class 2

作者: 月在荒城 | 来源:发表于2019-09-27 17:35 被阅读0次

    Lesson 31

    Time to call it a night for me.    今晚我就到此为止了。

    Time for bed.

    It's time to go to work.

    It' s time for dinner.

    I'm tired. Let's call it a day and go home.

    Do you know when it's time to call it quits?

    Lesson 32

    You're headed for trouble.    你会惹上麻烦的。

    Where are we heading?

    Let's head back home.

    You've caused us a lot of trouble.

    She kept her trouble to herself.

    Lesson 33

    Don't you dare!    你敢!

    Don't talk while I'm talking.

    Don't worry.

    Everything's going to be just fine.

    Lesson 34

    Who do you think you're talking to?    你以为你在跟谁说话?

    What do you think you're doing?

    The boss is talking to him.

    Shut up! Cut it out!

    Shut up and listen!

    Lesson 35

    Dude, it's so dope!    哥们儿,简直帅爆了!

    Jason is a real cool dude.

    That was awesome. You were awesome.

    I had an awesome time at the concert.

    My boyfriend is just out of this world.

    Lesson 36

    Try to get in around nine.    尽量九点左右点。

    Try to put yourself in her place.

    We're trying to help you.

    I try not to think about it.

    Are you trying to make her feel bad?

    What are you trying to tell me?

    You get in too late.

    What time did you get in last night?

    I could take a flight getting in at 8 pm.

    What time do you finish?

    What time do you get off?

    They clock in, they clock out and they never have a moment of happiness.

    Lesson 37 

    Guys, help me straighten up a little please.    各位,来帮我打扫一下房间。

    Could you please help me with this?

    I really need your help.

    Can you do me a favor? Don't tell anyone I cratered this bad?

    Okay, somebody give me a hand with the coffee table.

    I'm gonna clean it up.

    Let's tidy the room up!

    Lesson 38

    He's a guy from my apartment complex.    他是我公寓大楼的一个人。

    You're a lazy guy.

    The man was my teacher.

    Hey guys, what a coincidence!

    I can rent an apartment by myself now.

    I'm going to the shopping complex this weekend.

    He married some girl he met three years ago.

    Lesson 39

    So Claire, what do you do?   Claire,你是做什么工作的?

    So how was your day?

    What do you do?

    What do you do for a living?

    What line of work do you do?

    What is your occupation?

    What is your job title?

    Lesson 40

    Actually, I'm looking to switch careers.    实际上,我在考虑转行。

    We need to look to the future.

    We all look to you.

    They're looking to me to make dinner.

    We're looking to you for advice.

    Why did you switch songs?

    You can switch with me.

    I can't work next weekend, will you switch with me?

    Switch over to channel one.

    Well, there's more to life than just your career, isn't there?

    No, I quit, cause enough is enough, you know?

    I just might even not work for a little while.

    I don't mind working hard, but I like to feel appreciated.

    Lesson 41

    Let's drop the subject.    我们换个话题吧。

    Let's not tell anyone about this.

    Drop everything and come at once.

    I think we'd better drop the subject.

    Let's not get off topic.

    The environment is a popular topic these days.

    Before we move on, does anyone have any questions?

    Lesson 42

    Easy, man. You will pass.    放轻松,兄弟,你会过的。

    Take it easy and tell me what happened.

    Easy, bro. It'll be fine.

    Easy, girl. It's gonna be OK.

    That's his sis with him.

    Come on, sis. We're going to be late.

    I passed my driving test.

    Sit down and chill out!

    To take your mind off.

    Take your mind off things. Let's go out to see a movie.

    Lesson 43

    It totally slipped my mind.    我完全忘了这码事了。

    I totally agree with you.

    Come on! That's a totally different matter.


    I'm totally serious.

    I need to slip away for a while.

    I realized I let my childhood slip away.

    If you love somebody, don't let them slip away.

    I just said the first thing that came into my mind.

    I'll keep it in mind.

    People are watching us.

    I meant to buy some milk, but it totally slipped my mind.

    Lesson 44

    Get off my case.    别管我。

    Excuse me? are you getting off?

    I usually get off at six o'clock.

    Get off me, that hurts!

    Can we get off the subject of death, please?

    Get your hands off my brother!

    Take the umbrella, in case it rains.

    You shouldn't have said that.

    Leave me alone.

    Don't bother your father when he is working.

    Lesson 45

    It's pretty catchy.    这首歌很上口呢。

    It's a pretty good idea.

    I'm pretty sure it was her.

    She's a very pretty girl.

    The tune is pretty.

    What a pretty little garden!

    So you were out quite a long time.

    Do you feel much better now?

    Yeah, I'm back. I'm back to 100 now.

    Eating ice cream is my guilty pleasure.

    This song is never going to stop.

