

作者: lord_young | 来源:发表于2021-01-11 17:51 被阅读0次

When it comes to knowing about events happening around the world, some people argue that it's very important even if it is unlikely affect out daily life, claiming that catching the new events around the world will give us a wider horizon. This may sound plausible at the first glimpse. However, caused by rapidly change of the world today, there are many disadvantages of knowing events around the world.

Personally speaking, in today's society, it is not important to know events can not affect our daily life, Reasons are followed.

First, follow events happening around the world will waste a lot of one's time and efforts. Today, we are living in a fast paced society, the society changes every day, and the change exactly affects our daily life, we have new tasks in our work, and we will face new problem after work, we are busy handling new issues every day, if we spend too much time on chasing new events that unlikely affect our daily life, we will have few time to handle things that really matters, therefore we follow the things that will not affect our daily life is a kind of waste of time and effort.

Second, if new events can not influence our daily life, it can not be called important. Important means something has essential effects on other things, to today's human being, important means something has widely and vitally impact on their works, their families, their health, and other social activities, in other words, daily life, since knowing new events unlikely affect our daily life, how can we call it important? We can only call it unimportant.

Admittedly, to know about events happening around the world is useful sometimes, for instance, it will give us a better view of today's world, it may help us understand how the society running deeply, and it can give us a wider vision about the things around us. But, if the events can not affect our life, they can not be important to human beings today.

To conclude, although to know about events happening around the world is useful sometimes, but, it is far from important.

Therefore, I believe that knowing about events that can not affect our daily life is not important.


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