Words & Expressions
He bent - tugging at the body. Vera leaned against him, helping him. She pulled and tugged with all her might.
explanation: to pull with one or more short, quick pulls
e.g. The woman gently tugged his arm.
2.lull somebody into (doing) something
His quick brain was working. Which way - which method - talk her over - lull her into security - or a swift dash –
explanation: to make someone feel safe and confident so that they are completely surprised when something bad happens
e.g. Earthquakes here are rare and this has lulled people into false sense of security.
Lombard's leaping body stayed poised in mid-spring, then crashed heavily to the ground.
explanation: to put or hold something in a carefull above something else
e.g. He poised the bottle over her glass. "More wine?"
Relief possessed Vera - enormous exquisite relief.
explanation: literary exquisite pain or pleasure is felt very strongly
She had conquered - had triumphed over the most deadly peril.
explanation: literary or formal great danger, especially of being harmed or killed
e.g. They put their own lives in peril to rescue their friends.
Good sentences
The sun was setting when Vera moved at last. Sheer reaction had kept her immobile. There had been no room in her for anything but the glorious sense of safety.