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[译]Flutter 响应式编程:Steams 和 BLoC 实

[译]Flutter 响应式编程:Steams 和 BLoC 实

作者: 盛开 | 来源:发表于2019-01-11 14:42 被阅读82次

    原文:Reactive Programming - Streams - BLoC - Practical Use Cases 是作者 Didier BoelensReactive Programming - Streams - BLoC 写的后续


    1. [译]Flutter响应式编程:Streams和BLoC by JarvanMo

    2. Flutter中如何利用StreamBuilder和BLoC来控制Widget状态 by 吉原拉面


    在了解 BLoC, Reactive ProgrammingStreams 概念后,我又花了些时间继续研究,现在非常高兴能够与你们分享一些我经常使用并且个人觉得很有用的模式(至少我是这么认为的)。这些模式为我节约了大量的开发时间,并且让代码更加易读和调试。



    1. BlocProvider 性能优化
      结合 StatefulWidgetInheritedWidget 两者优势构建 BlocProvider

    2. BLoC 的范围和初始化
      根据 BLoC 的使用范围初始化 BLoC

    3. 事件与状态管理
      基于事件(Event) 的状态 (State) 变更响应

    4. 表单验证
      根据表单项验证来控制表单行为 (范例中包含了表单中常用的密码和重复密码比对)

    5. Part Of 模式

    文中涉及的完整代码可在 GitHub 查看。

    5. Part Of 模式


    • App 提供与显示多个商品(item)
    • 用户可以将选择的商品放入购物篮
    • 每件商品仅能放入购物篮一次
    • 购物篮中的商品可以被移除
    • 被移除的商品可以重新被用户放入购物篮


    • 如果是在购物篮中,则允许用户点击后将商品从购物篮中移除
    • 如果没在购物篮中,则用户点击后对应商品将添加到购物篮中

    为了更好地说明 Part of 模式,我采用了以下的代码架构:

    • 实现一个 Shopping Page,用来显示所有可能的商品列表
    • Shopping Page 中的每个商品都会有个按钮,这个按钮可将商品添加到购物篮中或从购物篮中移除,取决于商品是否已经在购物篮中
    • 如果 Shopping Page 中的一件商品被添加到购物篮中,那么按钮将自动更新,允许用户再次点击后将商品从购物篮中移除(反过来也一样);这个过程不需要重构 Shopping Page
    • 构建另一个页面 Shopping Basket,用来显示全部已经添加到购物篮的商品
    • 可从 Shopping Basket 页面中移除任何已添加到购物篮的商品


    Part Of 模式」 这个名字是我自己取的,并不是官方名称。

    5.1. ShoppingBloc

    你可能已经想到了,我们需要考虑让 BLoC 来处理所有商品的列表,以及 Shopping Basket 页面中的(已添加到购物篮中的)商品列表

    这个 BLoC 代码如下:


    class ShoppingBloc implements BlocBase {
      // List of all items, part of the shopping basket
      Set<ShoppingItem> _shoppingBasket = Set<ShoppingItem>();
      // Stream to list of all possible items
      BehaviorSubject<List<ShoppingItem>> _itemsController = BehaviorSubject<List<ShoppingItem>>();
      Stream<List<ShoppingItem>> get items => _itemsController;
      // Stream to list the items part of the shopping basket
      BehaviorSubject<List<ShoppingItem>> _shoppingBasketController = BehaviorSubject<List<ShoppingItem>>(seedValue: <ShoppingItem>[]);
      Stream<List<ShoppingItem>> get shoppingBasket => _shoppingBasketController;
      void dispose() {
      // Constructor
      ShoppingBloc() {
      void addToShoppingBasket(ShoppingItem item){
      void removeFromShoppingBasket(ShoppingItem item){
      void _postActionOnBasket(){
        // Feed the shopping basket stream with the new content
        // any additional processing such as
        // computation of the total price of the basket
        // number of items, part of the basket...
      // Generates a series of Shopping Items
      // Normally this should come from a call to the server
      // but for this sample, we simply simulate
      void _loadShoppingItems() {
        _itemsController.sink.add(List<ShoppingItem>.generate(50, (int index) {
          return ShoppingItem(
            id: index,
            title: "Item $index",
            price: ((Random().nextDouble() * 40.0 + 10.0) * 100.0).roundToDouble() /
            color: Color((Random().nextDouble() * 0xFFFFFF).toInt() << 0)

    可能唯一需要解释说明的就是 _postActionOnBasket() 方法:每次我们将商品添加到购物篮或移除时,都需要「刷新」 _shoppingBasketController 控制的 stream 内容,监听该 stream 的组件就会收到变更通知,以便组件自身进行刷新或重建(refresh/rebuild)

    5.2. ShoppingPage



    class ShoppingPage extends StatelessWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        ShoppingBloc bloc = BlocProvider.of<ShoppingBloc>(context);
        return SafeArea(
            child: Scaffold(
          appBar: AppBar(
            title: Text('Shopping Page'),
            actions: <Widget>[
          body: Container(
            child: StreamBuilder<List<ShoppingItem>>(
              stream: bloc.items,
              builder: (BuildContext context,
                  AsyncSnapshot<List<ShoppingItem>> snapshot) {
                if (!snapshot.hasData) {
                  return Container();
                return GridView.builder(
                  gridDelegate: SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
                    crossAxisCount: 3,
                    childAspectRatio: 1.0,
                  itemCount: snapshot.data.length,
                  itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
                    return ShoppingItemWidget(
                      shoppingItem: snapshot.data[index],


    • AppBar 会显示一个按钮,用来:
      • 显示购物篮中商品的数量
      • 当点击时,跳转到 ShoppingBasket 页面
    • 商品列表使用了 GridView 布局,这个 GridView 是包含在一个 StreamBuilder<List<ShoppingItem>>中的
    • 每个商品对应一个 ShoppingItemWidget

    5.3. ShoppingBasketPage

    This page is very similar to the ShoppingPage except that the StreamBuilder is now listening to variations of the _shoppingBasket stream, exposed by the ShoppingBloc.

