9/3 《Factfulness》

9/3 《Factfulness》

作者: 麦子_bf8f | 来源:发表于2018-09-03 23:00 被阅读0次

I like the way author delivers his opinion. It feels like he is talking to me and simple words makes the book much more readable.

#Gap Instinct# It's changed my stereotype about "us" and "them". It turns out world is more complicated than just "us" and "them". There are four income levels actually,lol. "They are one of the simple thinking tools I promised would help you to guess better about the world." These simple thinking tools are attractive to me. It helps to expand horizon of what I used to think and know.


  • 9/3 《Factfulness》

    I like the way author delivers his opinion. It feels like...

  • 8月小结

    月初计划《Factfulness》《人体故事》 完成《Factfulness》 读书笔记,还未养成输出习惯,下笔无物。

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  • 《Factfulness》讨论


  • factfulness 事实

    from 汉斯·罗斯林 我们情绪化的本能和过分情绪化的世界观 错觉不是产生在我们的眼睛里,而是产生在我们的大脑深处...

  • 8/22 《Factfulness》


  • 8/17《Factfulness》

    刚开始看序,为作者的探寻真理的精神心生佩服。 傍晚钓上的鱼,开心。

  • 8/19 《Factfulness》


  • 1月阅读计划

    1 mini-习惯 2 继续读《Factfulness》 希望一月输出更多的读书笔记 ~


      本文标题:9/3 《Factfulness》
