绘本讲师训练营【15期】5/21 阅读原创

绘本讲师训练营【15期】5/21 阅读原创

作者: Yia依亚 | 来源:发表于2018-07-06 15:52 被阅读60次


Lesson Plan: From Head to Toe(Eric Carle)

From head to toe

Story Summary: When the title of this book came in my sight at the first time, my impression: Is Eric telling kids each body parts from head to toe? How boring! When I opened the book I found I was right for guessing the content, but I was wrong for thinking it as boring. It’s a book full of fun and kids can follow the movements! Actually, this book is about animals doing some actions that men can imitate.


·      Copy and cut the animal illustrations in the book

·      Adhesive tape

·      A4 papers with a human dessin on each paper

·      Print words of body parts like “head, shoulder, back, legs…”

·      glue

Warm Up: Sing song <Head, shoulder, knees and toes> and do the movements with the song.

Instruction: What does a monkey do that we can do? What does a crocodile do that we can do? What does a flamingo do that we can do? Let’s check out together!

Story telling: Have kids sitting around me. Read aloud the story, stop on each page, ask kids to point out the part of their body that is mentioned on the page.

Story Review: All stand up, re-read the story, do each movements in the same time. Do some actions to show each animals’ characteristics. Such as: Extend the neck to pretend a giraffe, to make kids memorize the word “giraffe”, Waddle like a penguin to make kids memorize the word “penguin”, etc.


1.  Fun physical game: during the story review(read the story a second time), have kids imitate the actions in the book. Such as:Turn your head like a penguin, Bend your neck like a giraffe

2.  Distribute one animal illustration to each kid, help them stick the animal on their forehead, ask them to act like the animal they wear.

3.  Words matching: Distribute the human dessin paper to each kid, have them repeat the body parts with me, distribute the printed words to them, have them stick each word on the right body part.

body parts word match

4.  ask kids to imagine other animals that we can imitate, such as: fly like a butterfly, larva like a caterpillar.

5.  I point out a body part and ask “what’s this?”, have kids to say the word “head!”, “ nose!”.

6.  I say words like “ chest!”, “ hips!” and ask kids to point out the body part.


1.  Once again, sing song <Head, shoulder, knees and toes> and do the movements with the song.

2.  Re-create the song < If you are happy and you know it clap your hand> with the book, sing and act. Such as: If you are happy and you know it turn your head, If you are happy and you know it bend your neck…



    本文标题:绘本讲师训练营【15期】5/21 阅读原创
