

作者: 郭俊未来学院 | 来源:发表于2019-12-19 20:18 被阅读0次

Ready for the meeting

Oh, there you are, finally.

Yeah, I’m sorry.

Why are you so late?

You were supposed to be here 30 minutesago.

I got on the wrong subway by mistake.

Why didn’t you call?

I was really worried.

I don’t have my phone.

I left it in the office because I was insuch a hurry to

get here.

OK, well, you are here now.

We don’t have much time.

Yes, we’ll have to hurry.

The meeting starts in 15 minutes, right?

Yes, it’s supposed to, if everyone getshere on


Did you read my presentation?

Yes, I did.

It’s good, but it’s a bit too long.

I’m afraid there won’t be enough time


Do you have any suggestions?

Yes, I do.

I think the company introduction can be cutin


They know what we do.

OK, I won’t show the video.

It’s about two minutes long.

That’s a good idea.

The video was on our website and it’s notthat good


Do you have any other suggestions?

No, I don’t.

Im sure you’ll do a great job.

Are you ready?

Yes, I’m ready.

The meeting room is on the 21st floor.

OK, lets go.

Discussing Test Results

How did you do on yesterday science test?

I did better than expected. 

How about you?

I didn’t do very well. I expected to do better than I did.

What was your score?

I got a 90. What about you?

I got a 92. I only missed 2 questions.

She didn't do as well as she expected

So you did better than I did. And I really study for it too.

That’s a surprise.

You usually do better than I do.

Yes, I wasn't careful. 

I made one really stupid mistake.

What was it?

I said 90% of the sun isHeliuminstead ofhydrogen.

Wow, there was a stupid mistake.

What was the average score for the class? Do you know?

The average score was 86.3 and the lowest was 68.

Do you know got the lowest test score?

No, I don’t. 

I don’t know who got the lowest score.

It’s probably a secret. Did anyone get a perfect score?

I think Ada and Sanjay both got perfect scores.

Yes, they always do well. 

I wish I were as smart as they are.


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