

作者: 六点一十 | 来源:发表于2019-02-20 04:52 被阅读0次


    虽然社交媒体给了这些人更多的自我表达和社区建设的空间,但仍有很多人普遍认为 Facebook,Instagram,Snapchat 和 Twitter 对他们的健康状况有不利影响。Facebook 的创始总裁 Sean Parker 曾说过该产品是通过“利用人类心理学中的漏洞”而发挥作用的。事实上,2014年的一项实验研究指出,人们使用 Facebook 时触发的脑区域与赌博和药物滥用触发的区域相同。

    根据美国“生命科学”网站(Live Science)报道,一般易助长负面情绪的错误习惯有以下几点:1、把自己同那些在社交媒体上经常晒自己完美生活的朋友相比较;2、对社交网络已经上瘾,甚至开始影响自己的工作或学习;3、发布的照片不被大家喜欢会觉得低落……如果发现自己有点苗头了,就应该放下手机,多参加些现实世界的活动,别让社交网络给你带来负能量,影响到自身健康。

    Social fretworks: life online

    ① A growing body of research demonstrates that in young people psychiatric illnesses are linked with heavy consumption of social media.

    ② According to a survey in 2017, young Britons reported that social networks gave them scope for self-expression and community-building.

    ③ But they also said that the platforms exacerbated anxiety, depression, sleep-deprivation, bullying, body image and "FOMO" ("fear of missing out").

    ④ An experiment in 2014 concluded that Facebook triggers the same impulsive part of the brain as gambling and substance abuse.

    ⑤ It is difficult to prove that obsessing over likes and comments causes mental illness, rather than the other way around.

    ⑥ But one survey tracked 5,208 Americans between 2013 and 2015, finding that an increase in Facebook activity was associated with a future decrease in mental health.

    ⑦ Happiness rates are highest for FaceTime (91%), a video-calling app, and phone calls (84%).

    ⑧ When it comes to social networkin6g, actual conversations are hard to beat.


    social fretwork: 暗指 social network (社交网络) 给我们带来的焦虑等问题

    fretwork /ˈfretwɜːk/: n. (木头或金属上刻出的) 花纹

    fret /fret/: n./vi. 焦虑;烦恼

    body /ˈbɒdi/: n. 团体

    demonstrate /ˈdemənstreɪt/: vt. 证明;表明 vi. 游行示威

    psychiatric /ˌsaɪkiˈætrɪk/: adj. 精神疾病的

    heavy consumption: 过度使用

    consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃən/: n. 消费

    survey /ˈsəːveɪ, səˈveɪ/: n. 调查 vt. 调查

    scope /skəʊp, skoʊp/: n. 机会;范围

    self-expression: 自我表现

    exacerbate /ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt/: vt. 加剧;使……恶化

    sleep-deprivation: 睡眠不足

    deprivation /ˌdeprəˈveɪʃən/: n. 不足;(物资) 匮乏

    bullying /ˈbʊlɪɪŋ/: n. 霸凌;欺凌

    body image: (自我) 身体意象

    FOMO (fear of missing out): 错失恐惧症;社群恐慌症

    impulsive /ɪmˈpʌlsɪv/: adj. 冲动的

    substance abuse: 物质滥用 (本文指药物滥用)

    obsess /əbˈses/: vi. 执着于;沉迷于

    the other way around: 相反地

    increase /ˈɪnkriːs/: n. 增加

    decrease /ˈdiːkriːs/: n. 减少


    1. psychiatric: adj. 精神疾病的

    · psychiatric illness/disease: 精神疾病

    · psychiatric disorder: 精神错乱/失常

    · psychiatry /saɪˈkaɪətri/: n. 精神病学

    · psychological /ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/: adj. 心理的

    · psychology /saɪˈkɒlədʒi/: n. 心理学

    2. body: n. 团体

    · an advisory body: 顾问团

    · a body of: 大量的

    A growing body of evidence supports his conclusion.


    3. scope: n. 机会;范围

    · scope for sth.: 做某事的机会

    Reform gives scope for social change.


    4. deprivation: n. 不足;(物资) 匮乏

    · deprive: vt. 剥夺

    There were food shortages and other deprivations in the war.


    5. bullying: n. 霸凌;欺凌

    · cyberbullying: 网络暴力




    Social fretworks

    暗指 social network (社交网络) 给我们带来的焦虑等问题

    psychiatric /ˌsaɪkiˈætrɪk/

    adj. 精神疾病的


    a body of: 大量的

    body of

    a body of: 大量的

    demonstrates /ˈdemənstreɪt/

    demonstrate: vt. 证明;表明 vi. 游行示威

    heavy consumption

    过度使用(consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃən/: n. 消费)

    survey /ˈsəːveɪ, səˈveɪ/

    survey: n. 调查 vt. 调查



    scope /skəʊp, skoʊp/

    n. 机会;范围

    exacerbated /ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt/

    exacerbate: vt. 加剧;使……恶化


    睡眠不足(deprivation /ˌdeprəˈveɪʃən/: n. 不足;(物资) 匮乏)

    bullying /ˈbʊlɪɪŋ/

    n. 霸凌;欺凌

    body image

    (自我) 身体意象



    impulsive /ɪmˈpʌlsɪv/

    adj. 冲动的

    substance abuse

    物质滥用 (本文指药物滥用)

    obsessing /əbˈses/

    obsess: vi. 执着于;沉迷于

    the other way around


    increase /ˈɪnkriːs/

    n. 增加

    decrease /ˈdiːkriːs/

    n. 减少



