
作者: 水之飞亦 | 来源:发表于2019-10-24 22:15 被阅读0次
    • 可以对比参照UIKit中的UILabel


    Text("Hello World")
            //.frame(width: 160, height: 20, alignment: .leading)
            .frame(minWidth: 50, idealWidth: 150, maxWidth: 300, 
                        minHeight: 15, idealHeight: 30, maxHeight: 50, 
                        alignment: .leading)//设置宽高以及对齐方式
            //.fixedSize() //默认纵横向都固定为理想尺寸
            .fixedSize(horizontal: true, vertical: false)//横向固定为理想尺寸
            //.position(CGPoint(x: 20, y: 30)) //设置中心点坐标
            .offset(x: 30, y: 30) //x,y偏移量
            .padding(30) //设置上下左右边距为30
            //.padding(.all, 10)
            .font(Font.system(size: 15)) //字体大小
            .foregroundColor(.purple) //字体颜色
            .background(Color.yellow) //背景颜色
            .overlay(Color.gray.opacity(0.5), alignment: .bottom)
            .tag(1) //设置tag值
            //Shape: 圆Circle, 圆角Capsule
            .clipShape(Capsule(), style: FillStyle()) //裁剪形状
            .cornerRadius(10) //圆角
            .cornerRadius(10, antialiased: true) //圆角,裁剪的时候是否平滑
            .border(Color.green, width: 1)//边框颜色及宽度
            .opacity(0.8) //透明度
            .shadow(radius: 0.5) 
            .shadow(color: .black, radius: 0.5, x: 2, y: 2)//阴影
            .blur(radius: 0.8, opaque:false) //模糊效果
            .onTapGesture { //tap手势事件
            .onLongPressGesture {//长按手势事件
           // 出现
            .onAppear {
            // 消失
            .onDisappear {
            //.hidden() //隐藏 
            //.disabled(true) //是否禁止响应事件,默认为false
            //.deleteDisabled(false) //是否禁止删除
            //.moveDisabled(true) //是否禁止移动
            // .overlay(, alignment: <#T##Alignment#>)
            .multilineTextAlignment(.center) //多行文本时左对齐
            .lineLimit(3) //限制行数,默认不限制,能否正确显示也受其frame大小和lineSpace的影响
            .lineSpacing(5) //行间距

    Creating a Text View(初始化)

    Creates a text view that displays the specified content.
    init(LocalizedStringKey, tableName: String?, bundle: Bundle?, comment: String?)//国际化文字
    Creates a text view that displays localized content identified by a key.
    init(verbatim: String)
    Creates a text view that displays the specified string.
    typealias Text.Body //Text.Body类型

    Styling a Text View(格式:字体加粗,倾斜等等...)

    func bold() -> Text //加粗
    Applies a bold font weight to the text.
    func italic() -> Text //倾斜
    Applies italics to the text.
    func fontWeight(Font.Weight?) -> Text //字体粗细
    Sets the font weight of the text.
    func baselineOffset(CGFloat) -> Text //基线
    Sets the baseline offset for the text.
    func tracking(CGFloat) -> Text //通道
    Sets the tracking for the text.
    func kerning(CGFloat) -> Text //字距
    Sets the spacing, or kerning, between two characters.
    func underline(Bool, color: Color?) -> Text //下划线
    Applies an underline to the text.
    func strikethrough(Bool, color: Color?) -> Text //删除线
    Applies a strikethrough to the text.

    Operating on Text Views(运算规则,可以做比较,也可以直接用+拼接)

    static func == (Text, Text) -> Bool //相等
    static func != (Text, Text) -> Bool //不等
    Indicates whether two values are not equal.
    static func + (Text, Text) -> Text //拼接

    Aligning Text Views(对齐方式)

    enum TextAlignment
    An alignment position for text along the horizontal axis.

    Setting the Size of a View(设置控件大小以及对齐方式)

    func frame(width: CGFloat?, height: CGFloat?, alignment: Alignment) -> View//设置宽高及对齐方式
    Positions the view within an invisible frame with the specified size.
    func frame(minWidth: CGFloat?, idealWidth: CGFloat?, maxWidth: CGFloat?, minHeight: CGFloat?, idealHeight: CGFloat?, maxHeight: CGFloat?, alignment: Alignment) -> View//设置最小,理想,最大宽度。设置最小,理想,最大高度。
    Positions the view within an invisible frame with the specified width and height.
    func fixedSize() -> View//将视图固定为指定尺寸的理想尺寸。默认水平和竖直方向都固定
    Fixes the view at its ideal size.
    func fixedSize(horizontal: Bool, vertical: Bool) -> View//指定方向固定尺寸
    Fixes the view at its ideal size in the specified dimensions.

