The president's trip. the first day. Obama in the air thirting hours. boring's day. i spent the whole day and night on the plane. for me,intreseting things is looking at the beauteful flight attendents in my side moving around. 不过,也心疼姑娘们大半夜的眼睛里含着血丝,笑迎customer,特别的是看到姑娘们拉着餐车徐徐后退的样子楚楚可怜,不由得me 怜香惜玉,谁让哥是个铁血柔情的汉子呢。


话说今天的行程Munich 市区,顺利的话,宝马生产线一饱眼福,宝车情结一直很浓,拥抱一下蒸汽机的鼻祖,也算慰藉了这颗爱车的红心[爱心]

Germany,Guten morgen(德语,早上好),munich,guten morgen,i came here. welcome to me ,with your smile [微笑][愉快]
早上6点, 天气不是太好,小雨,4℃,不影响心情,嘿嘿,,,[微笑][微笑][微笑]