there was more than that. It may be stupid and nonsense, but my heart told me not to lose hope.

    I won't know unless I confront him, right?

    "I won't embarrass him. And you don't know everything. So why don't you just go and enjoy your party and let me be on my own?" My tone matched hers.

    Her blue eyes flashed. "Stay away from him, Emerald. He isn't the one for you."

    Now my anger flared. "I will do whatever the hell I want, Tess. It's none of your business! So, leave me alone!" Turning on my heels, I strode away.

    Once I'd padded closer to where Ace stood, I took a calming breath and smoothed my hair. No one can stop me from telling you my feelings today.

    "Hey!" My voice came out meek, gone the confidence into the air. Nervousness fluttered in my tummy.

    His grey eyes lifted to mine. This time his gaze didn't hold displease. But there wasn't any pleasure either. They were just, cold.

    He was actually in a bad mood. Should I do it today? But It had taken me so much courage to make up my mind. I didn't know if I could have that much guts anytime soon.

    "Won't you play chess with me today, Ace? I've been waiting for another match."

    Maybe after the game, his mood turns good?

    He thought for a second and then nodded his head. "Yeah, that sounds good. This party is boring me anyway."

    My grin was face splitting. "Alright, let me go and ready the board. In the library, as usual?"

    He nodded, taking a sip. "I will be up in a few."

    Failing to contain my excitement, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. His exotic scent with a tinge of smoke, made me giddy. "I will be waiting for you."

    My sudden act caught him off guard as he stood stiff. His touch on my back was almost non-existent. Inhaling a deep breath, he pulled me away by my shoulders.

    His lips in a straight line as he said, "Go!"

    Nodding my head, I skipped off to our small library and started to make the board ready for play. I could barely contain myself from dancing around. I was finally going to tell him.

    Tell him that I love him.

    Ten minutes passed, and he wasn't still up. Then it turned into twenty. And there wasn't any sign of him. I even missed the cake cutting so that he wouldn't have to wait if he came here.

    He said he'd be here in a few.

    Letting out a sigh, I got up and went downstairs again. The party was going on in a full swing. Most elders retired for tonight and there were only the youngers, dancing and drinking wildly.

    I spotted Cassie dancing with my brother, and Beth drank with some girls. But I couldn't see him anywhere. The loud music and sharp smell of alcohol almost made me gag.

    Where is he?

    Making my way through the half wasted dancing population, I padded towards the balcony. But he wasn't even there. Did he forget about our match and left already?

    But he never forgets our match.

    Sighing in disappointment, I decided to go back up to my room. Maybe another day.

    Just when I turned to go, I heard something. Some strange noises. I hadn't fully entered inside the balcony, I stood at the doorway.

    Curious, I slowly moved inside and looked at my right.

    I froze. My heart stopped in my chest as my breath hitched at my throat. My hands shook at my sides, as I took in the sight before me.

    His hands were wrapped tightly around her waist and hers were around his neck; one hand tugged at his hair as their mouth worked on each other in a passionate kiss. Not even an inch of space left between them.

    Their every moan and groan hit my heart like thousand stabs of knives, shattering it into millions of pieces. My feet stumbled back, tears fell from my eyes.

    His hands roamed around her body as he pulled her more close. My heart squeezed so hard that I had to clutch my chest. A sob threatened to escape my lips but I slapped a hand over my mouth and ran away.

    I ran and ran until I was inside my room. Closing the door behind me, I let out an agonized sob. Tears blinded my vision as I still had a hand on my chest that pained physically.

    I felt my insides breaking, falling into irreparable pieces.

    I heard my best friends knocking on my door, their concerned voices reached my ears. But I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. All I could do was, lie on the floor in my dark room and cry my heart out.

    The visions of them tangled around each other's arms flashed across my mind again and again, making it hurt more.

    He didn't know, but she did. Her betrayal just intensified the pain more. Betrayal of others could be tolerated, but betrayal of loved ones wasn't.

    How could she do this to me? How?

    I stayed on the cold floor for the entire night, cradling my heart, mourning the loss of my love.