    • 注意

    Specifying the Relative Size of a View(#FIXME 设置子视图相对父类视图的大小,没怎么用过,暂时忽略)

    func layoutPriority(Double) -> View//设置布局的优先级
    Sets the priority by which a parent layout should apportion space to the child.

    Setting the Position of a View(设置位置,偏移等)

    func position(CGPoint) -> View //设置中心点
    Fixes the center of the view at the specified point in its parent’s coordinate space.
    func position(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) -> View
    Fixes the center of the view at the specified coordinates in its parent’s coordinate space.
    func offset(CGSize) -> View //设置偏移
    Offsets the view by the horizontal and vertical distances in the given size.
    func offset(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) -> View
    Offsets the view by the specified horizontal and vertical distances.
    func edgesIgnoringSafeArea(Edge.Set) -> View //忽略安全区域,使视图可以超出边线
    Extends the view out of the safe area on the specified edges.
    func coordinateSpace<T>(name: T) -> View

    Aligning Views(#FIXME 设置视图横向和纵向的对齐方式,实验没什么效果,估计使用方式不对,以后补充)

    func alignmentGuide(HorizontalAlignment, computeValue: (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat) -> View
    Sets the view’s horizontal alignment.
    func alignmentGuide(VerticalAlignment, computeValue: (ViewDimensions) -> CGFloat) -> View
    Sets the view’s vertical alignment.

    Adjusting the Padding of a View(调整内边距)

    func padding(CGFloat) -> View //上下左右四个方向增加同样距离,默认为0
    Pads the view along all edge insets by the specified amount.
    func padding(EdgeInsets) -> View //上下左右四个方向增加自定义的距离,默认为0
    Pads the view using the specified edge insets.
    func padding(Edge.Set, CGFloat?) -> View //某个方向增加边距
    Pads the view using the specified edge insets.

    Setting the Foreground or Background of a View(设置覆盖内容或者背景视图)

    func overlay<Overlay>(Overlay, alignment: Alignment) -> View //在视图上覆盖一个视图,并设置其对齐方式
    Layers a secondary view in front of the view.
    func background<Background>(Background, alignment: Alignment) -> View //添加背景视图
    func zIndex(Double) -> View
    Controls the display order of overlapping views.

    Setting the Border of a View(设置边框)

    func border<S>(S, width: CGFloat) -> View
    Adds a border to the view with the specified style and width.

    Masking and Clipping Views(裁剪视图)

    func clipped(antialiased: Bool) -> View //是否裁剪
    Clips the view to its bounding rectangular frame.
    func clipShape<S>(S, style: FillStyle) -> View //按何种形状Shape: Circle,Capsule等,填充方式
    Sets a clipping shape for this view.
    func cornerRadius(CGFloat, antialiased: Bool) -> View //设置圆角,是否平滑裁剪(没看出什么效果)
    Clips the view to its bounding frame, with the specified corner radius.
    func mask<Mask>(Mask) -> View

    Scaling Views (缩放)

    func scaledToFill() -> View //充满
    Scales the view to fill its parent.
    func scaledToFit() -> View //适合
    Scales the view to fit its parent.
    func scaleEffect(CGFloat, anchor: UnitPoint) -> View
    func scaleEffect(CGSize, anchor: UnitPoint) -> View
    func scaleEffect(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat, anchor: UnitPoint) -> View
    func aspectRatio(CGFloat?, contentMode: ContentMode) -> View
    Constrains the view’s dimensions to the specified aspect ratio.
    func aspectRatio(CGSize, contentMode: ContentMode) -> View
    Constrains the view’s dimensions to the aspect ratio of the specified size.
    func imageScale(Image.Scale) -> View
    Sets the scale of images inside the view.

    Rotating and Transforming Views

    func rotationEffect(Angle, anchor: UnitPoint) -> View
    func rotation3DEffect(Angle, axis: (x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat, z: CGFloat), anchor: UnitPoint, anchorZ: CGFloat, perspective: CGFloat) -> View
    func projectionEffect(ProjectionTransform) -> View
    func transformEffect(CGAffineTransform) -> View

