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作者: TIDE潮汐全浸英语阅读 | 来源:发表于2018-12-26 21:36 被阅读10次




    (THINK OF THE upper echelons of the money-management business, and the image that springs to mind is of fusty private banks in Geneva or London’s Mayfair, with marble lobbies and fake country-house meeting-rooms designed to make their super-rich clients feel at home. But that picture is out of date. A more accurate one would feature hundreds of glassy private offices in California and Singapore that invest in Canadian bonds, European property and Chinese startups—and whose gilded patrons are sleepwalking into a political storm.)


    (Global finance is being transformed as billionaires get richer and cut out the middlemen by creating their own “family offices”, personal investment firms that roam global markets looking for opportunities. Largely unnoticed, family offices have become a force in investing, with up to $4trn of assets—more than hedge funds and equivalent to 6% of the value of the world’s stock markets. As they grow even bigger in an era of populism, family offices are destined to face uncomfortable questions about how they concentrate power and feed inequality.)

    这并不是个全新的概念。早在1882年JD Rockefeller 就建立过家族办公室。但本世纪以来数量激增至,分布在美国、欧洲以及亚洲中心地区如新加坡香港的就有500到1000左右。家族办公室的主要任务是资产管理,但那些数百人的团队,也承担了家族需要的其他任务,比如税务、法务、甚至飞机预定以及安抚宠物诸类高级管家承担的工作。

    (The concept is hardly new; John D. Rockefeller set up his family office in 1882. But the number has exploded this century. Somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 are based in America and Europe and in Asian hubs such as Singapore and Hong Kong. Though their main task is to manage financial assets, the biggest offices, some with hundreds of staff, undertake all sorts of other chores, from tax and legal work to acting as high-powered butlers who book jets and pamper pets.)

    只有那些财富过亿的家族,在全世界顶尖那0.001%的富人才能负担,把上述专业人士并入家族办公室所需要的成本投入。亚洲大亨们如阿里巴巴的Jack Ma已经建立起他们自己的FO。 由金融大亨与慈善家George Soros建立的西方最大的家族办公室与华尔街的金融公司一样强大,它管理着百亿美元的资产,与银行和私募股权公司竞购公司。

    (The costs of bringing such expertise in-mansion means that they generally make sense only for those worth over $100m, the top 0.001% of the global pile. Asian tycoons such as Jack Ma of Alibaba have created their own fiefs. The largest Western family offices, such as the one set up by George Soros, an investor and philanthropist, oversee tens of billions and are as muscular as Wall Street firms, competing with banks and private-equity groups to buy whole companies.)


    (Every investment boom reflects the society that spawned it. The humble mutual fund came of age in the 1970s after two decades of middle-class prosperity in America. The rise of family offices reflects soaring inequality. Since 1980 the share of the world’s wealth owned by the top 0.01% has risen from 3% to 8%. As the founders of family firms receive dividends or the proceeds of initial public offerings, they usually redeploy the cash. But since the financial crisis there has been a loss of faith in external money managers. Rich clients have taken a closer look at private banks’ high fees and murky incentives, and balked.)


    (These trends are unlikely to fade, as our Briefing explains. The number of billionaires is still growing—199 newbies made the grade last year. In the emerging world older entrepreneurs who created firms in the boom years after 1990 are preparing to cash out, while in America and China younger tech entrepreneurs may soon float their companies, releasing a new wave of cash to reinvest. Family offices’ weight in the financial system, therefore, looks likely to rise further. As it does, the objections to them will rise exponentially. The most obvious of these is the least convincing—that family offices have created inequality. They are a consequence, not its cause. Nonetheless, there are concerns—and one in particular that is worth worrying about.)

    一说家族办公室可能会影响金融体系稳定。超富,不透明加上市场,易燃易爆炸。LTCM,一个超富为后盾的千亿级别的对冲基金于1998年爆发,几乎推倒了华尔街。2008众多富豪在Bernie Madoff的庞氏骗局中扑街。然而家族办看起来不像是下一个灾难。他们的负债只有资产的17%,是环球金荣杠杆最低的参与者。相对而言他们更像是稳定剂。他们的资产部署都是几十年计,比银行和对冲基金更少机会面对恐慌。

    (The first is that family offices could endanger the stability of the financial system. Combining very rich people, opacity and markets can be explosive. LTCM, a $100bn hedge fund backed by the super-rich, blew up in 1998, almost bringing down Wall Street. Scores of wealthy people fell for a Ponzi scheme run by Bernie Madoff that collapsed in 2008. Still, as things stand family offices do not look like the next disaster waiting to happen. They have debt equivalent to 17% of their assets, making them among the least leveraged participants in global markets. On balance, they may even be a stabilising influence. Their funds are usually deployed for decades, making them far less vulnerable to panics than banks and many hedge funds.)

    二说家族办放大了财富对经济的影响。这是有可能的,如果Bill Gates孤注一掷于土耳其,其会独占土股票市场的65%。实际情况则是他们分散风险而非集中,把家族生意赚来的钱放在了不同的篮子。家族办比主流资产管理公司如BlackRock的策略要来得分散。与基金经理相比,家族办更倾向长线和创投。

    {The second worry is that family offices could magnify the power of the wealthy over the economy. This is possible: were Bill Gates to invest exclusively in Turkey, he would own 65% of its stockmarket. But the aim is usually to diversify risk, not concentrate power, by taking capital from the original family business and putting it into a widely spread portfolio. The family-office industry is less concentrated than mainstream asset management, which a few firms such as BlackRock dominate. Compared with most fund managers, family offices have welcome habits, including a longer-term horizon and an appetite for startups.)


    (It is the third danger that has most bite: that family offices might have privileged access to information, deals and tax schemes, allowing them to outperform ordinary investors. So far there is little evidence for this. The average family office returned 16% in 2017 and 7% in 2016, according to Campden Wealth, a research firm, slightly lagging behind world stockmarkets. Nonetheless, tycoons are well connected. Family offices are becoming more complex—a third have at least two branches—making tax wheezes easier. Hungry brokers and banks are rolling out the red carpet and pitching deals with unlisted firms that are not available to ordinary investors. If all this did lead to an entrenched, unfair advantage, the effect, when compounded over decades, would make wealth inequality disastrously worse.)

    总而言之,要警惕。即使大部分规管者,财务部门,以及税务管理都缺乏与家族办打交道的经验,他们必须保证防止内部交易的管理,交易服务以及税务处理的公平透明化。他们应该促使超过百亿资产的家族办公开账户明细。在充满对特权怀疑的世道,大家族加强透明性其实对他们是有利的。透明化后他们的操作更加不被干扰。 他们甚至可以给资管经理上一课,毕竟他们服务的普通投资者看着月费是多想提走中间商。

    (The answer is vigilance and light. Most regulators, treasuries and tax authorities are beginners when it comes to dealing with family offices, but they need to ensure that rules on insider trading, the equal servicing of clients by dealers and parity of tax treatment are observed. And they should prod family offices with assets of over, say, $10bn to publish accounts detailing their workings. In a world that is suspicious of privilege, big family offices have an interest in boosting transparency. In return, they should be free to operate unmolested. They may even have something to teach hordes of flailing asset managers who serve ordinary investors, many of whom may look at their monthly fees and wish that they, too, could ditch the middlemen.)



