文献学习083--Mechanosensation by end

文献学习083--Mechanosensation by end

作者: Hayley笔记 | 来源:发表于2023-06-17 16:41 被阅读0次


    1. PIEZO1 is required for leukocyte transendothelial migration in vitro

    Fig 1A: 作者首先针对内皮细胞表达的360个编码transmembrane proteins的基因进行了siRNA pool screening,探究了内皮细胞这360个基因对THP1 transmigrating的影响。结果显示HUVEC中siRNA介导的PIEZO1敲低显著降低了THP1的跨内皮迁移。
    Fig 1B-C: 在HUVEC和bEnd.3内皮中敲低PIEZO也显著降低了PMNs的跨内皮迁移。
    Fig 1D-G: Yoda1 (PIEZO1的activator)可以刺激细胞的跨内皮迁移,si掉PIEZO后效应消失。
    Fig 1H-I:敲低PIEZO后内皮的屏障功能和渗漏情况没有变化。 在B-C图中也可以看到敲低内皮PIEZO之后,免疫细胞的rolling和adhension没有显著变化。

    这里总共用了3种内皮:HUVECbEnd3 (mouse brain endothelial cell line)和MLEC (mouse lung endothelial cells);和3种免疫细胞:THP1PMNs (polymorphonuclear leukocytes多形核白细胞)和PBMCs

    B图看的是内皮和白细胞的binding(包括Rolling, AdhesionTEM),I图是内皮-内皮的黏附: Extravasation(cadherin介导)。

    2. Endothelial PIEZO1 is critically involved in leukocyte extravasation in vivo

    Fig 2A: 为了在体内探究白细胞渗透情况,作者给小鼠腹腔注射了TNFa,并在6h后检测了腹腔CD11b+/Ly6G1+中性粒细胞的数量。结果显示内皮Piezo敲除鼠腹腔中性粒显著下降。
    Fig 2B-D:随后作者在急性皮炎模型中探究了内皮PIEZO的作用。在将巴豆油涂抹到小鼠耳部皮肤后作者发现内皮Piezo敲除鼠的lumen arrest中性粒增多,而Extravasated中性粒减少,提示PIEZO影响了中性粒迁移。而且70%的细胞显示出arrest at the luminal surface of the endothelium,提示它们贴在内皮上但是不能启动跨膜迁移过程。
    Fig 2E-F:同样的,LPS诱导的肺间质内皮细胞渗漏在内皮Piezo敲除鼠中同样显著减轻。
    Fig 2G-I:提睾肌的染色和intravital microscopy结果也提示给予阴囊内注射Il1b后,内皮Piezo敲除鼠的neutrophils extravasation下降。


    Fig 2J:同样的,basal extravasation of Evans blue and extravasation after subcutaneous injection of histamine or vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were indistinguishable between wild-type and EC-Piezo1-KO mice, indicating that vascular permeability was unchanged.


    C图和15年一篇Nature Reviews Immunology综述里的一样

    3. Leukocytes and low flow induce PIEZO1 activation to stimulate endothelial downstream signaling

    由于胞内[Ca2+]i的增加参与了白细胞跨内皮迁移的initiation而且体内白细胞diapedesis出现时存在low flow,作者探究了flow at a low shear rate (1.2 dynes/cm2) 存在或不存在条件下白细胞诱导的内皮胞质Ca2+的增加。
    Fig 3A:单给flow或单给PMNs,内皮胞内Ca2+随时间变化不显著,但flow和PMNs联合刺激下,胞内Ca2+显著增加。
    Fig 3B:而且这个过程是PIEZO依赖的。
    Fig 3C-D:Whole cell patch-clamp recordings of MLECs showed characteristic inward currents when cells were exposed simultaneously to low flow and PMNs, which were not seen in MLECs from EC-Piezo1-KO animals. In contrast, exposure of MLECs to flow alone or PMNs alone induced only small currents. (Fig 3A-B对应的在体实验)
    Fig 3E-F: flow 和 PMNs 可以synergistically引起下游PYK2, SRC 和 MLC 的磷酸化(比单独flow/PMNs)的效应显著要强。而且这个效应在si掉PIEZO1后消失。

    PYK2, SRC 和 MLC是已知的PIEZO1下游信号通路吗

    How leukocytes cross the vascular endothelium (Nature Reviews Immunology | AOP, published online 16 October 2015; doi:10.1038/nri3908)

    Fig 3G-H: flow 和 PMNs的联合作用可以被Yoda1 mimic,同样效应在si掉PIEZO1后消失。
    Fig 3I: 使用PF431396 或 PP2 抑制掉PYK2 或 SRC可以降低basal transmigration并阻断Yoda1诱导的PMN transmigration增加。

    These data strongly indicate that PMNs and low flow synergistically induce downstream signaling events through endothelial PIEZO1, resulting in the opening of endothelial junctions and leukocyte transmigration.

