I had a interview last night. And I got a chance to the second interview. I am so so great to get a chance to the second time interview. But today i found that i was wrong. I am being happy too early. So i got a lesson from the second time interview. When you pass the first time interview,you must be clam down very quickly for the reason that you are not the winner at last at all. That is nothing at all. Nothing can be proven,but one thing you are luckier than the people who can not get in to the second time interview. What's more, before you have a presentation on the stage,you are supposed to think about the main point,outlines,before your performance. That is very very important. Thinking about what you will to share is much better than thinking without nothing and thinking too much.
Another lesson is that you MUST BE Careful to answer the questions from the HR. You MUST think EXACTLY SERIOUS but you can't think too long. However,you can not be too honest at some questions. Th most important things is you should SHOW YOURSELF EXACTLY and DECISIVELY and QUICKLY Don't Be Shy. Be Brave. Showing your Value and Attitude to the HR. And it is important that showing your experience about the job to them.
Although i miss this great chance to be a teacher of the LBA,anyway I have a little bit sad from the bottle of the heart,it will be ok. On the one hand,I'm doing a part time job in Global U&N Education being an assistant of the foreign teacher. I will try my best to learn how to be a teacher.And this fail means that my oral English is not good enough. I must DO More PRACTICE.
At last but not only least, Grace, thank you offer me a chance to join the foreign teachers' classes as a spectator.
LBA (London Bridge Academy)

Global U&N Education
The flower is the first time as a gift i got in my life from my boss Mark of Global U&N Education on the Women's Day. Thank you Mark !

Small Talks
我用了差不多两个小时 对 Chinglish ➕语法错误➕构思 约两小时 现在继续 因为突然想写
开学以来去接触外国朋友发现自己存在一个特别大的问题 :口语表达能力降低了 特别是问句这一块
反思结果 看的外文书不够多 基本没看过 不是基本 而是没看过一本完整的外文书

最近 20岁的年龄段 我们该怎么做?
20几岁的年龄段里充满了希望 期待 好奇 迷茫 孤独 还有各种着急 我们唯独忘记了关注自己 没问清楚自己到底要干嘛 人云亦云 别人做这个 我也做这个 因为不知道自己真正想要什么 可能很明确 我想要考证 想要赚钱发财 好 开始了努力奋斗一周 下周努力的劲使不出了 萧条一周 下下周好点了找回了努力的方向继续前进 想赚钱是吧 好 找高质量的兼职 它不仅会带给你新鲜感 和心理冲击的落差感 还会帮助你一步步看清市场 看清市场后 不得不被同化 让我想到了古语中一句 有付出才有收获 社会的进步 时代赋予了它新的解读方式 因为你要先忍受自己不喜欢的 才能享受到自己喜欢的 时间也不多了 看准了目标 就要忍受在达到目标的道路上这一过程的所有一切酸甜苦辣咸 样样尝过 方能游刃有余 姜还是老的辣嘛 在长成优雅的老姜之前 就少抱怨 多实干 最后也是很重要的一点 导师 良师益友 他们的支持和解惑 会让你在跌倒之后再站起来的用时不至于太久 他们就是一个楷模
