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The Economist精读[30]
A bit on the side[小编自己的理解:把比特币比作情人(终究不能成为正房太太🙂)]
Bitcoin is aspeculative[投机的]asset[投机性资产] but not yet a systemic risk[系统风险][比特币是投机性资产,但还是不是系统风险]
markets rarely miss opportunities to make money[金融市场几乎不会错过挣钱的机会]. That isas trueofcryptocurrencies[加密电子货币,如比特币]as anything else[加密电子货币和其他任何挣钱的机会一样,都不会被错过]. Trading in bitcoin futures[期货,详细解释见下文]began on the Chicago Board
Options Exchange this week[比特币期货交易于这周在芝加哥期权交易市场启动]; CME [芝加哥商业交易所]Group will launch its own futures on December 18th[CME会在12月18日推出他们自己的期货]. That has given a further boost to the digital
currency’s price[这对于电子货币的价格是进一步的推动],
which is up by 1,550% this year[今年增长了1550个百分点]. Suchphenomenal [杰出的] returns[惊人的回报]are drawing in waves
of speculative[投机的] money[这样惊人的回报吸引了一波又一波的投机货币]But is there a fundamental case
to invest in bitcoin[但是投资比特币有基本要求么?]
The usual tools
of finance are no guide[通常的金融工具不能作为比特币交易的指导].
An equity is a claim on the assets and the profits of a firm[所有者权益是一个公司对其资产和盈利的所有权]; a bondentitles[使….有权利]the investor to a series of interest payments and repayment on maturity[债券可以让投资者有权利支付利息并且到期偿还本金[债券,是发行者为筹集资金发行的、在约定时间支付一定比例的利息,并在到期时偿还本金的一种有价证券。]]. Bitcoin brings no cashflows to the owner[比特币不会为所有者带来现金流]; the only return will come via a rise in price[唯一的回报来自比特币价格的上涨]. When there is no obvious way of valuing an asset[当没有一种明显的方式为一种资产估值时], it is hard to say that onetarget
priceis less likely than another[就很难说哪一个目标价格实现的可能性更大]. Bitcoin could be worth $10 or $100,000[比特币可能价值10美刀,也可能价值10万美刀].
[Aprice targetis the projected price level of a financial security stated by an investment
analyst or advisor. It represents a security's price that, if achieved, results
in a trader recognizing the best possible outcome for his investment. This is
the price at which the trader or investor wants to exit his existing position
so he can realize the most reward..资料来源:Investopedia.com]
Instead,investors mustweigh[权衡]the
scenarios that enthusiasts[热衷者] posit[设想][投资者必须权衡比特币爱好者设想的各种情形]: what if, say, every pension fund invested 1% of its
portfolio in the cryptocurrency[比如说如果用每笔退休基金的1%投资电子加密货币]? One argument made by bitcoinnoisseurs[比特币行家] is
that it is a type of “digital gold”[比特币行家的一种说法是它是一种电子黄金]. Stores of value [价值储存,货币的功能之一,A
store of value is the function of an asset that can be saved, retrieved and
exchanged at a later time, and be predictably useful when retrieved. More
generally, a store of value is anything that retains purchasing power into the
future.] are supposed to
keep their value[价值储存应该能让货币保值]; bitcoin, by contrast, is extremelyvolatile[不稳定的][相比之下,比特币则极为不稳定]. Its code ensures that no more than 21m coins can ever
be created[其代码确保不会产生超过2100百万比特币]; that sets bitcoinapart
fromfiat money[法定货币][这使比特币不能算作法定货币], which central banks can createat will[随心所欲][法定货币中央银行想发多少就发行多少]. Yet being limited in supply is a necessary, but not sufficient,
condition for having value[虽然限制供给数量是有价值的必要条件,但不是充分条件][necessary condition必要条件,sufficient
condition充分条件];signed photographs ofEconomistjournalists are rare but, sadly, ofnegligible worth[经济学人的签约摄影师很少,但他们的价值也有限(此处举例解释限制比特币的数量与比特币价值高的必要不充分条件,数量少不意味着价值高)]. Nor is supply really limited[供给也不是真正有限]. Plenty of other cryptocurrencies exist[还有很多其他加密电子货币的存在].
