k8s源码阅读(4) - kube-scheduler

k8s源码阅读(4) - kube-scheduler

作者: 拿着滋水枪的消防员 | 来源:发表于2022-02-16 20:08 被阅读0次




  • func Run(ctx context.Context, cc *schedulerserverconfig.CompletedConfig, sched *scheduler.Scheduler)


  • func New(client clientset.Interface,
    informerFactory informers.SharedInformerFactory,
    dynInformerFactory dynamicinformer.DynamicSharedInformerFactory,
    recorderFactory profile.RecorderFactory,
    stopCh <-chan struct{},
    opts ...Option) (*Scheduler, error)


  • func (c Configurator) create() (Scheduler, error)
    nominator := internalqueue.NewPodNominator(c.informerFactory.Core().V1().Pods().Lister())
    profiles, err := profile.NewMap(c.profiles, c.registry, c.recorderFactory,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("initializing profiles: %v", err)
    if len(profiles) == 0 {
        return nil, errors.New("at least one profile is required")
    // Profiles are required to have equivalent queue sort plugins.
    lessFn := profiles[c.profiles[0].SchedulerName].QueueSortFunc()
    podQueue := internalqueue.NewSchedulingQueue(

    // Setup cache debugger.
    debugger := cachedebugger.New(

    algo := NewGenericScheduler(

    return &Scheduler{
        SchedulerCache:  c.schedulerCache,
        Algorithm:       algo,
        Extenders:       extenders,
        Profiles:        profiles,
        NextPod:         internalqueue.MakeNextPodFunc(podQueue),
        Error:           MakeDefaultErrorFunc(c.client, c.informerFactory.Core().V1().Pods().Lister(), podQueue, c.schedulerCache),
        StopEverything:  c.StopEverything,
        SchedulingQueue: podQueue,
    }, nil


  • func (sched *Scheduler) scheduleOne(ctx context.Context)
    // 获取一个提名pod,具体实现在文件pkg/scheduler/internal/queue/scheduling_queue.go func MakeNextPodFunc(queue SchedulingQueue) func() *framework.QueuedPodInfo生成的临时函数
    podInfo := sched.NextPod()
    // pod could be nil when schedulerQueue is closed
    if podInfo == nil || podInfo.Pod == nil {
    pod := podInfo.Pod
    // 获取pod使用的scheduler(根据pod的schedulerName定义筛选,例:default-scheduler,一般默认的schedulerName)
    fwk, err := sched.frameworkForPod(pod)
    if err != nil {
        // This shouldn't happen, because we only accept for scheduling the pods
        // which specify a scheduler name that matches one of the profiles.
        klog.ErrorS(err, "Error occurred")
    if sched.skipPodSchedule(fwk, pod) {

    klog.V(3).InfoS("Attempting to schedule pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

    // Synchronously attempt to find a fit for the pod.
    start := time.Now()
    // 这里是生成一个非一致性的缓存状态
    state := framework.NewCycleState()
    state.SetRecordPluginMetrics(rand.Intn(100) < pluginMetricsSamplePercent)
    // Initialize an empty podsToActivate struct, which will be filled up by plugins or stay empty.
    // 生成一个带锁的map[string]*v1.pod
    podsToActivate := framework.NewPodsToActivate()
    state.Write(framework.PodsToActivateKey, podsToActivate)

    schedulingCycleCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()
    //执行算法 后面详解Algorithm结构体
    scheduleResult, err := sched.Algorithm.Schedule(schedulingCycleCtx, sched.Extenders, fwk, state, pod)
    if err != nil {
        // Schedule() may have failed because the pod would not fit on any host, so we try to
        // preempt, with the expectation that the next time the pod is tried for scheduling it
        // will fit due to the preemption. It is also possible that a different pod will schedule
        // into the resources that were preempted, but this is harmless.
        var nominatingInfo *framework.NominatingInfo
        if fitError, ok := err.(*framework.FitError); ok {
            if !fwk.HasPostFilterPlugins() {
                klog.V(3).InfoS("No PostFilter plugins are registered, so no preemption will be performed")
            } else {
                // Run PostFilter plugins to try to make the pod schedulable in a future scheduling cycle.
                result, status := fwk.RunPostFilterPlugins(ctx, state, pod, fitError.Diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap)
                if status.Code() == framework.Error {
                    klog.ErrorS(nil, "Status after running PostFilter plugins for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "status", status)
                } else {
                    klog.V(5).InfoS("Status after running PostFilter plugins for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "status", status)
                if result != nil {
                    nominatingInfo = result.NominatingInfo
            // Pod did not fit anywhere, so it is counted as a failure. If preemption
            // succeeds, the pod should get counted as a success the next time we try to
            // schedule it. (hopefully)
            metrics.PodUnschedulable(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
        } else if err == ErrNoNodesAvailable {
            nominatingInfo = clearNominatedNode
            // No nodes available is counted as unschedulable rather than an error.
            metrics.PodUnschedulable(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
        } else {
            nominatingInfo = clearNominatedNode
            klog.ErrorS(err, "Error selecting node for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
            metrics.PodScheduleError(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
        sched.recordSchedulingFailure(fwk, podInfo, err, v1.PodReasonUnschedulable, nominatingInfo)
    // Tell the cache to assume that a pod now is running on a given node, even though it hasn't been bound yet.
    // This allows us to keep scheduling without waiting on binding to occur.
    assumedPodInfo := podInfo.DeepCopy()
    assumedPod := assumedPodInfo.Pod
    // assume modifies `assumedPod` by setting NodeName=scheduleResult.SuggestedHost
    err = sched.assume(assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
    if err != nil {
        metrics.PodScheduleError(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
        // This is most probably result of a BUG in retrying logic.
        // We report an error here so that pod scheduling can be retried.
        // This relies on the fact that Error will check if the pod has been bound
        // to a node and if so will not add it back to the unscheduled pods queue
        // (otherwise this would cause an infinite loop).
        sched.recordSchedulingFailure(fwk, assumedPodInfo, err, SchedulerError, clearNominatedNode)

    // Run the Reserve method of reserve plugins.
    if sts := fwk.RunReservePluginsReserve(schedulingCycleCtx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost); !sts.IsSuccess() {
        metrics.PodScheduleError(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
        // trigger un-reserve to clean up state associated with the reserved Pod
        fwk.RunReservePluginsUnreserve(schedulingCycleCtx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
        if forgetErr := sched.SchedulerCache.ForgetPod(assumedPod); forgetErr != nil {
            klog.ErrorS(forgetErr, "Scheduler cache ForgetPod failed")
        sched.recordSchedulingFailure(fwk, assumedPodInfo, sts.AsError(), SchedulerError, clearNominatedNode)

    // Run "permit" plugins.
    runPermitStatus := fwk.RunPermitPlugins(schedulingCycleCtx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
    if runPermitStatus.Code() != framework.Wait && !runPermitStatus.IsSuccess() {
        var reason string
        if runPermitStatus.IsUnschedulable() {
            metrics.PodUnschedulable(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
            reason = v1.PodReasonUnschedulable
        } else {
            metrics.PodScheduleError(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
            reason = SchedulerError
        // One of the plugins returned status different than success or wait.
        fwk.RunReservePluginsUnreserve(schedulingCycleCtx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
        if forgetErr := sched.SchedulerCache.ForgetPod(assumedPod); forgetErr != nil {
            klog.ErrorS(forgetErr, "Scheduler cache ForgetPod failed")
        sched.recordSchedulingFailure(fwk, assumedPodInfo, runPermitStatus.AsError(), reason, clearNominatedNode)

    // At the end of a successful scheduling cycle, pop and move up Pods if needed.
    if len(podsToActivate.Map) != 0 {
        // Clear the entries after activation.
        podsToActivate.Map = make(map[string]*v1.Pod)