    The love my own sister took away from me.


    This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, incidents and locations are products of the author's imagination. They don't have any affects in real life. Any resemblance to any living and dead or any events is totally coincidental.

    第2章   Back in the city

    I glanced at my wrist.


    "Ma'am, please turn off your cell phone. The plane is about to take off, " said the flight attendant in her angelic voice.

    "Yeah, just a minute." I threw her an apologetic look.

    Nodding her head, she walked away.

    "Mom, I need to hang up now. The crews have already warned me for the second time."

    "Alright, alright! I will let you go now. You're coming to me in some hours anyway. We will be waiting outside the airport when you'll land!" Excitement dripped from her voice. A sudden homesickness filled my mind. It's been two years since I met them.

    "And keep that boy at an arm's length, " Dad called out in the background.

    Shaking my head, I let out a chuckle. "Alright guys! I will see you at the airport."

    "Love you, honey!" They intuned together.

    "Love you too!"

    Sighing, I looked out of the window. Another plane took off the runway, flying high in the sky. It'd always fascinated me. Though I always struggled with myself not to flip during the taking offs.

    A figure slumped beside me, making me turn my head. Letting out a huff, he settled against the seat.

    "How's your stomach now?" I asked, seeing the perspiration on his forehead and flushed cheeks.

    "Not good. I shouldn't have eaten the leftover macaroni last night. God! I swear! I won't ever touch leftovers again." He groaned.

    Poor guy! Even in this crisis, he had agreed to come with me to my home.

    "I'm so sorry, Warner. You have to travel with me in this state. You should've stayed back, you know?"

    He flashed me a boyish smile. "Don't be. It was my decision to tag along even after knowing my condition this morning."

    "But it was me who asked you to come with me, " I said, guilt crashed on me.

    "Don't be silly. I can do anything for you. And this is just a slightly uncomfortable journey. And it will go away just in a day. I've already taken medicines." He grasped my hand, entwining our fingers.

    I smiled, a grateful one.

    "I love you, " he said, looking at my eyes.

    The smile threatened to fall, but I managed to keep it on and squeezed his hand in return. The announcement of the flight attendant for every passenger to fasten their seat belts, saved me from another awkward situation.

    We've been dating for six months now. And known each other since I joined college. We were good friends from the beginning. After my several failures at keeping up on dating a guy for more than a week, I gave up on kindling any kind of relationship with anyone. And when Warner one day asked me out at a friend's get-together, I couldn't put him down.

    He was everything a girl would want in an ideal boyfriend. Handsome, intelligent, humble, honest. And most importantly, he knew me so well. After all, we've been friends for three years now. So when he'd asked me to be his girlfriend, I had said yes.

    But even if he'd confessed his feelings for thousands of times before me, I couldn't just bring myself to reciprocate. It's not that I didn't like him, I did. He was a great guy. Maybe it'd take some more time for me to feel that deep for him. And I was waiting for that day.

    "Ma'am, would you like some coffee?" The air-hostage's voice broke my trance.

    "Do you have tea?"


    After a long four and a half hours later when we finally landed in California, I found my parents right where they told me they would be. Holding a placard that said 'welcome home', Mom met me with her more than usual enthusiastic hug, where Dad had a satisfacted look in his eyes now that I finally came home. Though it was just for two weeks until I would go back.

    From the day I decided to shift to NY for my high school, he took the world of worry for me on his shoulders. They both did. It wasn't easy for me to stay that far from them, but it'd have been more difficult for me to stay here in this city.

    I needed time to heal myself. So the distance was necessary. As soon as the memories of that night started to flood in, I shut off my mind, burying them at the pit of my brain. Just like I did for the last seven years.

    I've moved on.

    "Welcome home, little mouse!" The moment I stepped into the threshold, I was tackled into a bone-crushing hug. "Look at ya! You've grown up!"

    I rolled my eyes at my brother. "You just met me two months ago."

    "Yeah, but it feels like ages since I irritated you, " he said, eyes warm with nostalgia.

    I smiled. I've missed him. Even though he visited me often in NY whenever he was on his business trips.

