This is the first paragraph of a article named this moment by By Leo Babauta. It wrote my just a past mood. I think everyone all has like this situation, feeling down, That is just a transient mood, no any reason, no one make you feel bad. So no need one to solve, only time can make the feeling down become cheer up. Actually It is no big deal or not a problem. This is natural.
We all suffer, every day: worry, procrastination, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, irritated, angry, frustrated, wishing things were different, comparing ourselves to others, worried we’re missing out, wishing other people would be different, feeling offended, loneliness, fear of failure, not wanting to do something, wishing we had less fat or bigger boobs or bigger muscles, angry at being controlled, wanting to find the perfect someone, wishing our partner was more perfect, stressed about finances, not wanting to think about problems, not knowing how to fix things, uncertain about choices, rushing from one task to the next, not liking our jobs.