Rigging the Character
to be compatible with Unity’s Humanoid Avatar, some key bones are necessary:

Unity expects a minimum of 15 bones, which are:
- Hips (root bone)
- Lower spine
- Upper spine
- Neck
- Head
- Two upper arms
- Two lower arms
- Two hands
- Two upper legs
- Two lower legs
骨骼我们也只要建立一侧,建好后,选中一侧的骨骼, 接着press W and select Symmetrize.


Weight Painting
Now press CTRL + P to open the Parent menu and choose With Automatic Weights to parent the model to the armature and perform automatic weight painting.
!(Automatic Weights Menu)[https://koenig-media.raywenderlich.com/uploads/2018/08/AutoWeights.png]

自己绑定眼睛吧,选中模型进入WeightPainting Mode,
在这之前,务必先选择骨骼(Armature),使其进入Pose Mode。(不同类型的对象有不同的模式,骨骼就没WeightPainting Mode, 模型也没有Pose Mode)

press Alt (or Option) + R to reset the rotation of the Head bone.(位移,缩放也都是类似的操作,Option(Alt) + G, Option(Alt) + S)
Note: The rotation above was done using trackball rotation. You can activate this rotation mode by pressing R again after you’ve started to rotate.
Adding Accessories
- 做到Model中的帽子
- 独立的模型,挂在骨骼上的棍子
EditMode中,CTRL + Tab 唤出Mesh Select Mode的PopupMenu
Press CTRL + L to select all connected vertices。
Now select the UV delimiter by selecting UVs in the bottom left panel.

Select the edge loop underneath as well by holding Shift and Alt (or Option) and then right-clicking on any of the first horizontal edges below.

Now duplicate the selected faces by pressing Shift + D and then pressing Enter.

holding Alt (or Option) and right-clicking on one of the bottom edges.

Make it straight by press S, Z and 0 in that order.
这里CTRL + L好像没有什么效果啊,并不是全部选中啊。。。手册也看不懂啥意思。
Select the entire hat by selecting any vertex on the hat and then pressing CTRL + L. Change the delimiter to Normal this time to select all of the connected vertices.
Manual:L (or Ctrl-L for all) will add to the selection the cursor’s nearest control point, and all the linked ones, i.e. all points belonging to the same curve. Note that for Bézier, using L with a handle selected will select the whole control point and all the linked ones.
For this hat, you’ll perform one of the easiest unwraps in existence: from the view. Press numpad 1 to get a front view, then press U to open the Unwrap menu and select Project From View.

Project From View的结果看看还是挺有意思的。

Get into Object mode and press Shift + A to open the Add menu. Select Mesh > Cylinder to add a new cylinder to the scene.


Make the cylinder smooth by pressing the Smooth button in the Shading section in the Tool Shelf on the left.

给棍子材质,选中棍子的状态下,open the Material tab in the Properties panel on the right and select CuteMaterial from the drop-down next to the New button.

To turn the cylinder into a brown staff, you’ll need to unwrap its UVs first. Press Tab to enter Edit mode, press U to open the Unwrap menu and select Project From View.


Open the Constraints tab in the Properties panel. Add a new constraint by clicking the Add Object Constraint drop-down and selecting Child Of.

Setting up the constraint is straightforward. Click the Target drop-down and select Armature. Now click the Vertex Group drop-down and select Hand.R.

R, X, 90
G, Y, -0.4


These default export settings will work with Unity, but there’s a chance they might make a mess in more complex scenes as it will export everything, even lamps and cameras. To make a clean export, make the following changes:
Deselect Camera, Lamp and Other. You can do this by holding down Shift and clicking the options you want to disable.

With just these options selected, you won’t get any undesired objects exported. Now check the !EXPERIMENTAL! Apply Transform checkbox right below the options you deselected. This applies the position, rotation and scale of all objects. That means any non-uniform values will be reset; if the rotation was set to (X:23, Y:125, Z:7), for example, it will be set to (X:0, Y:0, Z:0).

Switch to the Geometries tab by clicking the Geometries button, and uncheck the Use Modifiers Render Setting checkbox. This allows you to keep a high poly count for renders inside Blender, but keep it low for use inside of Unity.

Next, open the Armatures tab, check Only Deform Bones and uncheck Add Leaf Bones. This prevents Blender from adding extra bones to the armature. Leaf bones are only needed for compatibility with Maya. Non-deform bones like control bones are only needed in the modeling software to make precise adjustments; they’re useless in a game engine like Unity.

The default Animation options are fine, so you don’t need to tinker with those.
To do this, click the + button next to the Operator Presets drop-down, type a name for the preset in the textbox and click the OK button. For the sake of this tutorial feel free to name it Unity FBX.

总之保持-Z Forward,Y Up
Avatar Mapping

The way Unity uses these bones is by acting like a puppeteer. Instead of straight up using animation files to update the bones every frame, it reads the values and applies those to every humanoid based on their Avatar definition. This allows for flexibility when it comes to body shapes. Take the character you’ve been working on, for instance; its proportions are not realistic, but that doesn’t matter as its skeleton is also adjusted to fit while still having the essential bones like a spine, arms, legs, etc. Some of the bones may be shorter than in most humans, but they’re there.
Muscles 肌肉
You’ll now see three sections:
- Muscle Group Preview
- Per-Muscle Settings
- Additional Settings
The first one has several sliders you can move from left to right to test if the muscles are mapped correctly. Try them out and see what they do. Note that the finger ones won’t have any effect since the character doesn’t have any fingers. Press the Reset All button after every test to reset all preview sliders.

The Per-Muscle Settings section contains sub-sections that can be unfolded by clicking the arrow next to them. Every one of these has some more specific previews and allows you to specify the minimum and maximum angles to prevent overlapping for your specific model.

Expand the Left Arm section and try sliding around the Arm Down-Up slider. Notice what happens with the minimum value selected:

The arm is moving through the character’s body. Ouch!
To fix this, set the preview slider to its lowest value and change the minimum angle of Arm Down-Up to -20.

Do the same for Right Arm > Arm Down-Up.

That concludes the tweaking of the muscles. There are more muscles you can tweak to prevent overlapping, but for the sake of this tutorial leave it at the arms up and down movement.
Press the Apply button at the bottom-right to save the changes to the Avatar and press Done to close the mapping mode.

导出时main tab中 Apply Scalings: 改为FBX All。
如果武器需要挂接到骨骼上,可以设置rotation x=90