[Mooc]IoT Course 2 The Arduino P

[Mooc]IoT Course 2 The Arduino P

作者: Vinchent | 来源:发表于2017-04-04 20:00 被阅读0次

    Week 1 Arduino Environment

    Lesson 1

    Lecture 1.1 Arduino Platform

    A development board
    • 8-bit microcontroller
    • programming hardware
    • USB programming interface
    • I/O pins
    Arduino Environment
    A software environment
    • cross-compiler
    • debugger
    • simulator
    • programmer
    Special-purpose "Shields"
    • daughter boards
    • unique functionalities
    • easy to attach
    • good libraries provided
    The Arduino Decelopment Board
    • Has a microcontroller and USB interface to a PC
    • Large open source community

    Power/reset: Reset button; USB connector; Power connector

    Lecture 1.2 Arduino Board

    1. Input/Output Pins: Digital I/O; Power/reset pins; Analog inputs
    2. Microcontrollers
      • ATmega328 is the processor programmed by the user
      • ATmega16U2 handles USB communication
    3. Two types of code executing on a simple mocrocontroller:
      • Application code
        • Executes the system's main functionality
        • We write this code
      • Firmware
        • Low-level code: supports the main function
        • USB interface, power modes, reset, etc.
      • The distinction is a matter of perspective
      • Arduino firmware is pre-programmed

    Lecture 1.3 Direct Programming

    • Firmware on a microcontroller
    • Allows the Flash and EEPROM to be programmed
    • Manages USB communication, since application programming is via USB
    In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
    • A special programming method to program the firmware
    • Needed because the bootloader can't reprogram itself

    Lesson 2

    Lecture 2.1 Arduino Schematics

    Arduino UNO Schematic

    • Arduino designs are open source
    • Design is available
    • You can build your own

    Lecture 2.2 Arduino IDE


    Arduino Integrated Development Environment(IDE)

    Lecture 2.3 Compiling Code

    Compiling Code
    • Verify and Upload both compile
    • Message window will show either completion message or error messages
    • Error messages will show line numbers
    Serial Monitor
    • Displays serial data sent from the Arduino
    • Allows serial data to be sent to the Arduino from the keyboard
    • Library functions in the serial library

    Lesson 3

    Lecture 3.1 Arduino Shields and Libraries

    Arduino Shields
    • Add-on boards that interface with another device/IC
    • Can be stacked directly on top of the Arduino
    • Libraries exist to make interfacing simple
    • Open source hardware, but most can be purchased
    • Large variety of shields available
    • Big advantage of the Arduino platform
    Some Arduino Shields

    Ethernet Shield; Color LCD shield; Synhesizer Shield(generate music and connect to a speaker)

    Ethernet Shield Library Example
    • Used by a client to establish a connection
    • Call the function, ignore the detail

    Lecture 3.2 Arduino Basic Setup

    Week 2 C Programming


    Lesson 1

    Lecture 1.1 Setting Up Your Environment

    Getting Started
    • Prints "hello, world" to the screen
    • Type this in with a text editor and save it as hello.c
    Running a Program
    • You will need a text editor and a compiler
      • Debugger will be needed later
    • I use GNU tools
      • emacs text editor
      • gcc C compiler
      • gdb C debugger
    • Can run on Windows but MacOS and Linux are easier
    • Eclipse Integrated Development Environment(IDE)(Windows)
      • Puts all tools together in a nice graphic user interface
      • Need Java Runtime Environment(JRE) to run it
      • Can also use Microsoft Visual Studio (not free)

    Lecture 1.2 Hello World

    Breaking Down Hello.c
        #include <stdio.h>
    • Tells the compiler to use the library functions described in stdio.h
    • printf (the print function) is inside stdio
    • Beginning of the main function
    • All code execution starts at main
    • Curly brackets group lines of code
    • All functions start and end with curly brackets
    • Prints to the screen
    • The argument is in parenthesis
    • The argument is what is printed
    • Note the semicolon at the end
        main() {
            printf("hello, ");

    "hello, world\n"

    • This is the argument to printf which appears on the screen
    • It's a string because it's in quotes("")
    • \n is a special character that indicates newline