    这个页面和 ShoppingPage 非常相似,只是其 StreamBuilder 监听对象是 ShoppingBloc 提供的 _shoppingBasket stream 的变更结果

    5.4. ShoppingItemWidget 和 ShoppingItemBloc

    Part Of 模式依赖于ShoppingItemWidgetShoppingItemBloc两个元素的组合应用:

    • ShoppingItemWidget 负责显示:
      • 商品信息
      • 添加到购物车或移除的按钮
    • ShoppingItemBloc 负责告诉 ShoppingItemWidget 它「是否在购物篮中」状态


    5.4.1. ShoppingItemBloc

    ShoppingItemBloc 由每个 ShoppingItemWidget 来实例化,并向其提供了自身的商品 ID(identity)

    BLoC 将监听 ShoppingBasket stream 的变更结果,并检查具有特定 ID 的商品是否已在购物篮中;

    如果已在购物篮中,BLoC 将抛出一个布尔值(=true),对应 ID 的 ShoppingItemWidget 将捕获这个布尔值,从而得知自己已经在购物篮中了。

    以下就是 BLoC 的代码:


    class ShoppingItemBloc implements BlocBase {
      // Stream to notify if the ShoppingItemWidget is part of the shopping basket
      BehaviorSubject<bool> _isInShoppingBasketController = BehaviorSubject<bool>();
      Stream<bool> get isInShoppingBasket => _isInShoppingBasketController;
      // Stream that receives the list of all items, part of the shopping basket
      PublishSubject<List<ShoppingItem>> _shoppingBasketController = PublishSubject<List<ShoppingItem>>();
      Function(List<ShoppingItem>) get shoppingBasket => _shoppingBasketController.sink.add;
      // Constructor with the 'identity' of the shoppingItem
      ShoppingItemBloc(ShoppingItem shoppingItem){
        // Each time a variation of the content of the shopping basket
                              // we check if this shoppingItem is part of the shopping basket
                             .map((list) => list.any((ShoppingItem item) => item.id == shoppingItem.id))
                              // if it is part
                                  // we notify the ShoppingItemWidget 
                                => _isInShoppingBasketController.add(isInShoppingBasket));
      void dispose() {

    5.4.2. ShoppingItemWidget


    • 创建一个 ShoppingItemBloc 实例,并将组件自身的 ID 传递给这个 BLoC 实例
    • 监听任何 ShoppingBasket 内容的变化,并将变化情况传递给 BLoC
    • l监听 ShoppingItemBloc 获知自身「是否已在购物篮中」状态
    • 根据自身是否在购物篮中,显示相应的按钮(添加/移除)
    • 用户点击按钮后给出响应:
      • 当用户点击「添加」按钮时,将自身放入到购物篮中
      • 当用户点击「移除」按钮时,将自身从购物篮中移除



    class ShoppingItemWidget extends StatefulWidget {
        Key key,
        @required this.shoppingItem,
      }) : super(key: key);
      final ShoppingItem shoppingItem;
      _ShoppingItemWidgetState createState() => _ShoppingItemWidgetState();
    class _ShoppingItemWidgetState extends State<ShoppingItemWidget> {
      StreamSubscription _subscription;
      ShoppingItemBloc _bloc;
      ShoppingBloc _shoppingBloc;
      void didChangeDependencies() {
        // As the context should not be used in the "initState()" method,
        // prefer using the "didChangeDependencies()" when you need
        // to refer to the context at initialization time
      void didUpdateWidget(ShoppingItemWidget oldWidget) {
        // as Flutter might decide to reorganize the Widgets tree
        // it is preferable to recreate the links
      void dispose() {
      // This routine is reponsible for creating the links
      void _initBloc() {
        // Create an instance of the ShoppingItemBloc
        _bloc = ShoppingItemBloc(widget.shoppingItem);
        // Retrieve the BLoC that handles the Shopping Basket content 
        _shoppingBloc = BlocProvider.of<ShoppingBloc>(context);
        // Simple pipe that transfers the content of the shopping
        // basket to the ShoppingItemBloc
        _subscription = _shoppingBloc.shoppingBasket.listen(_bloc.shoppingBasket);
      void _disposeBloc() {
      Widget _buildButton() {
        return StreamBuilder<bool>(
          stream: _bloc.isInShoppingBasket,
          initialData: false,
          builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<bool> snapshot) {
            return snapshot.data
                ? _buildRemoveFromShoppingBasket()
                : _buildAddToShoppingBasket();
      Widget _buildAddToShoppingBasket(){
        return RaisedButton(
          child: Text('Add...'),
          onPressed: (){
      Widget _buildRemoveFromShoppingBasket(){
        return RaisedButton(
          child: Text('Remove...'),
          onPressed: (){
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Card(
          child: GridTile(
            header: Center(
              child: Text(widget.shoppingItem.title),
            footer: Center(
              child: Text('${widget.shoppingItem.price} €'),
            child: Container(
              color: widget.shoppingItem.color,
              child: Center(
                child: _buildButton(),

    5.5. 这是到底是怎么运作的?











        本文标题:[译]Flutter 响应式编程:Steams 和 BLoC 实
