Lack of Subject-Verb Agreement
A verb must agree with its subject in person and number.
A singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb.
栗子NO1——Kate are twelve years old now.
应该改为:Kate is twelve years old now.
栗子NO2——There are some milk in the glass.
应该改为:There is some milk in the glass.
看起来是不是so easy, 但是实际情况中,主语都不是一个次在战斗哦,就算是一个词也是有卧虎藏龙之辈

Do not mistake the object of a reposition for the subject of a sentence. The simple subject is never within a prepositional phrase. Make sure the verb agrees with the actual subject and not with the object of a preposition.
栗子NO3——A new collection of images have been issued from the White House Photo Office.
(嗯,你没看错,这个句子又是错的,真正的主语是A new collection哦,后面的images只是说明是哪种collection)
应该修改为:A new collection of images has been issued from the White House Photo Office.
表语用来说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语常由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词的-ing、不定式、从句来充当,它常位于系动词(be, become, appear, seem,look,sound,feel,get,smell等词)之后。A predicative, also called a subject complement, is used after a link verb, renaming or describing the subject. A predictive has nothing to do with the verb in person or number. Only the subject affects the number of the linking verb.
栗子NO4——The world’s thickest book are 12.5 inches.
(看到inches好happy哦,终于出现了这么明显的复数,前面的谓语肯定也是用复数对不对,简直要被自己的聪明上天了,骚年,遗憾地告诉你,所谓的主谓一致是要看主语的,你盯着人家表语这么居心叵测干什么,回头看看主语是什么,主语是“The world’s thickest book”)
应该改为: The world’s thickest book is 12.5 inches.
常见的集合名词有audience, board, cabinet, committee, faculty. family, group, jury, majority, minority, team等,
Collective noun are words used to define a group of objects, where objects can be people, animals, emotions, inanimate things, concepts, or other things. As a collective noun is made up of more than one thing, it can be either singular or plural, depending on context.

1) 集合名词被当单数时是一个整体概念;
a collective noun is treated as singular when it refers to a group as a whole.
2) 集合名词被当复数时是指集体当中的各成员;
a collective noun is treated as plural when it refers to each member of a group individually.
栗子NO5——The other team does not arrive, so our team wins by default. 另外一支队伍没能抵达,所以我们队阴差阳错地胜利了。
(a team as a whole)
Our team were wearing blue shorts. 我们队(员)穿着蓝色短袖。 (each member of the team)
栗子NO6——The family posed outside the house. 他的家人在屋外摆姿势。
(each member of the family)
His family is not very well off. 他的家庭不富裕。
(the family as a whole)
