public JedisUtil(JedisPool jedisPool) {
JedisUtil.jedisPool = jedisPool;
* <p>Only one constructor (at max) of any given bean class may declare this annotation
* with the 'required' parameter set to {@code true}, indicating <i>the</i> constructor
* to autowire when used as a Spring bean. If multiple <i>non-required</i> constructors
* declare the annotation, they will be considered as candidates for autowiring.
* The constructor with the greatest number of dependencies that can be satisfied by
* matching beans in the Spring container will be chosen. If none of the candidates
* can be satisfied, then a primary/default constructor (if present) will be used.
* If a class only declares a single constructor to begin with, it will always be used,
* even if not annotated. An annotated constructor does not have to be public.