    Fig 3J: 与此一致的是,血管内皮 VE-cadherin 的internalization在flow 和 PMNs的联合作用下显著增加。si掉PIEZO1后效应则显著下降。

    4. Endothelial PIEZO1 is activated by flow-induced ICAM-1 clustering

    Fig 4A-B: 由于内皮细胞的ICAM1和白细胞β2整合素的engagement是[Ca2+]i增加和白细胞渗出的关键步骤,作者抑制了内皮ICAM1,发现可以很强的抑制PMN诱导的 Ca2+ transients 和 PYK2, SRC, MLC 的磷酸化。
    Fig 4C-D: 作者使用了Anti-ICAM1 beads (Clustering of ICAM-1 using beads coated with anti–ICAM-1 antibodies)来mimic PMN和内皮的结合作用。显示可以诱导Ca2+ transients 并激活下游PYK2, SRC和MLC的磷酸化。


    Fig 4E-F: When beads coated with anti–ICAM-1 antibodies were given together with low flow, an inward current was induced, which was sensitive to Gd31+ and the PIEZO1 inhibitor GsMTx4, whereas beads and flow alone had hardly any effect.

    This strongly indicates that clustering and activation of ICAM-1 by leukocytes in the presence of low flow results in PIEZO1-mediated downstream signaling leading to the opening of endothelial junctions.

    5. Flow and ICAM-1 clustering synergistically increase endothelial membrane tension

    既往报道ICAM1的clustering和白细胞对内皮的黏附可以引起内皮细胞表达的stiffening并引起traction stress。因此作者使用fluorescent lipid tension sensor FliptR36和membrane stress sensor (MSS) biosensors探究了ICAM-1 clustering和PMNs对内皮细胞膜tension的影响

    检测膜tension用的是membrane tension probe Flipper-TR®,参考Flipper-TR® :一种革命性的新型活细胞膜张力荧光探针

    Fig 5A-D: We found that clustering of ICAM-1 or addition of PMNs leads to a small increase in endothelial membrane tension. Low flow, which by itself had no significant effect on endothelial membrane tension, when given together with ICAM-1 clustering agents or PMNs, resulted in a very strong increase in plasma membrane tension. This indicates that low flow and ICAM-1 clustering synergistically increase endothelial membrane tension.

    由于已知ICAM1 clustering可以引起localized actin polymerization,MLC phosphorylation和actomyosin contractility, which promote junctional opening,作者分析了cytochalasin D 和 blebbistatin 对膜张力和ICAM1 clustering 诱导的PYK2, SRC 和 MLC磷酸化的作用。

    Fig 6A-D: Both agents blocked ICAM-1–dependent changes in membrane tension and downstream signaling.

    作者随后探究了ICAM-1 clustering诱导的membrane tension增加和下游信号通路的活化是否有actin adapter proteins a-actinin-4 和 cortactin的参与

    a-actinin-4 and cortactin have been shown to be recruited after clustering of ICAM-1 and be required for ICAM-1–mediated actin filament branching and for ICAM-1–dependent transendothelial migration of neutrophils

    Fig 6E-F: siRNA-mediated knockdown of the RNAs encoding a-actinin-4 and cortactin blocked the effect of ICAM-1 clustering on membrane tension and downstream signaling.

    These data suggest that actin polymerization and actomyosin contractility of the cortical cytoskeleton induced by ICAM-1 clustering and leading to increased cortical tension directly affect plasma membrane tension and thereby induce PIEZO1 activation.


    Piezo1是诺奖获得者Arderm Potapotian实验室发现的一种新型的机械力敏感离子通道,在心肌细胞,血管平滑肌细胞,骨骼干细胞及脂肪细胞等发挥力学感知作用。研究者团队前期也证实Piezo1是血管内皮细胞感知血流剪切力的关键受体, 为了进一步从力学角度探究Piezo1介导白细胞转移的分子机制,团队运用新型细胞膜张力荧光探针FliptR及MSS biosensor 探针,并结合FLIM荧光寿命成像及FRET技术,记录了白细胞在转移过程中对内皮细胞膜产生的力学影响,通过力学成像,研究者发现在静止状态下白细胞与内皮细胞接触仅造成内皮细胞膜张力的微弱升高,但如果在白细胞跨内皮细胞转移时加入流体剪切力,会造成内皮细胞膜张力的显著升高,从而激活细胞膜上力学受体Piezo1,导致外钙内流,进而激活Src, PYK2,MLC等一系列细胞内信号并导致VE-cadherin内吞,最终引起内皮细胞收缩及内皮屏障开放,从而介导白细胞跨越内皮转移至血管外。


    Comment来自领域权威学者Peter L. Hordijk。Hordijk教授认为本工作解决了领域近20年亟待解决的一个关键问题:发现了Piezo1是白细胞激活内皮细胞,激发内皮细胞钙信号的关键离子通道,为白细胞的跨血管转移揭示了全新的力学机制。本项工作创新性地从生物力学角度揭示了血管炎症反应的关键力学机制,被Blood选为封面文章,入选Medscape当月推荐文章。

    延伸:关于Immune cells extravasation
    How leukocytes cross the vascular endothelium (Nature Reviews Immunology | AOP, published online 16 October 2015; doi:10.1038/nri3908)
    1. TRPC6 is the endothelial calcium channel that regulates leukocyte transendothelial migration during the inflammatory response



          本文标题:文献学习083--Mechanosensation by end