    Lecture 1.3 Variables

    • Names that represent values in the program
    • Similar to algebraic variables
    • All variables have a type which must be declared
        int x;
        float y;
    • Type determines how arithmetic is performed, how much memory space is required
    Types and Type Qualifiers
    • Several built-in types,different sizes
    Type Size Notes
    char 1 byte Fixed size
    int Typically word size 16 bit minimum
    [float Floating point 64 bits, typical
    double Double-precision 64, 128 typical
    • Type qualifiers exist: short, long
    • Char is 8 bits on all platforms
    Variable Names
    • A sequence of visible characters
    • Must start with a non-numerical character
    • No C language keywords

    Lesson 2

    Lecture 2.1 Basic C Operators

    • Can use #define compiler directive
        #define ANSWER 42
    • Any instance of the string is substituted at compile time
    • Character constants
      • Written as a single character in single quotes
      • #define TERMINATOR 'x'
      • Integer equal to the ASCII value of the character
      • Some characters are not easy to represent(i.e. bell)
    Arithmetic/Relational Operators
    • +,-,*,/
    • % is the modulo operator, division remainder
    • Ex. 9%2=1;9%3=0
    • ++(increment), --(decrement)
    • ==,<,>,<=,>=,!=
    • Ex. if(x<5)...
    Logical Operators
    • && (AND),|| (or), ! (Not)
    • Treat argument as 1-bit binary values
      • 0 is FALSE, not-0 is TRUE
    • if((A==1)&&!B)

    Lecture 2.2 Conditionals

    Conditional Statements


    if (expression)
    if (expression)
    else if (expr2)
    • else is optional
    • expression is evaluated
      • Executed statement1 if TRUE, statement2 if FALSE
    • expr2 evaluated if expr1 is FALSE


    switch (expr) {
        case const_expr1: stat1
        case const_expr2: stat2
        default: stat3
    • expression is evaluated, compared to const_expr
    • Statements are executed corresponding to the first matching expression
    • default is optional
    • Without a break statement the case will not end

    Lecture 2.3 Loops

    While and For Loops
    for (expr1; expr2; expr3)
    while(expr2) {
    do {
    } while (expr2);
    • Initialization and increment are built into the for loop
    • Condition checked at the top of a for/while loop
    • Condition checked at the bottom of a do-while loop
    Break and Continue
    • Break jumps to the end of a for, while, do,case
    • Continue jumps to the next iteration of a loop

    Lesson 3

    Lecture 3.1 Functions

    • Functions can replace groups of instructions
    • Define a function; call a function
    • Naming is important
    Function Arguments

    Data can be passed to functions as arguments

    Function Return Value
    • Functions can return a value to the caller
    • The type of the return value must be declared

    Lecture 3.2 Global Variables

    Global Variables
    • A variable is global if it's defined outside of any function
    • A global variable must be declared as an extern in any function using it
      • Extern not needed if global declaration is before the function
    • Variables can be global across files
    Globals Are Dangerous
    • Global variables can propagate bugs
    • Bug in foo can cause bar to crash
    • Debugging can become harder
    • Reduce modularity of code

    Week 3


    Lesson 1 Arduino Programs

    Lecture 1.1 Arduino Toolchain

    Verify and Upload
    Combine and Transform
    • All program files are combined into one
    • An #include is added to reference basic Arduino libraries
    • Function prototypes are added
    • A main() function is created

    Lecture 1.2 Cross-Compilation

    Compile and Link
    • avr-gcc is invoked to cross-compile the code
      • Resulting code executes on AVR, not Intel
    • Generates an object file(.o)
    • Object file is linked to Arduino library functions
    Hex File Creation and Programming
    • avr-objcopy is invoked to change the format of the executable file
    • A .hex file is generated from the .elf file

    Lecture 1.3 Arduino Sketches

    Arduino Programs
    • A program is called a sketch
    • C++ program using Arduino library functions
    • C++ is a superset of C
      • All C programs are legal C++
    • C++ also includes classes
    Object-Oriented Programming
    • Organize your code through encapsulation
    • Group together data and functions that are related
    • User-defined type is specific to an app
      • Ex. ints have data(the number) and functions (+,-,*)

    Lesson 2

    Lecture 2.1 Classes

    Classes and Members
    class X {
        int m;
        int mf(int v) { int old = m; m=v ; return old; }
    X var;
    var.m = 7;
    int é = var.mf(9);
    • Declaration of a variable creates an object
    • .Operator used to access members
      • Data and functions
    • Functions can be defined inside the class
    Classes in Libraries
    • We don't need to know a lot about classes
    • We will not define classes
    • We will use classes defined in libraries

