照相机 ≈ 潘多拉的盒子

照相机 ≈ 潘多拉的盒子

作者: 歪布呢呢 | 来源:发表于2016-05-16 22:16 被阅读78次

    Pour moi, j'émets  le voeux que la photographie,  au lieu de tomber dans la domaine d'industrie, du commerce,  rentre dans celui de l'art. C'est là sa seul,  sa véritable place.

    Gustave Le Guy.

    这是个黑匣子,开启后会有很多的东西飞出来。这是人们问到DIBBETS为什么摄影展命名为潘多拉的盒子, Dibbets 给出的答案。




    摄影俨然成为现在艺术的主流表达方式。也正是由于摄影作品的鱼龙混杂,让人开始质疑摄影作为艺术表达方式的地位。可是,如若开始质疑,难道不是内容本身比表达方式更该值得去质疑么。真正有价值的艺术创作不是复制或者随处可见, 而是具有独特性,这也便是摄影这种方式值得让更多的人进行探索的原因。

    The imagination of the camera is greater than that of every single photographer and that of all the photographers put together; this is the precisely of all the photographer. Likewise, there are parts of the camera's program that are already well explored. It is true that one can still take new images, but they wound be redundant, non-informative images, similar to those who has seen before. As stated elsewhere, redundant photographs are not interest in this study; Photographers in the sense intended here are in pursuit of the possibilities that are not yet explored in the camera's program, in pursuit of informative improbable images that have not been seen before.

    Vilem Flusser  1983





    The honor of our times was born a few years ago; a machine, which,  day in and day out, amazes our minds and frighten our eyes, within the century, this machine will be a brush, palette, craft, experience, dexterity, sureness, hue, varnish, sketch, completion, the very essence of painting...Let one believe that the daguerreotype will be the death of art... When the daguerreotype, this giant child, reaches maturity, when all its strength, all its power are developed, then the genius of art itself will suddenly take tit by the collar and cry: " Come along, you belong to me now, we shall work together"

    Antoine Wiertz 1855

    记 La Boîte de Pandore 摄影展

    Jean Dibbets: Il a fait, à l'aide de la photographie, des anamorphoses de formes simples qu'il avait dessinées sur des planchers, des murs ou tracées dans l'herbe ou dans le sable. Avec l'assemblage de plusieurs photos au sein d'un travail il fait des panoramas que lui-même range dans les lointaines vues adaptées (Dutch Horizons). L'espace et la perception jouent un rôle important dans son travail, tout comme le temps qui s'écoule.

    Vilem Flusser: The photographer’s gesture as the search for a viewpoint onto a scene takes place within the possibilities offered by the apparatus. The photographer moves within specific categories of space and time regarding the scene: proximity and distance, bird- and worm’s-eye views, frontal- and side-views, short or long exposures, etc. The Gestalt of space–time surrounding the scene is prefigured for the photographer by the categories of his camera. These categories are an a priori for him. He must ‘decide’ within them: he must press the trigger



        本文标题:照相机 ≈ 潘多拉的盒子