    Lesson 46

    I'd better lock it up.    我最好还是锁起来。

    I'd better get going, or I'll be late.

    Uh, just give me a second. Let me think.

    You'd better think fast.

    Well, whatever it is, you'd best hurry up.

    Leave your car here and lock it up.

    Lock up before you leave.

    Put it somewhere safe.

    I'm just going to put the car away.

    I will hold on to this card.

    Lesson 47

    Give me a second. I've got something to say.    等等,我有话要说。

    Give me a second. I've nearly finished.

    Give me a second to explain!

    Could you give me a second?

    Wait, Just a minute.

    I've got nothing to say.

    Oh, gosh, we have so much to catch up on.

    There's something I should tell you.

    Everyone. We have an announcement.

    I have an announcement: We got married!

    I have some good news and some bad news.

    Give me the bad news first.

    Lesson 48

    By the way, you look really young.    顺便提一句,你看起来真年轻!

    By the way, I really like your shoes.

    You look tired. You should go to bed.

    Oh, you look so pretty in your hat and your coat.

    She's a very pretty girl.

    You look so pretty in that dress!

    You look gorgeous!

    Lesson 49

    Don't judge a person by their appearance.    不要以貌取人。

    Schools are judged on their exam results.

    What gives you the right to judge other people?

    Appearances can be deceptive.

    Would you still enjoy my company?

    You can't tell anything from looking at someone.

    Lesson 50

    Can you refresh my memory?    你能帮我回忆一下吗?

    Maybe a nap will refresh you.

    I will refresh myself with a cool shower.

    I will refresh myself with a cup of coffee.

    Can I refresh your drink?

    I feel refreshed.

    Let's look together, jog your memory.

    I go jogging every evening.

    This reminds me of my hometown.

    Lesson 51

    How'd you manage to pull that off?    你是怎么弄到(这么难的票)的?

    How'd you get into the house?

    I've managed to do OK.

    I was a horrible student. I just barely managed to pass the exam.

    Wait, how'd you manage to hit a parked car?

    Are you drunk?

    You get a rapport going with a woman, but somehow you manage to kill it.

    How'd you manage to kill it?

    I know that it's a bit of a risk, but I really think we can pull it off.

    She said that she'd make it, and this time she came through.

    Lesson 52

    There's some kind of funky odor in here.    这儿有股臭味。

    The closet smells so funky.

    There is a funky smell in the locker room.

    Your feet stink.

    He reeks of sweat.

    His breath is incredibly nasty.

    Boy, that does smell good.

    It smells so good!

    Lesson 53

    There's nothing good on right now.    现在没什么好看的电视。

    There's no one except me.

    There's nothing happening right now, so I'll take a break.

    You're gonna keep it all bottled up or you want to talk about it?

    What's on tonight?

    I'm cooking dinner now.

    I live in Japan now.

    Could you turn the volume down/up, please?

    Why do you always watch returns?

    Everyone is big into being an Internet celebrity right now.

    Lesson 54

    Make sure they're cooked all the way through.    确保一定要里外全熟。

    Make sure you've got everything.

    Make sure everything is ready.

    The steak is completely cooked.

    Lesson 55

    This place is a complete rip-off.    这家餐厅是骗人的。

    There's this amazing Italian place we go to sometimes. I have to take you there.

    How about I come stay at your place this weekend?

    Do you want to have a drink? I know a place nearby.

    This trip was a complete disaster!

    Whoa, Kinda pricey.

    It's a bit pricey but the food is wonderful.

    Lesson 56

    My allergies are killing me!    我的过敏症要把我折磨死了!

    Do you have allergies?

    My headache is killing me.

    You're killing me.

    Lesson 57

    I'm having chest pains.    我胸口疼。

    Come and have a meal with me tonight.

    Wake up. I think I'm having a heart attack.

    I'm having stomach pains.

    Bella feels ill so she goes home.

    I just have the flu.

    Andy my daughter's running a fever.

    Andy has a fever and won't be coming into work today.

    Get well soon.

    Lesson 58

    It took forever to go through customs.    过海关花了好长时间。

    It took me two hours to get to the airport.

    I'll book the flight.

    Do you give any discount?

    Wrap the book up, please. Make it look pretty.

    Lesson 59

    I usually wear it parted on the side.    我通常喜欢偏分。

    He usually gets home about six o'clock.

    I usually come here on Thursdays. They have the free salad bar.

    She wears her hair long.

    So should I wear my hair up or down?

    Her hair was cut in a really nice style.

    Lesson 60

    There you go; you're all buckled in!    好了,安全带都系好啦!

    There you go, there you go.

    Here we go, team!

    This car is not moving until everyone is buckled in.

    Please buckle up, so our flight can begin.

    Put your seat belt on.

    Put your seat belt on once you get in.



          本文标题:class 2