    Lecture 2.2 Sketch Structure

    Setup() Function
    • A sketch does not have a main() function
    • Every sketch has a setup() function
      • Executed once when Arduino is powered up
      • Used for initialization operations
      • Returns no value, takes no arguments
    Loop() Function
    • Every sketch has a loop() function
      • Executed iteratively as long as the Arduino is powered up
      • loop() starts executing after setup() has finished
      • loop() is the main program control flow
      • Returns no value, takes no arguments

    Lecture 2.3 Pins

    • Pins are wires connected to the microcontroller
    • Pins are the interface of the microcontroller
    • Pins voltages are controlled by a sketch
    • Pin voltages can be read by a sketch
    Output Pins

    Output pins are controlled by the Arduino

    • Voltage is determined by your sketch
    • Other components can be controlled through outputs
    Input Pins
    • Input pins are controlled by other components
    • Arduino reads the voltage on the pins
    • Allows it to respond to events and data
    Digital vs. Analog
    • Some pins are digital-only
      • Read digital input, write digital output
      • 0 volts or 5 volts
    • Some pins can be analog inputs
      • Can read analog voltages on the pin
      • Useful for analog sensors
    • Analog-only pins are clearly labeled
    • No pins can generate an analog output

    Lesson 3

    Lecture 3.1 Input and Output

    • These functions allow access to the pins

      void pinMode(pin, mode)

    • Sets a pin to act as either an input or an output

    • pin is the number of the pin

      • 0-13 for the digital pins
      • A0-A5 for the analog pins
    • mode is the I/O mode the pin is set to

      • INPUT_PULLUP acts as input with reversed polarity
    Digital Input
    int digitalRead(pin)
    • Returns the state of an input pin
    • Returns either LOW(0 volts) or HIGH(5 volts)
    Digital Output
    void digitalWrite(pin, value)
    • Assigns the state of an output pin
    • Assigns either LOW(0 volts) or HIGH(5 volts)
    Analog Input
    int analogRead(pin)
    • Returns the state of an analog input pin
    • Returns an integer from 0 to 1023
    • 0 for 0 volts, 1023 for 5 volts

    Lecture 3.2 Blink Examples

    void delay(msec)
    • Pauses the program for msec milliseconds
    • Useful for human interaction
    Blink Example
    • Blink is the generic simple example for embedded systems
      • Like "hello, world"

    Week 4


    Lesson 1

    Lecture 1.1 Debugging

    Debug and Trace

    Controllability and observability are required

    • Ability to control sources of data used by the system
    • Input pins. input interfaces(serial. ethernet, etc)
    • Registers and internal memory
    • Ability to observe intermediate and final results
    • Output pins output interfaces
    • Registers and internal memory
    I/O Access Is Insufficient

    Observation of I/O is not enough to debug

    Properties of a Debugging Environment
    1. Run control of the target
      • Start and stop the program execution
      • Observe data at stop points
    2. Real-time monitoring of target execution
      • Non-intrusive in terms of performance
    3. Timing and functional accuracy
      • Debugged system should act like the real system

    Lecture 1.2 Debug Environment

    Remote Debugger
    • Fronted running on the host
    • Debug Monitor hidden on target
      • Typically triggered when debug events occur
      • Hitting a breakpoint, receiving request from host, etc.
    • Debug monitor maintains communication link
    Remote Debug Tradeoffs


    1. Good run control using breakpoints to stop execution
    2. Debug monitor can alter memory and registers
    3. Perfect functional accuracy


    1. Debug interrupts alter timing so real-time monitoring is not possible
    2. Need a spare communication channel
    3. Need program in RAM(not flash) to add breakpoints
    Embedded Debug Interfaces
    • Many modern processors include embedded debug logic
      • Typically an optional IP block
      • Embedded trace macrocell (ARM)
      • Background debug mode (Freescale)
    • Debug logic permanently built into the processor
    • A few dedicated debug pins are added
    Debug and Trace Features
    • Breakpoints, stopping points in the code
    • Watchpoints, memory locations which trigger stop
    • On-the-fly memory access
    • Examine/change internal processor values
    • Single- step through the code
    • Export exceptions to the debugger(hit a watchpoint)
    • Export software-generated data(printf)
    • Timestamp information for each event
    • Instruction trace(special purpose HW needed)