    "You better keep your stupid ass away from me, I'm warning you!" I feigned a serious look.

    He chuckled, and then his gaze fell on Warner who looked blue in the face from his marathon to washrooms in every ten minutes. He seemed at the verge of fainting at any moment. He was extremely embarrassed when he had to run for the washroom before he could even shake Dad's hand.

    Way to impress my parents!

    I wanted their first meeting to be good. And Dad couldn't dislike him anymore for that.

    'He is too good to be true', Dad had said once on the phone. I didn't know why, but he didn't approve of him the moment he heard us dating.

    "Hey, Warner! It's good to see you, man!" Tobias gave him a side hug. "You alright though? You look sick."

    "Nothing serious, just have a stomach bug. And it's nice to see you too." Suddenly his expression twisted like someone had punched him in the gut. "Uh, if you don't mind…"

    "Go right and then straight up, the first door. You will find the guest room, " said Dad with a displeased tone.

    Heaving a 'thank you', he ran inside.

    I sighed.

    I will have to talk to Dad about this. Though Warner didn't notice his tone now, he'd soon.

    "Poor boy, " mom murmured, subtly sending Dad a look of reprimand which he proudly ignored and padded inside. Shaking her head, she looked at me. "Honey, why don't you go to your room and freshen up. I will make something quick for you in the meanwhile."

    Getting a nod from me, she followed Dad. Definitely to give him an ear.

    Tobias threw an arm over my shoulder as we climbed up the stairs. "So? You're determined to keep this one, huh?"

    Like Dad, he also wasn't fond of my boyfriend. But when Dad was balant about it, he was sneaky.

    "He is a good guy, Tobias. And the best thing is, he is my best friend."

    "Is it just it? You will keep him because he is a good guy and your friend?" He raised his brow.

    "Isn't it enough?"

    He shrugged. "What about feelings? I don't see you look at him the way you used to look at A…"

    I put a hand before him, not letting him finish the sentence. "I like him. And I think it's enough for me to stay in a relationship with him. And you should be happy for me, don't you?"

    Something flashed in his eyes which I couldn't decipher. Then he smiled. "If that's what makes you happy, Em."

    My lips curled up. "Thanks for understanding."

    Once he left me in my room to freshen up, I left a message to Casie and Beth of my arrival and prepared for a long warm bath. It's been so long I haven't met them, though face-timing was regular between us. They'd wanted to join me there for college, but Beth couldn't because her boyfriend was here. And Casie, well, she'd left her study for her modeling career.

    Good thing that her decision was right. She was a successful model now. And I couldn't be more proud of her.

    At the dinner, Warner looked much better than this morning. Tonight was our family dinner, so delicious dishes made by Mom were the speciality. If I missed all these years anything beside my family, it was her cooking.

    When she placed a plate of apple-pies before me, I gaped at her, my face splitting into a greedy grin. "My favorite!"

    Chuckling, she took her chair beside Dad.

    When Tobias tried to pick one, I slapped his hand away. "Don't you dare touch them, they're all mine."

    He frowned. "But that's not fair! I also love them!"

    "Tobi, let my daughter have whatever she wants. You had them these years all by yourself, now it's her turn, " Dad said.

    "This is partiality!" he complained, making us all laugh. Mom's eyes twinkled watching us banter like old times. Then her gaze fell on my left wrist.

    "What a beautiful bracelet! When did you get it, honey?"

    I gazed down at it. An involuntary smile touched my lips. It was a thin golden chain, decorated with glittering emeralds and sparkling tiny diamonds, shaped like roses.

    "Someone gifted it to me on my graduation day, " I replied. I still remember that day. Mom and Dad couldn't join because their flight got cancelled due to bad weather. No one from my family could attend. With a sunken mood when I returned to my flat that night after a wild party with my friends, I found a small box lain before my door.

    It was from someone anonymous. No note or name. Though I didn't want to keep it, I just couldn't resist it. I fell in love with it at the first site.


    I shrugged. "Don't know. There wasn't any name on the gift box."

