- 【译】From the Earth to the Moon (3
- 【译】From the Earth to the Moon (5
- 【译】From the Earth to the Moon (4
- 【译】From the Earth to the Moon (2
- 【译】From the Earth to the Moon (1
- Gravity 1-4 “Earthquake”
- Vicky的ScalersTalk第六轮新概念朗读持续力训练Da
- 伊卡莱姆的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day
- Vicky的ScalersTalk第六轮新概念朗读持续力训练Da
- Vicky的ScalersTalk第六轮新概念朗读持续力训练Da
From the Earth to the Moon
by Jules Verne
“This is disheartening!” the worthy Tom Hunter said one evening while his wooden legs were slowly charring in front of the fireplace in the smoking room. “There’s nothing to do, nothing to hope for! What a tedious life! Where are the days when we were awakened every morning by the joyful booming of cannons?”
“Those days are gone,”replied the dashing Bilsby, trying to stretch his missing arms.“How wonderful they were! You could invent a howitzer and try it out on the enemy as soon as it was cast, then when you came back to camp you’d get a word of praise from Sherman or a handshake from Sherman or a handshake from McClellan. But now the generals have become shopkeepers again, and balls of yarn are the deadliest projectiles, they’re likely to deal with. The future is bleak for artillery in America!”
“You’re right, Bilsby, it’s a cruel disappointment!” said Colonel Bloomsberry. “One day you give up your calm, peaceful life, you learn the manual of arms, you leave Baltimore and march off to battle, you fight heroically, and then, two or three years later, you have you have to lose the fruit of all your efforts and do nothing but stand around idly with your hands in your pockets.”
“And no war in sight!” said the famous J. T. Maston, scratching his rubber skull with the iron hook at the end of his arm. “There’s not even a cloud on the horizon, and yet there’s still so much to be done in the science of artillery! Only this morning I drew up a complete set of plans of a mortar that’s destined to change the laws of war!”
“没有战争了!”曼斯顿说着,一边用他那手腕上的铁钩轻挠着橡胶制的头骨。 “天上连片云都没有,还有那么多炮弹研究等着我们去做!就在今天早上,我只花了一上午,就制定出了一套完整的关于迫击炮的计划,它一定会改变战争的法则!”
“Really?” said Tom Hunter, involuntarily recalling the test firing of Maston’s last creation.
“Yes,” said Maston. “But what good did it do me to make all those studies and work out all those difficulties? I was only wasting my time. The New World seems determined to live in peace, and the belligerent New York Tribune has begun predicting catastrophes caused by the scandalous growth of population.”
“But there’s always a war going on in Europe to support the principle of nationality, ” said Colonel Bloomsberry.
“What of it?”
“Well, there might be something for us to do over there, and if our services were accepted…”
“What?” cried Bilsby. “Are you suggesting that we do ballistic research for foreigners?”
“It would be better than not doing any at all,” retorted the colonel.
“Yes, it would, ” said J. T. Maston, “but it’s out of the question.”
“Because in the Old World they have ideas about promotion that are contrary to all our American habits. They think a man can’t become a general unless he’s first been a second lieutenant, which is the much as saying that you can’t be a good gunner unless you’ve casting the gun yourself! It’s …”
“Ridiculous, that’s what it is!” said Tom Hunter, tabbing arms of his chair with his Bowie knife. “but since that’s how things are, there’s nothing left for us to do but plant tobacco or distill whale oil!”