

作者: 丁丁水天 | 来源:发表于2020-05-29 23:24 被阅读0次


Lesson 59 Collecting

Whatever it consists of, stamps, records, first editions of books, china, glass, antique furniture, pictures, model cars, stuffed birds, toy animals, there is always something to do in connection with it, from finding the right place for the latest addition to verifying facts in reference books.This hobby educates one not only in the chosen subject, but also in general matters which have some bearing on it. There are also other benefits. One wants to meet like-minded collectors, to get advice, to compare notes, to exchange articles, to show off the latest find. So one's circle of friends grows. Soon the hobby leads to travel, perhaps to a meeting in another town, possibly a trip abroad in search of a rare specimen, for collectors are not confined to any one country. Over the years, one may well become an authority on one's hobby and will very probably be asked to give informal talks to little gatherings and then, if successful, to larger audiences. In this way self-confidence grows, first from mastering a subject, then from being able to talk about it. Collecting, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom.




/wɒtˈɛvər/ /ɪt/ /kənˈsɪsts/ /ɒv/, /stæmps/, /ˈrɛkɔːdz/, /fɜːst/ /ɪˈdɪʃənz/ /ɒv/ /bʊks/, /ˈʧaɪnə/, /glɑːs/, /ænˈtiːk/ /ˈfɜːnɪʧə/,/ˈpɪkʧəz/, /ˈmɒdl/ /kɑːz/, /stʌft/ /bɜːdz/, /tɔɪ/ /ˈænɪməlz/, /ðeər/ /ɪz/ /ˈɔːlweɪz/ /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ /tuː/ /duː/ /ɪn/ /kəˈnɛkʃən/ /wɪð/ /ɪt/, /frɒm/ /ˈfaɪndɪŋ/ /ðə/ /raɪt/ /pleɪs/ /fɔː/ /ðə/ /ˈleɪtɪst/ /əˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ /tuː/ /ˈvɛrɪfaɪɪŋ/ /fækts/ /ɪn/ /ˈrɛfrəns/ /bʊks/./ðɪs/ /ˈhɒbi/ /ˈɛdju(ː)keɪts/ /wʌn/ /nɒt/ /ˈəʊnli/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /ˈʧəʊzn/ /ˈsʌbʤɪkt/, /bʌt/ /ˈɔːlsəʊ/ /ɪn/ /ˈʤɛnərəl/ /ˈmætəz/ /wɪʧ/ /hæv/ /sʌm/ /ˈbeərɪŋ/ /ɒn/ /ɪt/. /ðeər/ /ɑːr/ /ˈɔːlsəʊ/ /ˈʌðə/ /ˈbɛnɪfɪts/. /wʌn/ /wɒnts/ /tuː/ /miːt/ /ˈlaɪkˈmaɪndɪd/ /kəˈlɛktəz/, /tuː/ /gɛt/ /ədˈvaɪs/, /tuː/ /kəmˈpeə/ /nəʊts/, /tuː/ /ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ/ /ˈɑːtɪklz/, /tuː/ /ʃəʊ/ /ɒf/ /ðə/ /ˈleɪtɪst/ /faɪnd/. /səʊ/ /wʌnz/ /ˈsɜːkl/ /ɒv/ /frɛndz/ /grəʊz/. /suːn/ /ðə/ /ˈhɒbi/ /liːdz/ /tuː/ /ˈtrævl/, /pəˈhæps/ /tuː/ /ə/ /ˈmiːtɪŋ/ /ɪn/ /əˈnʌðə/ /taʊn/,/ˈpɒsəbli/ /ə/ /trɪp/ /əˈbrɔːd/ /ɪn/ /sɜːʧ/ /ɒv/ /ə/ /reə/ /ˈspɛsɪmɪn/, /fɔː/ /kəˈlɛktəz/ /ɑː/ /nɒt/ /kənˈfaɪnd/ /tuː/ /ˈɛni/ /wʌn/ /ˈkʌntri/. /ˈəʊvə/ /ðə/ /jɪəz/, /wʌn/ /meɪ/ /wɛl/ /bɪˈkʌm/ /ən/ /ɔːˈθɒrɪti/ /ɒn/ /wʌnz/ /ˈhɒbi/ /ænd/ /wɪl/ /ˈvɛri/ /ˈprɒbəbli/ /biː/ /ɑːskt/ /tuː/ /gɪv/ /ɪnˈfɔːml/ /tɔːks/ /tuː/ /ˈlɪtl/ /ˈgæðərɪŋz/ /ænd/ /ðɛn/, /ɪf/ /səkˈsɛsfʊl/, /tuː/ /ˈlɑːʤər/ /ˈɔːdiənsɪz/. /ɪn/ /ðɪs/ /weɪ/ /sɛlf/-/ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ /grəʊz/, /fɜːst/ /frɒm/ /ˈmɑːstərɪŋ/ /ə/ /ˈsʌbʤɪkt/, /ðɛn/ /frɒm/ /ˈbiːɪŋ/ /ˈeɪbl/ /tuː/ /tɔːk/ /əˈbaʊt/ /ɪt/. /kəˈlɛktɪŋ/, /baɪ/ /ˈɒkjʊpaɪɪŋ/ /speə/ /taɪm/ /səʊ/ /kənˈstrʌktɪvli/, /meɪks/ /ə/ /ˈpɜːsn/ /kənˈtɛntɪd/, /wɪð/ /nəʊ/ /taɪm/ /fɔː/ /ˈbɔːdəm/.