    Adjusting Text in a View

    func keyboardType(UIKeyboardType) -> View
    func font(Font?) -> Text
    Sets the default font for text in the view.
    func lineLimit(Int?) -> View
    Sets the maximum number of lines that text can occupy in the view.
    func line<wbr style="box-sizing: inherit;">Spacing(CGFloat) -> View
    Sets the amount of space between lines of text in the view.
    func multilineTextAlignment(TextAlignment) -> View
    func minimumScaleFactor(CGFloat) -> View
    Sets the minimum amount that text scales down to fit the available space.
    func truncationMode(Text.TruncationMode) -> View
    Sets the truncation mode for lines of text that are too long to fit in the available space.
    enum Text.TruncationMode
    The kinds of truncation to perform when a line of text is too long to fit into the available space.
    func allowsTightening(Bool) -> View
    Sets whether text can compress the space between characters when necessary to fit text in a line.
    func textContentType(UITextContentType?) -> View
    func textContentType(WKTextContentType?) -> View
    func flipsForRightToLeftLayoutDirection(Bool) -> View
    Sets whether the view flips its contents horizontally when the layout direction is right-to-left.
    func autocapitalization(UITextAutocapitalizationType) -> View
    func disableAutocorrection(Bool?) -> View

    Adding Animations to a View(添加动画)

    func animation(Animation?) -> View
    Applies the given animation to all animatable values within the view.
    func animation<V>(Animation?, value: V) -> View
    Applies the given animation to the view when the specified value changes.
    func transition(AnyTransition) -> View
    Associates a transition with the view.

    Customizing Accessibility Labels of a View

    func accessibility(label: Text) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibility(value: Text) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibility(identifier: String) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibility(hidden: Bool) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibility(sortPriority: Double) -> ModifiedContent

    Customizing Accessibility Interactions of a View

    func accessibility(activationPoint: UnitPoint) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibility(activationPoint: CGPoint) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibility(hint: Text) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibilityAction(AccessibilityActionKind, () -> Void) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibilityAction(named: Text, () -> Void) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibilityAdjustableAction((AccessibilityAdjustmentDirection) -> Void) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibilityScrollAction((Edge) -> Void) -> ModifiedContent

    Customizing Accessibility Navigation of a View

    func accessibility(addTraits: AccessibilityTraits) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibility(removeTraits: AccessibilityTraits) -> ModifiedContent
    func accessibilityElement(children: AccessibilityChildBehavior) -> View

    Handling View Taps and Gestures(手势)

    func gesture<T>(T, including: GestureMask) -> View //获取当前手势
    func onTapGesture(count: Int, perform: () -> Void) -> View //添加轻击事件
    func onLongPressGesture(minimumDuration: Double, maximumDistance: CGFloat, pressing: ((Bool) -> Void)?, perform: () -> Void) -> View //添加长按事件
    func highPriorityGesture<T>(T, including: GestureMask) -> View
    func simultaneousGesture<T>(T, including: GestureMask) -> View
    func digitalCrownRotation<V>(Binding<V>) -> View
    Tracks Digital Crown rotations by updating the specified binding.
    func digitalCrownRotation<V>(Binding<V>, from: V, through: V, by: V.Stride?, sensitivity: DigitalCrownRotationalSensitivity, isContinuous: Bool, isHapticFeedbackEnabled: Bool) -> View
    Tracks Digital Crown rotations by updating the specified binding.
    func itemProvider(Optional<() -> NSItem) -> View
    Provides a closure that vends the drag representation to be used for a particular data element.
    func transaction((inout Transaction) -> Void) -> View
    Applies the given transaction mutation function to all transactions used within the view.

    Handling View Events

    func onAppear(perform: (() -> Void)?) -> View // 出现
    Adds an action to perform when the view appears.
    func onDisappear(perform: (() -> Void)?) -> View// 消失
    Adds an action to perform when the view disappears.
    func onCommand(Selector, perform: (() -> Void)?) -> View
    func onCopyCommand(perform: (() -> [NSItemProvider])?) -> View //拷贝
    func onCutCommand(perform: (() -> [NSItemProvider])?) -> View //剪切
    func onDeleteCommand(perform: (() -> Void)?) -> View //删除
    func onExitCommand(perform: (() -> Void)?) -> View // 退出
    func onMoveCommand(perform: ((MoveCommandDirection) -> Void)?) -> View //移动
    func onPasteCommand(of: [String], perform: ([NSItemProvider]) -> Void) -> View //粘贴
    func onPasteCommand<Payload>(of: [String], validator: ([NSItemProvider]) -> Payload?, perform: (Payload) -> Void) -> View
    func onPlayPauseCommand(perform: (() -> Void)?) -> View
    func onReceive<P>(P, perform: (P.Output) -> Void) -> View

    Handling View Hover and Focus

    func onHover(perform: (Bool) -> Void) -> View
    Adds an action to perform when the user moves the pointer over or away from the view’s frame.
    func focusable(Bool, onFocusChange: (Bool) -> Void) -> View
    Specifies if the view is focusable and, if so, adds an action to perform when the view comes into focus.

