《DevOps for Finance》CHAPTER 1 C

《DevOps for Finance》CHAPTER 1 C

作者: antony已经被占用 | 来源:发表于2019-01-01 16:07 被阅读0次

CHAPTER 1 Challenges in Adopting DevOps

DevOps practices like Continuous Delivery are being followed by some digital banking startups and other disruptive online fintech platforms, leveraging cloud services to get up and running quickly without spending too much up front on technology, and to take advantage of elastic on-demand computing capacity as they grow. But what about global investment banks, or a central securities depository or a stock exchange—large enterprises that have massiveinvestments in legacy technology?



Is DevOps Ready for the Enterprise?

So far, enterprise success for DevOps has been mostly modest and predictable: Continuous Delivery in consumer-facing web apps or greenfield mobile projects; moving data storage and analytics and general office functions into the cloud; and Agile programs to introduce automated testing and Continuous Integration, branded as DevOps to sound more hip.



In her May 2014 Wall Street Journal article “DevOps is Great for
Startups, but for Enterprises It Won’t Work—Yet”, Rachel Shannon-
Solomon outlines some of the major challenges that enterprises
need to overcome in adopting DevOps:
Rachel Shannon-Solomon 在她2014年5月的文章“DevOps对初创企业来说非常棒,但对大型企业来说,它还不起作用”(DevOps is Great for Startups, but for Enterprises It Won’t Work—Yet)一文中,概括了大型企业在引入DevOps时需要克服的一些主要挑战:
1. Siloed structures and organizational inertia make the kinds of
change that DevOps demands difficult and expensive.
2. Most of the popular DevOps toolkits are great if you have a web
system based on a LAMP stack, or if you need to solve specific automation problems. But these tools aren’t always enough if you have thousands of systems on different architectures and legacy technology platforms, and want to standardize on common enterprise tools and practices.
1 See http://on.mktw.net/1MdiuaF.
1 请参阅http://on.mktw.net/1mdiuaf
3. Building the financial ROI case for a technology-driven business
process transformation that needs to cross organizational
silos doesn’t seem easy—although, as we’ll see by the end of this
book, the ROI for DevOps should become clear to all of the
stakeholders once they understand how DevOps works.
3. 为技术驱动的,特别是跨组织仓筒的业务流程转型构建财务投资回报率(ROI)案例看起来并不容易。不过,我们将在本书结尾处看到书中,DevOps的投资回报率应该对所有利益相关者来说是非常明确的,一旦他们了解了DevOps的工作原理的话。
4. Many people believe that DevOps requires a cultural revolution.
Large-scale cultural change is especially difficult to achieve in
enterprises. Where does the revolution start? In development,
or in operations, or in the business lines? Who will sponsor it?
Who will be the winners—and the losers?


These objections are valid, but they’re less convincing when you recognize

that DevOps organizations like Google and Amazon are enterprises in their own right, and when you see the success that some other organizations are beginning to have with DevOps at the enterprise level. They’ve already proven that DevOps can succeed at scale, if the management will and vision, and the engineering talent and discipline, are there.
A shortage of engineering talent is a serious blocker for many organizations trying to implement DevOps. But this isn’t as much of a concern for the financial industry, which spends as much on IT talent as Silicon Valley, and competes directly with Internet technology companies for the best and the brightest. And adopting DevOps creates a virtuous circle in hiring: giving engineering and delivery teams more freedom and accountability, and a greater chance to learn and succeed, attracts more and better talent.1

So what is holding DevOps adoption back in the financial markets? Let’s look at other challenges that financial firms have to overcome:
1. The high risks and costs of failure in financial systems
2. Chaining interdependencies between systems, making changes
difficult to test and expensive (and high risk) to roll out
3. The weight of legacy technology and legacy controls
4. Perceived regulatory compliance roadblocks
5. Security risks and threats, and the fear that DevOps will make
IT less secure
Let’s look at each of these challenges in more detail.



      本文标题:《DevOps for Finance》CHAPTER 1 C
