1)striking~/difference/similarity: There are many striking parallels between Shanghai and New York City.(上海和纽约有着许多惊人的相似之处)
2)draw a parallel: He drew an interesting parallel with religious practices inJapan.(他与日本的宗教实践有着有趣的相似之处)
3)without parallel: a speed of development without parallel in post-war Europe.(战后欧洲不平行的发展速度)
2、This book mainly draws interesting parallels between traditional publishing industry and digital publishing industry.(这本书主要写的是传统出版业和数字出版业之间有趣的相似性)
3、场景: 深圳多台风,有时听报道会说这两个台风的路径惊人地相似。
造句: The paths of these two typhoons have mind-boggling parallels.