    Supporting Drag and Drop in Views

    func onDrag(() -> NSItemProvider) -> View
    Activates the view as the source of a drag and drop operation.
    func onDrop(of: [String], delegate: DropDelegate) -> View
    Defines the destination of a drag and drop operation with the same size and position as the view using behavior controlled by the given delegate.
    func onDrop(of: [String], isTargeted: Binding<Bool>?, perform: ([NSItemProvider], CGPoint) -> Bool) -> View
    Defines the destination of a drag and drop operation with the same size and position as the view by handling dropped content and the drop location with the specified closure.

    func onDrop(of: [String], isTargeted: Binding<Bool>?, perform: ([NSItemProvider]) -> Bool) -> View

    Defines the destination for a drag and drop operation with the same size and position as the view by handling dropped content with the specified closure.

    Adopting View Color Schemes

    func colorScheme(ColorScheme) -> View
    Sets the view’s color scheme.
    func preferredColorScheme(ColorScheme?) -> View
    func accentColor(Color?) -> View
    Sets the accent color for the view and the views it contains.

    Applying Blurs and Shadows to a View

    func blur(radius: CGFloat, opaque: Bool) -> View //模糊效果
    Applies a Gaussian blur to the view.
    func shadow(color: Color, radius: CGFloat, x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) -> View //阴影
    Adds a shadow to the view.

    Applying Graphical Effects to a View

    func opacity(Double) -> View
    Sets the transparency of the view.
    func brightness(Double) -> View
    Brightens the view by the specified amount.
    func contrast(Double) -> View
    Sets the contrast and separation between similar colors in the view.
    func colorInvert() -> View
    Inverts the colors in the view.
    func colorMultiply(Color) -> View
    Adds a color multiplication effect to the view.
    func blend<Mode(BlendMode) -> View
    Sets the blend mode for compositing the view with overlapping views.
    func compositingGroup() -> View
    Wraps the view in a compositing group.
    func drawingGroup(opaque: Bool, colorMode: ColorRenderingMode) -> View
    Composites the view’s contents into an offscreen image before final display.
    func saturation(Double) -> View
    Adjusts the color saturation of the view.
    func grayscale(Double) -> View
    Adds a grayscale effect to the view.
    func hueRotation(Angle) -> View
    Applies a hue rotation effect to the view.
    func luminanceToAlpha() -> View
    Adds a luminance to alpha effect to the view.

    Styling Control Views

    func buttonStyle<S>(S) -> View
    func buttonStyle<S>(S) -> View
    func datePickerStyle<S>(S) -> View
    func menuButtonStyle<S>(S) -> View
    func pickerStyle<S>(S) -> View
    func textFieldStyle<S>(S) -> View
    func toggleStyle<S>(S) -> View
    func defaultWheelPickerItemHeight(CGFloat) -> View
    Sets the default wheel-style picker item height.
    func controlSize(ControlSize) -> View

    Configuring a List View

    func listStyle<S>(S) -> View
    func listRowInsets(EdgeInsets?) -> View
    Sets the inset to be applied to self in a List.
    func listRowBackground<V>(V?) -> View
    Sets a view behind the view when placed in a list.
    func listRowPlatterColor(Color?) -> View
    Sets the color to apply to the system cell platter of the view when placed in a list.
    func tag<V>(V) -> View
    Sets a tag for the view in order to differentiate it from a list of view options.

    Configuring Navigation and Status Bar Views

    func navigationViewStyle<S>(S) -> View
    func navigationBarHidden(Bool) -> View
    func navigationBarTitle(LocalizedStringKey) -> View
    func navigationBarTitle<S>(S) -> View
    func navigationBarTitle(Text) -> View
    func navigationBarTitle(LocalizedStringKey, displayMode: NavigationBarItem.TitleDisplayMode) -> View
    func navigationBarTitle(Text, displayMode: NavigationBarItem.TitleDisplayMode) -> View
    func statusBar(hidden: Bool) -> View

    Configuring Navigation and Tab Bar Item Views

    func navigationBarBackButtonHidden(Bool) -> View
    func navigationBarItems<L>(leading: L) -> View
    func navigationBarItems<L, T>(leading: L, trailing: T) -> View
    func navigationBarItems<T>(trailing: T) -> View
    func tabItem<V>(() -> V) -> View

    Configuring Context Menu Views

    func contextMenu<MenuItems>(ContextMenu<MenuItems>?) -> View
    Attaches a contextual menu and its children to the view.
    func contextMenu<MenuItems>(menuItems: () -> MenuItems) -> View
    Attaches a contextual menu to the view.