    "Princess, you shouldn't accept anonymous gifts. It can be risky. And who would give you such an expensive bracelet and don't reveal their name?" Dad's forehead creased.

    "It might be Tom. And I'm sure he is the one who sends you roses on your every birthday, " exclaimed Warner.

    "Who is Tom?" Mom looked at me.

    I sighed. "No one, Mom. A guy from my college who once asked me out."

    "No one? He literally stalked you everywhere until something happened and he disappeared in the air. He must've taken seriously my threat to hand him over to police, " Warner said, his face grim.

    "Stalker!" Mom and Dad shrieked at the same time.

    "All this happened, and you didn't even consider informing us?" Dad gave me a look of displease and disappointment.

    Warner shifted uncomfortably on his chair at my glare. He had to open his big mouth right now, didn't he?

    "Calm down, Dad! He was gone before I could even take any action."

    "Gone where?"

    "I don't know. One day he just… disappeared." I shrugged. "Maybe he got the idea of my disinterest and gave up."

    "He even disappeared from college, " Warner muttered, receiving another look from me.

    Honestly, I didn't care where he vanished. But I didn't think it was him who gave me this bracelet. Such a beautiful idea wouldn't come into a psycho's head.

    "Still, you should've told us, princess." Dad shook his head.

    "It's alright, Mr. Hutton. I was there with her, " Warner chimed.

    Dad eyed his lack of muscles and went back to his food. And Tobias's lips twitched at the side in amusement. He knew about Tom, but didn't inform my parents because he knew how restless they could get about every tiny thing.

    Mom's eyes darted to the door. My sister was yet to join us. But as always, she had more important things to do than her family dinner.

    Just as I picked an apple-pie and brought it to my lips, the sound of clicking heels on the tiled floor reached my ears.

    She had a big smile on her face as she sauntered closer. "Hey everyone! Sorry, got stuck with something."

    Yellow sundress, high stilettos, shoulder length straight blonde hair, blue eyes and perfect make-up. As stunning and sophisticated as ever.

    "Hey, lil sis!" Lightly kissing my cheeks, she sat next to me. "Look at you, you've grown more beautiful than I remember last time."

    My lips turned up in a tight-lipped smile. "Thanks. How're you?"

    "Oh, I've been good! More than just good, actually!" she chirped, her skin glowing under the light.

    When her gaze landed on Warner, she recognized him immediately. Though I wasn't in touch with her much, other than my one or two days visit sometimes at home, Tobias kept updating her about me on a regular basis. Even though she wasn't interested.

    After we were finished with our dinner, dessert was served.

    "So, Em? You heard about the party tomorrow night?" asked Tess.

    Mom tensed at the mention of the party. I raised my brows.

    "What party?"

    "They didn't tell you? The party at Valencian house." Now it was my turn to tense, where her eyes shone with excitement. "A party will be thrown at the celebration of Valencian Corp's coming on Forbes business magazine. They're ruling the country's business world now. Isn't it cool?"

    Tobias cast a concerned glance. So did Mom. At Tess's question, I just nodded my head.

    "Yeah, that boy has worked hard for it. After his father, he handled their whole business single handedly, " commented Dad, gaze proud.

    "Why not? After all, he is my best friend, " Tess said.

    Flashes of that night floated in my mind, my hand curled around the glass.

    "And, another thing! In this party, I'm going to announce something really important before the whole world. So you all must join."

    As I was about to open my mouth to say no, Mom gasped.

    "Is that a ring in your finger, Tess?"

    Another smile stretched across her lips as she shyly raised her hand for everyone to show. "H-he proposed to me last night. And tomorrow, we're going to announce our official engagement date."

    Everyone held a stunned face. Something churned in my stomach.

    "When did this happen? I thought you guys weren't serious, " Mom queried.

    "I know, we were on and off. There were some issues between us. Especially with him, you know, after what happened to his family? But he finally got the balls and proposed to me last night! I can't explain how happy I am!" Her eyes shone with happy tears.

    And then my gaze fell on the letter that was engraved on her ring.

    "What's the 'V' stand for, Tess?" My eyes glued to it. The grip of my hand tightened around the glass.

