2020 Saturn enters Aquarius: Co-

2020 Saturn enters Aquarius: Co-

作者: 905a6bdeb868 | 来源:发表于2019-12-29 02:07 被阅读0次

    transcript from my talk for EA ZOOM MEETINGS ASTROLOGICAL OVERVIEW 2020: https://youtu.be/nZIJol_qRJA





    Pluto conjunct Mars/Jupiter in balsamic phase, conjunct Saturn in new phase: ending of old structure, seeding of new reality.

    In the Saturn Aquarius Ingress chart, I read it as a birth chart which conceives potential energy playing out during the period when Saturn is transiting in Aquarius. On one hand, there is concentrated Capricorn balsamic energy: Pluto forming balsamic conjunction to both Mars and Jupiter in Capricorn, also in balsamic phase to the south node, (Balsamic phase is a phase of ending, dissolving, letting go, with the sense of confusion, lost, fear of losing control and feeling of powerlessness), on the other hand, Pluto forming New Phase conjunction to Saturn in Aquarius (which is the ruler of South Node, Jupiter, Mars and Pluto), the new phase then implies instinctual desire to create something new without formed plan, here we can sense intense anxiety of separation and fear of the unknown.

    These signatures symbolize the ending of a structure that collectively we perceive as reality, and the seeding of a new structure of consciousness that has yet to manifest into reality. In this transition phase we are facing inward and sense that living in this outdated structure is meaningless. We confront an intense fear of the unknown that can cause a desire to hold onto the same old familiar patterns that once provided us security, (Pluto Saturn new phase conjunction correlates to) a sense that we lack the knowledge or ability to create a new structure that aligns with our emotional truths, that’s safe and sustainable. (Because in new phase, we sense the instinctual desire to start a new evolutionary cycle, without knowing what exactly to create for the future, there implies a need of complete freedom, trust instinct desire, jump into new path, to discover and gain awareness of this new direction.) Outwardly, the order of our world is under transformation, seemingly completely out of our control.

    Saturn in Aquarius here is like our future self, or higher mind, tuned into the present moment, communicating with us through synchronicity, reminding us as collective human soul of our blueprint moving forward. If we synchronize those ideas that already existed in our soul realm with individual energetic truth, we can manifest those truths in this physical reality. Thus in this period, we can experiences inspirations from downloading, inner awakening, direct connection to our higher mind, higher self, the guidance comes from within. Many of these new ideas or vision will be perceived as ahead of time, idealistic, even radical by mainstream, because Aquarius energy is seeding all potentials for a more ideal future structure. There can be groups of like minded people connecting with each other to create new forms of community, as seed to inspire mainstream society of imagining a new way of living. Through this process, we will have opportunities to become master (Saturn) and authority of our mind.

    The reality we are living in is always a perfect reflection of our personal truth on the energetic level, you can’t compensate this true sate with logical mind, that means the shadow we are in denial of, repressed, keep under control won’t disappear, but manifest collectively as part of the society our conscious mind judge as negative. Thus, in order to move forward as a society, the real change comes when each of us is willing to face our personal shadow, objectively observe, accept, transform the darkness within our psych.

    That is why for change to come, we can not project false expectations on powerful leaders, every one of us needs to take responsibility for our personal choice of co-creating this reality.

    How to use Aquarius superpower to break free from fear based reality represented by distorted Capricorn energy.

    Aquarius symbolizes the new form of consciousness beyond the Capricornian judgment of right and wrong, detached from emotional reaction, to observe from a distance, reaching a state of objectivity, within this state, we are liberating from past, and access the freedom to create new patterns at every present moment.

    Distorted Capricorn energy manifests as fear-based reality, when Saturn heads into Aquarius the desire for total control will also reach extreme state. On social level this can lead to resistance and rebellion, personal level, resistance for any change will also met with sudden event remove us from old structure that doesn’t support further growth. This type of experiences can generate shock and trauma on both personal and collective level. If we can look at these experiences with objectivity, we are able to view reality as it is without being victimized, what’s going on are simply circumstances planned by the collective, for more people to wake up, to liberate from victim mentality, and remember our role as co-creator, it’s from this vibration of co-creator, we are able to take responsibility to create a reality align with our inner truth and vision. Because we are evolving constantly through our emotional bodies, during Saturn transiting Aquarius, our long term memories of trauma will be triggered, if we can try to recognize these triggered moments as opportunities to break free from charged emotion related past wounds, we can practice pause that repeating emotional reaction, observe and be in this present moment, then the objectivity will become our natural state, through time, we will break free from past trauma, and the trauma defined nervous system, feel the freedom of a broader emotional expression.

    Liberation and change can also happen in non-destructive way. Aquarius archetype brings synchronicity so when we begin to resonate with a new vision, and allow ourselves to embrace that path align with our soul’s blueprint, we reach a deeper creative level accessing the balance of the Leo Archetype and open ourselves to a broader imagination, co-creating our more ideal reality.

    Lastly, Uranus in Taurus trine the South Node and sextile Saturn, the Earth herself is longing, yearning and supporting us on this path of Ascension and Awakening.



          本文标题:2020 Saturn enters Aquarius: Co-