    Lecture 1.3 Debug via Serial

    Serial Protocols
    • Data is transmitted serially
      • Only 1 bit needed (plus common ground)
    • Parallel data transmitted serially
    • Original bytes/words regrouped by the receiver
    • Many protocols are serial to reduce pin usage
      • Pins are precious
    • Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
    • Used for serial communication between devices
    • UART is asynchronous: no shared clock
    • Asynchronous allows longer distance communication
      • Clock skew is not a problem
    • Used by modems to communicate with network
    • Computers used to have an RS232 port. standard
    • Not well used any more, outside of embedded systems
      • Replaced by USB, ethernet, I2C, SPI
    • Simple, low HW(Hardware) overhead
    • Built into most microcontrollers

    Lesson 2

    Lecture 2.1 UART Protocol

    Simple UART Structure
    • Data is serialized by Tx, deserialized by Rx
    • Status indicates the state of the transmit/receive buffers
      • Used for flow control
    UART Timing Diagram
    • First bit is the Start Bit: initiates the transfer
    • Next bits are the data
    • Last are the Stop Bits
    Bit Duration
    • Each bit is transmitted for a fixed duration
    • The duration must be known to Tx and Rx
    • Baud rate(f) determines the duration(T)
    • Baud rate is the number of transitions per second
      • Typically measured in "bits per second(bps)"
    • T = 1/f
      • F = 9600 baud, T = ~104 microsec
    • Transmission rate is less than baud rate

    Lecture 2.2 UART Synchronization

    UART Synchronization
    • Receiver must know the exact start time
    • Imprecise start time corrupts data
    Start Bit, Synchronization
    • Detection of the start bit is used to synchronize
      • Synchronization based on falling edge of start bit
    • Start bit is a falling edge
      • Following 0 must be long duration to screen out noise
    • Receiver samples faster than baud rate(16x typical)
    • Start bit indicated by a 0 of at least half period

    Lecture 2.3 UART Parity and Stop

    Parity Bit
    • Transmission medium is assumed to be error-prone
      • E-M radiation noise, synchronization accuracy
    • Parity bit may be transmitted to check for errors
      • Even Parity: Number of 1's is even
      • Odd Parity: Number of 1's is odd
    • Parity bit is added to ensure even/odd parity
      • After data, before stop bit(s)
    • Data = 011011010
      • Parity bit = 1, total parity is odd
    Stop bit
    • Receiver expects a 1 after all data bits and parity bits
    • If 1 is not received, an error has occurred
    Data throughput vs. Baud
    • Every transmission involves sending signaling bits
      • Stop, start, parity
    • Data throughput rate is lower than baud rate
      • Signaling bits must be sent
    • 8 data bits, 1 parity bit, baud rate = 9600
      • Send 1& bits to send 9 data bits
      • Transmission efficiency = 8/11 = 73%
      • Data throughput rate = 9600*0.73 = 6981.8 bps

    Lesson 3

    Lecture 3.1 Serial on Arduino

    Arduino Serial Communication
    • UART protocol used over the USB cable
    • Initialize by using Serial.begin()
    • Serail.begin(speed) or Serial.begin(speed, config)
    • speed is the baud rate
    • config sets the data bits, parity, and stop bits
    • Serial.begein(9600)
    • Serial.begein(9600, SERIAL_8N1)
      • 8 data, no parity, 1 stop
    • Usually call Serial.begin() in the setup function
    Sending Text Over Serial
    • Use Serial.print() or Serial.println() to print text in the monitor
    • Strings are converted to ASCII and sent using UART
    • Use Serial.write()
    • Serial monitor still interprets data as ASCII
    • 42 is the ASCII value for '*'

    Lecture 3.2 Reading from Serial

    Reading Data Over Serial
    • Data can be sent to the Arduino via the serial monitor
    • When data is sent it goes into a buffer in the Arduino until it is read
    • Serial.available() is used to see how many bytes are waiting in the buffer
    • Returns 1 byte from the serial buffer

        int bval = Serial.read();
    • Returns -1 if no data is available

    • Serial.readBytes() writes several bytes into a buffer

        char buff[10];
        Serial.readBytes(buff, 10);



        本文标题:[Mooc]IoT Course 2 The Arduino P