    She followed my stare. "Oh, it's for 'valencian'. Isn't it beautiful?"

    第3章   Stormy grey eyes

    A knock landed on the door. "You ready, honey? Your Dad is waiting downstairs."

    "Yeah, Mom. Just give a minute," I replied, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

    "Alright, come soon."

    I ran my palm over the red material clung against my skin. It felt smooth. Everything was perfect. The nude make-up, the simple side-parted long hair, the off shoulder gown with a sweetheart neckline and a semi-high slit at the side, everything was in place.

    "I'm ready," I whispered.

    Grabbing my black clutch, I smoothed my hair once again and sauntered downstairs.

    Warner met me at the door. His mouth fell open, light blue eyes looking up and down my body. "Holy shit! You're looking…" He shook his head. "I've no words."

    I smiled. "Thanks. You don't look that bad yourself."

    He did look good in his three piece suit and tie.

    "Shall we?" I asked.

    "Sure! God knows, no one can take their eyes off of you tonight." Grinning, he gave me an arm, and I took it.

    Once outside, we found Mom adjusting Dad's tie as he grunted something under his breath. His face turned grim, spotting us together. After Mom gushed about my looks and being proud that I went after her, we all piled in the car.

    Though her subtle attempt of asking me if I was feeling good after I left the dinner in the middle, excusing of my jet lag last night. I knew what she wanted to ensure, if I was okay, not physically, but emotionally.

    Everyone had avoided talking about the engagement as much as possible before me. They thought it could upset me as they all had an idea of my heartbreak seven years ago. Not all of it though. They weren't aware of what happened that night.

    But they didn't know I wasn't the fifteenth years old Emerald anymore.

    I was going to face the man who broke my heart years ago, and see him announce his engagement with my sister before the world. But I was alright. It's been years since then. I had a boyfriend, I'd moved on.

    After last night, I hadn't seen her. And honestly, I didn't want to. Even if I didn't care anymore, I still felt the anger and betrayal I felt that night. After knowing everything, how could she come and announce her engagement to me as if nothing happened?

    How could she…

    I shook myself, not wanting to remember the past. I was stronger now.

    The past should remain in the past. And I should be happy for her.

    It's been years after all. And I've overcome the past.

    It didn't affect me now. Not at all.

    The car screeched to a halt, along with my heart. Mom and Dad got out, and Warner followed behind.

    We were here.

    "Em?" Warner called out, waiting for me outside.

    Deep breaths came out of me, my hands fisted my gown at my knees. Heart palpitating down the chest, my mouth turned dry. A drop of sweat trickled down my nape.

    It was slipping. The calm facade, it was slipping from my control.

    "Honey? Come on, Tessa is waiting for us inside," Mom probed.

    I can do it. Nothing happened. I've moved on.

    Giving her a tight nod, I gritted my teeth and scrambled out with shaky knees. I caught Warner's arm in a vice grip as my eyes fell on the huge mansion I didn't remember when I last visited.

    "You alright? You look a little pale," Warner asked as we crossed the threshold.

    The line I shouldn't cross.

    "I'm fine." My nails dug into my palms.

    "Are you sure?"

    I nodded, clutching him harder. He winced, but didn't ask any further. And I was grateful for that.

    I let him drag me across the mass of people dressed in sophisticated and branded clothes. The vast hall was sufficient to gulp the massive crowd alone. Everything was decorated the way a party of one of the most influential families should be. Elegant yet dazzling.

    As we passed the chatting and drinking crowd, we spotted Tess, standing beside some of her friends. Seeing us, she excused herself and rushed to us, the tail of her silvery sparkling gown dragged behind her. Tobias also followed.

    If all of their friends were here, that meant…

    Tugging my hand out of Warner's arm, I took a step back. My eyes glanced around. My legs urged me to run. Go back to the safety of my room where someone couldn't reach me. Someone whom I buried at the pit of my memories.

    "Oh my God! Look at my baby, you're looking so beautiful!" Mom's voice croaked as she glanced at Dad. "When did our daughter get so big, Wilson? Look at her wearing an engagement ring today." She sniffled.

