DAY-3 英语作业 9.2

DAY-3 英语作业 9.2

作者: _甜心_ | 来源:发表于2018-09-03 15:44 被阅读0次

    41.condense 凝结,简略,缩短,减缩,浓缩 v.

    condensation (n.)  condenser (n.)

    同义 反义
    compress enlarge
    simplify expand
    squeeze extend

    词组:condensed milk 炼乳

    42.confidence 信任,自信,秘密,私事 n.

    confident (adj.)  confidential (adj.)

    同义 反义
    believe diffidence
    positiveness distrust
    —— nonconfidence

    词组:have confidence in sb. 信任某人
       take sb. into one's confidence 告诉某人自己的秘密

    43.conquer 占领,克服,攻取,征服,战胜 v.

    conquerable (adj.)

    同义 反义
    conquest submit
    crush surrender
    defeat ——
    overcome ——
    win ——

    词组:to crush one's way through the crowd 挤过人群

    44.console 安慰,抚慰,慰问 v.

    consolable (adj.)  consolation (n.)  consolidate (v.统一,巩固,联合)

    同义 反义
    placate afflict
    reassure torment
    solate torture

    45.consume 吃,喝,消耗,烧毁,毁坏 v.

    consumer (n.)  consuming (adj.控制的)  consumption (n.消费)

    同义 反义
    exhaust earn
    spend ——
    waste ——
    drink up ——
    eat up ——

    46.contradict 反驳,与矛盾,与...抵触 v.

    contradiction (n.)  contradictory (adj.)

    同义 反义
    dispute acknowledge
    oppose admit
    —— recognize

    词组:be in contradiction with 与...矛盾

    47.convict 宣判...有罪(常与of连用) v. / 罪犯,囚犯 n.

    conviction (n.)  convictive (adj.)  convictively (adv.)

    同义 反义
    condemn absolve
    doom acquit
    sentence discharge

    48.cordial 热忱的 adj. / 甘露酒,果汁 n.

    cordiality (n.)

    同义 反义
    friendly cold
    hearty inhospital
    hospitable ——
    kind ——
    sincere ——
    warm ——

    49.courteous 有理的,谦虚的,殷勤的 adj.

    courtesy (n.)

    同义 反义
    civil boorish
    gracious discourteous
    polite impolite
    obliging ——

    词组:by courtesy of 获...的允许

    50.credit 信赖,存入账户(常与to、with连用) v.

    credibly (agv.)

    同义 反义
    belief debit
    faith discredit
    trust distrust

    词组:get credit 获得赏识
       give credit to sb. 称赞某人

    51.critical 苛求的,危险的,批评的 adj.

    critically (adv.)  criticize (v.)
    urgent| ——

    52.curious 好奇的,爱管闲事的,古怪的,奇特的 adj.

    curiously (adv.)

    同义 反义
    inquisitive incurious
    peculiar indifferent
    unusual unconcerned
    —— uninterseted

    词组:curious to say 说起来真奇怪

    53.custom 习俗,光顾,习惯,关税,海关 n.

    customary (adj.)

    同义 反义
    habit ——
    manner ——
    practice ——
    tradition ——
    use ——
    way ——

    词组:by the way 顺道一提
       on the way 去...的路上

    54.defend 防护,守护,辩护,辩解 v.

    defendant (n.被告 adj.辩护的)   defensible (adj.可防御的)  defensive (adj. 防御性的,防护的)

    同义 反义
    protect assail
    shield attack
    support charge

    55.decline 下滑,下降,衰落,婉拒 v. / 衰退,衰败 n.

    declinature (n.)

    同义 反义
    deny accept
    descend admit
    reject ascend
    —— rise

    词组:on the decline 在衰退中

    56.definite 明确的,意志坚定的,肯定的,限定的 adj.

    definition (n.)

    同义 反义
    clear indefinite
    distinct indistinct
    exact obscure
    precise vague

    57.delicate 易碎的,灵敏的,精密的,娇柔的 adj.

    delicacy (n.)

    同义 反义
    brittle crude
    fine indelicate
    frail rude
    fragile substantial

    58.depart 离去,出发,背离,违反,死亡 v.

    departed (adj.)  departure (n.)

    同义 反义
    decease exist
    die live
    expire ——
    leave ——
    perish ——

    59.depress 降低,压下,使贬值,使价格下跌,使萧条,不活泼,使沮丧,使忧愁 v.

    depressing (n.)  depressive (adj.)

    同义 反义
    deject encourage
    discourage inspire
    lessen ——
    lower ——
    reduce ——

    60.discord 分歧,争论,争吵,不和,喧闹 n.

    discordance (n.)  discordant (adj.)

    同义 反义
    conflict accord
    difference harmony
    disagreement ——
    dispute ——
    friction ——



          本文标题:DAY-3 英语作业 9.2