    // bind the pod to its host asynchronously (we can do this b/c of the assumption step above).
    go func() {
        bindingCycleCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
        defer cancel()
        defer metrics.SchedulerGoroutines.WithLabelValues(metrics.Binding).Dec()

        waitOnPermitStatus := fwk.WaitOnPermit(bindingCycleCtx, assumedPod)
        if !waitOnPermitStatus.IsSuccess() {
            var reason string
            if waitOnPermitStatus.IsUnschedulable() {
                metrics.PodUnschedulable(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
                reason = v1.PodReasonUnschedulable
            } else {
                metrics.PodScheduleError(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
                reason = SchedulerError
            // trigger un-reserve plugins to clean up state associated with the reserved Pod
            fwk.RunReservePluginsUnreserve(bindingCycleCtx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
            if forgetErr := sched.SchedulerCache.ForgetPod(assumedPod); forgetErr != nil {
                klog.ErrorS(forgetErr, "scheduler cache ForgetPod failed")
            } else {
                // "Forget"ing an assumed Pod in binding cycle should be treated as a PodDelete event,
                // as the assumed Pod had occupied a certain amount of resources in scheduler cache.
                // TODO(#103853): de-duplicate the logic.
                // Avoid moving the assumed Pod itself as it's always Unschedulable.
                // It's intentional to "defer" this operation; otherwise MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue() would
                // update `q.moveRequest` and thus move the assumed pod to backoffQ anyways.
                defer sched.SchedulingQueue.MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(internalqueue.AssignedPodDelete, func(pod *v1.Pod) bool {
                    return assumedPod.UID != pod.UID
            sched.recordSchedulingFailure(fwk, assumedPodInfo, waitOnPermitStatus.AsError(), reason, clearNominatedNode)

        // Run "prebind" plugins.
        preBindStatus := fwk.RunPreBindPlugins(bindingCycleCtx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
        if !preBindStatus.IsSuccess() {
            metrics.PodScheduleError(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
            // trigger un-reserve plugins to clean up state associated with the reserved Pod
            fwk.RunReservePluginsUnreserve(bindingCycleCtx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
            if forgetErr := sched.SchedulerCache.ForgetPod(assumedPod); forgetErr != nil {
                klog.ErrorS(forgetErr, "scheduler cache ForgetPod failed")
            } else {
                // "Forget"ing an assumed Pod in binding cycle should be treated as a PodDelete event,
                // as the assumed Pod had occupied a certain amount of resources in scheduler cache.
                // TODO(#103853): de-duplicate the logic.
                sched.SchedulingQueue.MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(internalqueue.AssignedPodDelete, nil)
            sched.recordSchedulingFailure(fwk, assumedPodInfo, preBindStatus.AsError(), SchedulerError, clearNominatedNode)

        err := sched.bind(bindingCycleCtx, fwk, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost, state)
        if err != nil {
            metrics.PodScheduleError(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))
            // trigger un-reserve plugins to clean up state associated with the reserved Pod
            fwk.RunReservePluginsUnreserve(bindingCycleCtx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
            if err := sched.SchedulerCache.ForgetPod(assumedPod); err != nil {
                klog.ErrorS(err, "scheduler cache ForgetPod failed")
            } else {
                // "Forget"ing an assumed Pod in binding cycle should be treated as a PodDelete event,
                // as the assumed Pod had occupied a certain amount of resources in scheduler cache.
                // TODO(#103853): de-duplicate the logic.
                sched.SchedulingQueue.MoveAllToActiveOrBackoffQueue(internalqueue.AssignedPodDelete, nil)
            sched.recordSchedulingFailure(fwk, assumedPodInfo, fmt.Errorf("binding rejected: %w", err), SchedulerError, clearNominatedNode)
        } else {
            // Calculating nodeResourceString can be heavy. Avoid it if klog verbosity is below 2.
            if klog.V(2).Enabled() {
                klog.InfoS("Successfully bound pod to node", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "node", scheduleResult.SuggestedHost, "evaluatedNodes", scheduleResult.EvaluatedNodes, "feasibleNodes", scheduleResult.FeasibleNodes)
            metrics.PodScheduled(fwk.ProfileName(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(start))

            // Run "postbind" plugins.
            fwk.RunPostBindPlugins(bindingCycleCtx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)

            // At the end of a successful binding cycle, move up Pods if needed.
            if len(podsToActivate.Map) != 0 {
                // Unlike the logic in scheduling cycle, we don't bother deleting the entries
                // as `podsToActivate.Map` is no longer consumed.