    I averted my eyes from her ring, and took a glass of wine from a passing waiter. My hand shook around it.

    Dad rubbed Mom's back while Tess rolled her eyes. "Mom, we're just announcing our official engagement date. I'm not getting married tonight!"

    "Don't worry about her, she just got a little emotional. Anyway, where is your fiance?" Dad asked, looking around.

    "Oh, he is over there!" She pointed near the bar. And I froze.

    Slowly and steadily, I followed everyone's gaze. Four men stood together, one of them stood with his back to us.

    Is it... him?

    Seven years. After seven years, I will come to him face to face. I will have to look into those stormy grey eyes…

    I let out a shaky breath. I needed air, I needed out.

    Just as I was about to slip away, Tess called out for him.


    My steps halted. Caleb?

    I glanced at the direction as that man turned around and a broad grin lightened his face. Striding closer, he kissed on Tess's cheek and greeted Mom and Dad.

    Their linked arms, gazing at each other's eyes with full of affection… I blinked, a silent gasp slipped through my lips.

    That means, Caleb was the one Tess got engaged to? Achilles's cousin?

    Now that 'V' in her ring made sense. 'V' for Valencian. Caleb Valencian.

    A pressure in my chest suddenly disappeared, filling it with air. They weren't together.

    "Em? Emerald? Is that you?" Caleb asked, recognition flickered in his brown eyes. "Oh my God! It is the infamous Emerald Hutton who didn't even give a call to this poor abandoned man all these times?"

    I managed a smile. "Hey, Caleb."

    He engulfed me in a bear hug. And I couldn't help but return his endearment. He was like a big brother to me. But in the process of distancing myself with him, I cut ties with everyone involving the Valencians.

    He pulled away and put his hands on my shoulders. "Did anyone tell you what a beautiful woman you've grown up into?"

    Chuckling, I shook my head. The grip around my glass remained firm. Any moment now.

    "If you've stopped flirting with my sister, can I hug her now?" Tess raised her brow at Caleb.

    Grinning, he placed a kiss on her temple. "You know I only have my eyes on you, right?"

    Rolling her eyes, she pushed him away and threw her arms around me. "You're looking lovely!"

    "So are you," I said. Her gaze locked with mine. Something close to regret flashed in her eyes, and then something else which I couldn't decipher.

    "Emerald, I…"

    "Alright! It's time for dance." Caleb interrupted. His giving Tess a look didn't go unnoticed. What's going on? "Shall we?"

    Blinking, Tess cleared her throat. She smiled and placed her hand on Caleb's and together they skipped off to the dance floor. Mom and Dad got busy in conversation with some other couple.

    Warner's phone rang, cutting him in the middle as he went to say something. Excusing himself, he walked away to attend the call.

    Tobias noticed my wary glances around. My uneasiness. "Relax, everything will be fine."

    "What? Why did you say that?" I feigned confusion.

    He sighed, shaking his head. "Nothing. You need another drink?" He jutted his chin at my empty glass.

    No, stay here with me. I wanted to say, but decided to go against it. "Sure."

    Nodding, he went to the bar to get us drinks.

    I didn't need anyone for support. I could deal with it alone. I wasn't still that naive teenager who will fall on his feet with just his one glance.

    Suddenly the hair at the back of my neck stood up. Goosebumps pricked on my skin.

    Turning around, I observed my surroundings. Nothing seemed unusual.

    Then why did I feel like someone was watching me?

    As the colorful lights moved around the mass of chattering people, my gaze went to the first floor and stuck there. At the furthest corner, a figure stood there; his face in the shadow. Hands in his pockets, he stood unmoving, his body facing mine. Even if I couldn't see his face, I could tell he was looking at me. And for some reason, it unnerved me. Even then, I couldn't tear my eyes.

    Who is he?


    Jumping in fright, I whirled around.

    "Whoa! Whoa! Relax, it's just me," Warner said, putting his hands up.

    Breathing out a sigh of relief, I turned back again. And he was gone.

    "You okay?"