    Configuring Touch Bar Views

    func touchBar<Content>(TouchBar<Content>) -> View
    Sets the touch bar and its content to be shown in the Touch Bar when applicable.
    func touchBarItemPrincipal(Bool) -> View
    Sets the view as having special significance to the TouchBar.
    func touchBarCustomizationLabel(Text) -> View
    Sets a user-visible string identifying the view’s functionality.
    func touchBarItemPresence(TouchBarItemPresence) -> View
    Sets the behavior of the view when being customized by the user.

    Hiding and Disabling Views

    func hidden() -> View//隐藏
    Hides this view.
    func disabled(Bool) -> View//是否禁止响应事件,默认为false
    Adds a condition for whether users can interact with the view.
    func deleteDisabled(Bool) -> View//是否禁止删除
    Adds a condition for whether the view's view hierarchy is movable.
    func moveDisabled(Bool) -> View//是否禁止移动
    Adds a condition for whether the view hierarchy for self can be moved.

    Setting View Preferences

    func preference<K>(key: K.Type, value: K.Value) -> View
    Sets a value to return for the given preference key when accessed by ancestors.
    func transformPreference<K>(K.Type, (inout K.Value) -> Void) -> View
    Sets a callback to return a value for the given preference key when accessed by ancestors.
    func anchorPreference<A, K>(key: K.Type, value: Anchor<A>.Source, transform: (Anchor<A>) -> K.Value) -> View

    func transformAnchorPreference<A, K>(key: K.Type, value: Anchor<A>.Source, transform: (inout K.Value, Anchor<A>) -> Void) -> View

    Responding to View Preferences

    func onPreferenceChange<K>(K.Type, perform: (K.Value) -> Void) -> View
    Adds an action to perform when the specified preference key’s value changes.
    func backgroundPreferenceValue<Key, T>(Key.Type, (Key.Value) -> T) -> View
    Uses the specified preference value from the view to produce another view as a background to the first view.
    func overlayPreferenceValue<Key, T>(Key.Type, (Key.Value) -> T) -> View
    Uses the specified preference value from the view to produce another view as an overlay atop the first view.

    Setting the Environment Values of a View

    func environment<V>(WritableKeyPath<EnvironmentValues, V>, V) -> View
    Sets the environment value indicated by a key path to the given value.
    func environmentObject<B>(B) -> View
    func transformEnvironment<V>(WritableKeyPath<EnvironmentValues, V>, transform: (inout V) -> Void) -> View
    Transforms the environment value indicated by a key path with the given function.

    Configuring a View for Hit Testing

    func allowsHitTesting(Bool) -> View
    func contentShape<S>(S, eoFill: Bool) -> View
    Defines the content shape for hit testing.

    Configuring View Previews

    func previewDevice(PreviewDevice?) -> View
    Overrides the device for a preview.
    func previewDisplayName(String?) -> View
    Provides a user visible name shown in the editor.
    func previewLayout(PreviewLayout) -> View
    Overrides the size of the container for the preview.

    Inspecting Views

    func id<ID>(ID) -> View
    func equatable() -> Equatable<wbr style="box-sizing: inherit;">View<Text>
    Prevents the view from updating its child view when its new value is the same as its old value.

    Implementing View Modifiers

    func modifier<T>(T) -> ModifiedContent<Text, T>

    Instance Methods

    func accessibility(selectionIdentifier: AnyHashable) -> ModifiedContent
    func actionSheet(isPresented: Binding<Bool>, content: () -> Action>Sheet) -> View
    func actionSheet<T>(item: Binding<T?>, content: (T) -> ActionSheet) -> View
    func alert(isPresented: Binding<Bool>, content: () -> Alert) -> View
    func alert<Item>(item: Binding<Item?>, content: (Item) -> Alert) -> View
    func foregroundColor(Color?) -> Text
    func horizontalRadioGroupLayout() -> View
    func labelsHidden() -> View
    func popover<Content>(isPresented: Binding<Bool>, attachmentAnchor: PopoverAttachmentAnchor, arrowEdge: Edge, content: () -> Content) -> View
    func popover<Item, Content>(item: Binding<Item?>, attachmentAnchor: PopoverAttachment<Anchor, arrowEdge: Edge, content: (Item) -> Content) -> View
    func sheet<Content>(isPresented: Binding<Bool>, onDismiss: (() -> Void)?, content: () -> Content) -> View
    func sheet<Item, Content>(item: Binding<Item?>, onDismiss: (() -> Void)?, content: (Item) -> Content) -> View
    func touch<wbr style="box-sizing: inherit;">Bar<Content>(content: () -> Content) -> View

    Conforms To

    • Equatable//可以比较
    • View //继承View