  • func NewGenericScheduler(
    cache internalcache.Cache,
    nodeInfoSnapshot *internalcache.Snapshot,
    percentageOfNodesToScore int32) ScheduleAlgorithm {
    return &genericScheduler
type genericScheduler struct {
    cache                    internalcache.Cache
    nodeInfoSnapshot         *internalcache.Snapshot
    percentageOfNodesToScore int32
    nextStartNodeIndex       int
//Algorithm接口实现 可以大概了解需要两个cache


  • func (g *genericScheduler) Schedule(ctx context.Context, extenders []framework.Extender, fwk framework.Framework, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod) (result ScheduleResult, err error)
    if err := g.snapshot(); err != nil {
        return result, err
    trace.Step("Snapshotting scheduler cache and node infos done")

    if g.nodeInfoSnapshot.NumNodes() == 0 {
        return result, ErrNoNodesAvailable
    // 进行预选策略,为pod找到node, 返回合适的node,诊断结果,后面详解
    feasibleNodes, diagnosis, err := g.findNodesThatFitPod(ctx, extenders, fwk, state, pod)
    if err != nil {
        return result, err
    trace.Step("Computing predicates done")
    // 没有合适的node直接退出
    if len(feasibleNodes) == 0 {
        return result, &framework.FitError{
            Pod:         pod,
            NumAllNodes: g.nodeInfoSnapshot.NumNodes(),
            Diagnosis:   diagnosis,
    // 只有一个合适的则直接用
    // When only one node after predicate, just use it.
    if len(feasibleNodes) == 1 {
        return ScheduleResult{
            SuggestedHost:  feasibleNodes[0].Name,
            EvaluatedNodes: 1 + len(diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap),
            FeasibleNodes:  1,
        }, nil
    // 进行优选策略, 后面详解
    priorityList, err := prioritizeNodes(ctx, extenders, fwk, state, pod, feasibleNodes)
    if err != nil {
        return result, err
    host, err := g.selectHost(priorityList)
    trace.Step("Prioritizing done")

    return ScheduleResult{
        SuggestedHost:  host,
        EvaluatedNodes: len(feasibleNodes) + len(diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap),
        FeasibleNodes:  len(feasibleNodes),
    }, err
  • func (g *genericScheduler) findNodesThatFitPod(ctx context.Context, extenders []framework.Extender, fwk framework.Framework, state *framework.CycleState, pod v1.Pod) ([]v1.Node, framework.Diagnosis, error)
    // 先用prefilter筛一遍pod  TODO:详解这块内容
    // Run "prefilter" plugins. 
    s := fwk.RunPreFilterPlugins(ctx, state, pod)
    allNodes, err := g.nodeInfoSnapshot.NodeInfos().List()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, diagnosis, err
    if !s.IsSuccess() {
        if !s.IsUnschedulable() {
            return nil, diagnosis, s.AsError()
        // All nodes will have the same status. Some non trivial refactoring is
        // needed to avoid this copy.
        for _, n := range allNodes {
            diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap[n.Node().Name] = s
        // Status satisfying IsUnschedulable() gets injected into diagnosis.UnschedulablePlugins.
        return nil, diagnosis, nil