    "Yeah, I'm fine. You just startled me," I replied, wetting my lips.

    "Alright. Dance?" he asked, giving me his hand.

    I looked for Tobias. And there he was, laughing with some girls with two glasses still in his hands. I shook my head at my brother.

    Giving Warner a small smile, I took his hand.

    I didn't want to be alone right now.

    Once at the dance floor, we started to sway under the dim lights and slow music. And then I felt it again. That stare, the burning gaze watching me from afar, following my every move.

    Warner tucked a strand behind my ear, but my ardent gaze was searching for something in the crowd.

    "Em? You sure you're alright? You look a little disturbed since last night." He frowned.

    "Yeah, everything is alright. Don't worry. Just the jet lag," I lied. I didn't want to. But I couldn't tell him why my nerves had been on haywire since I heard of this party.

    "Alright. If you say so. But you know you can tell me anything and everything, I will listen, right?"

    This time my smile was genuine. I nodded my head. "I know."

    His lips turned up as he took one of my hands and placed a kiss on the back of it.

    A throat cleared at my back. "May I have the chance to dance with this beautiful lady?" A deep hard voice asked, distant Greek accent.

    I stiffened.

    Warner looked up over my head, and his eyes widened slightly. Recognition flashed into his eyes as a polite smile tugged on his lips. "Sure." Stepping away, he glanced at me. "I will wait for you at the bar." And then he disappeared from the dance floor.


    I wanted to say. But I couldn't move or say anything.

    I didn't even turn around. Didn't dare to. My heart pounded in my chest as I felt his heat behind me. A pair of big calloused hands covered mine, placing them before me together, with his arms engulfing me. A gasp slipped through my lips at the electricity that ran in waves into my veins.

    When I didn't move, he took control and swayed us both with his enormous frame around me in slow moves. The heady combination of his exotic cologne tangled with smoke filled my senses.

    Still the same.

    My brain stopped working.

    Hot breath tickled on my neck, making my knees weakened. An uncouth swarm of emotions crashed on me. Something squeezed in my chest as a shaky breath left my lips.

    Both of us stayed silent as we swayed under the music. All I could hear was the music, my deep breathing and the pounding of my heart in my ear. My hands trembled under his.

    I couldn't do this. I can't! I needed to go away!

    Moving his arms away, when I tried to pull away, he grasped my hand and swirled me around, pulling me in. My chest collided against him. Gasping, when I looked up at him...

    My breath caught at my throat.

    Those stormy grey eyes.

    After seven years I was looking into them. And it was what I feared. They held me captive, just as they used to do years ago. Those grey pools peered into my soul, compelling me. His face was inches away from mine.

    Breathless, I took in his other features. And I was lost for words.

    Strong chiseled jaws, prominent chin, beautiful sharp nose, firm desirable lips and a wide forehead. Not even a strand of his jet black hair was out of place. He wore it long, the ends touched his neck. Just like a Greek god.

    Gone that charming boyish look, everything about him now screamed man. A powerful rough man.

    I was breathless, my gaze couldn't move from his face. I didn't know age made people that much beautiful. No, beautiful wasn't the word. Words couldn't describe Achilles Valencian.

    He was… out of the world.

    Raising a hand, he brushed a single strand away from my face, and I didn't feel the shiver when Warner had done it earlier. His gaze roamed on every inch of my face, as if memorizing them. They seemed in some kind of trance. As if he couldn't help it, he brushed his knuckles against my cheek. A breathy murmur left his lips which I couldn't decipher.

    Subconsciously, I leaned into his touch, eyes not leaving his face. Skin eager for more, only those strong arms around me didn't suffice. My heart longed for something as it basked under his scorching gaze.

    The gaze I used to die for wishing it on me even for a second. My vision burned at the soaring emotions slamming in my chest.

    My Ace…

    But then his voice broke my trance, bringing me back to the present, the reality.

    "Still won't talk to me, Rosebud?" His grey locking with my turquoise.

    Rosebud? So he still remembered someone of that name existed in his life?

    Then he also must remember the heart



          本文标题:The Trap of Ace