    // "NominatedNodeName" can potentially be set in a previous scheduling cycle as a result of preemption.
    // This node is likely the only candidate that will fit the pod, and hence we try it first before iterating over all nodes.
    // 这里可以理解为pod有潜在推荐的调度机器,并且打开这个特性后将用evaluateNominatedNode筛选出推荐的调度机器 TODO:补充详解
    if len(pod.Status.NominatedNodeName) > 0 && feature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.PreferNominatedNode) {
        feasibleNodes, err := g.evaluateNominatedNode(ctx, extenders, pod, fwk, state, diagnosis)
        if err != nil {
            klog.ErrorS(err, "Evaluation failed on nominated node", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "node", pod.Status.NominatedNodeName)
        // Nominated node passes all the filters, scheduler is good to assign this node to the pod.
        if len(feasibleNodes) != 0 {
            return feasibleNodes, diagnosis, nil
    // 这里主要是framework.Framework接口的RunFilterPluginsWithNominatedPods实现进行pod是否能绑定node的过滤 TODO:补充接口
    feasibleNodes, err := g.findNodesThatPassFilters(ctx, fwk, state, pod, diagnosis, allNodes)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, diagnosis, err
    // 通过扩展调度器进行最后的筛选
    feasibleNodes, err = findNodesThatPassExtenders(extenders, pod, feasibleNodes, diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, diagnosis, err
    return feasibleNodes, diagnosis, nil
  • func prioritizeNodes(
    ctx context.Context,
    extenders []framework.Extender,
    fwk framework.Framework,
    state *framework.CycleState,
    pod v1.Pod,
    nodes []
    ) (framework.NodeScoreList, error)
    if len(extenders) == 0 && !fwk.HasScorePlugins() {
        result := make(framework.NodeScoreList, 0, len(nodes))
        for i := range nodes {
            result = append(result, framework.NodeScore{
                Name:  nodes[i].Name,
                Score: 1,
        return result, nil

    // Run PreScore plugins. TODO:补充打分插件的打分逻辑
    preScoreStatus := fwk.RunPreScorePlugins(ctx, state, pod, nodes)
    if !preScoreStatus.IsSuccess() {
        return nil, preScoreStatus.AsError()

    // Run the Score plugins.TODO:补充打分插件的打分逻辑
    scoresMap, scoreStatus := fwk.RunScorePlugins(ctx, state, pod, nodes)
    if !scoreStatus.IsSuccess() {
        return nil, scoreStatus.AsError()


    // Summarize all scores.
    result := make(framework.NodeScoreList, 0, len(nodes))

    for i := range nodes {
        result = append(result, framework.NodeScore{Name: nodes[i].Name, Score: 0})
        for j := range scoresMap {
            result[i].Score += scoresMap[j][i].Score
    // 如果有extend回并罚执行extender的打分
    if len(extenders) != 0 && nodes != nil {
        var mu sync.Mutex
        var wg sync.WaitGroup
        combinedScores := make(map[string]int64, len(nodes))
        for i := range extenders {
            if !extenders[i].IsInterested(pod) {
            go func(extIndex int) {
                defer func() {
                prioritizedList, weight, err := extenders[extIndex].Prioritize(pod, nodes)
                if err != nil {
                    // Prioritization errors from extender can be ignored, let k8s/other extenders determine the priorities
                for i := range *prioritizedList {
                    host, score := (*prioritizedList)[i].Host, (*prioritizedList)[i].Score
                    if klog.V(10).Enabled() {
                        klog.InfoS("Extender scored node for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "extender", extenders[extIndex].Name(), "node", host, "score", score)
                    combinedScores[host] += score * weight
        // wait for all go routines to finish
        // 将默认打分跟extender打分合并
        for i := range result {
            // MaxExtenderPriority may diverge from the max priority used in the scheduler and defined by MaxNodeScore,
            // therefore we need to scale the score returned by extenders to the score range used by the scheduler.
            result[i].Score += combinedScores[result[i].Name] * (framework.MaxNodeScore / extenderv1.MaxExtenderPriority)

    if klog.V(10).Enabled() {
        for i := range result {
            klog.InfoS("Calculated node's final score for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "node", result[i].Name, "score", result[i].Score)
    return result, nil



      本文标题:k8s源码阅读(4) - kube-scheduler