Might bitcoin
replace ordinary currencies in everyday transactions[比特币可能取代日常交易的普通货币吗]? Not soon[不会这么快]. Who wants topart with[(不情愿的)放弃](or accept in exchange) a currency that can rise or fall by 20% in an
hour[谁会舍不得放弃(或接受交换)一小时可能增值或贬值20%的货币]? And true currencies are used to denominate liabilities
as well as assets[真正的货币既可以表示是负债也是资产]; imagine the ruin faced by those who had taken out a
bitcoin mortgage or business loan earlier this year[想想一下那些今年早些时候用比特币做房屋贷款或商业贷款的人,他们的脸色有多难看].
Bitcoin mighttriumph[胜利]if currencies likethe dollar and the eurosuccumb[失败]to hyperinflation[恶性通货膨胀][如果美元和欧元最终败于恶性通货膨胀,比特币有可能获胜][在经济学上,恶性通货膨胀是一种不能控制的通货膨胀,在物价很快地上涨的情况下,就使货币失去价值], but there is no sign of that[但是,并没有发生这样的事的迹象]. A more likely scenario is that the technology thatunderpins[支撑]bitcoin—a
distributed ledger[分布式总账] called the blockchain[区链块]—proves so useful that it becomes widely adopted[最有可能的情形时,支持比特币的技术-叫做区链快的分布式总账技术,被证明极为有效而被广泛使用]. If so, bitcoin would become a vehicle for other
services[如果是这样的话,比特币将成为一种提供其他服务的工具], and people would need to own some, or a fraction of
one, to use them[人们需要拥有一些这样的工具,哪怕是一点点,去使用服务]. But the original appeal of bitcoin was to thelibertarian[(反对政府控制的)自由主义者] fringe[外围,边缘][但是,比特币的最初吸引力是那些外围自由主义者] and those who wanted to trade illegal commodities, likedrugs,out of sight of the authorities[和那些想要背着政府做非法商品交易的人]. Bitcoin’s anonymity[匿名] and opacity[不透明] do not much appeal to big banks (or to their
regulators)[比特币匿名和不透明对大型银行或是银行监管者没有足够的吸引力]. They are developing their own block chains[银行也正在发展自己的区块链技术].
Hysteria[歇斯底里]on all fronts
If the bitcoinboom looks like amania[狂热],calls for it to be banned are alsoover the top[太过头][如果比特币发展蒸蒸日上,禁止使用比特币的要求就太过头了]. Regulators are right to watch “initial coin offerings”[监管者监管“首次代币发行”的做法是是正确的]—attempts by companies to raise money by issuing digital
tokens of their own[“首次代币发行”是企业通过发行他们自己的数字密钥筹得资金].
Coin Offering,简称ICO)也称首次代币发售、区块链众筹,是用区块链把使用权和加密货币合二为一,来为开发、维护、交换相关产品或者服务的项目进行融资的方式。从证券界的IPO(Initial
Public Offering),即首次公开募股一词演变而来。与以盈利为目的、需要证券监管机构审批的企业IPO不同,企业行为有国界、有分红、有股权,能用现金流、资产实力和盈利模式评估。然而,在区块链上发售ICO是社区行为,很难用现金流、资产实力和盈利模式评估,无需证券监管机构审批,其目的是建立一个无需法制、高效便捷、轻所有权、重使用权的共识共享社区。资料来源:维基百科]
They are right,too, to warn retail investors about the dangers of athinly[稀少的]traded market for an asset with no inherent value[内在价值]andscant[少量的]recourse if things go
wrong[监管警告零售业投资者这个交易稀少市场的危险性,如果事情发展不对头,这里没有内在价值的资产并且资源不足,监管者这么做也是正确的]. But it is hard to see how the currency is a source of
systemic risk[但是很难看清这样的货币是怎样成为系统风险的来源]; by one measure, the value of bitcoin is less than half
that of Apple’s market capitalization[一种衡量的方法是,比特币的价值少于苹果市场资本的一半]. Real economic damage occurs when aplunge[暴跌]in asset prices is
combined with the wide-spread use of money that has been borrowed, particularly
by banks[真正的经济损失发生在资产价值的暴跌,同时伴随着借贷,尤其是银行借贷的广泛使用]. These elements are not yet present[这些因素还没有呈现出来].
For those who believe
that cryptocurrencies could be the next big thing, buying bitcoin is like an
option contract[期权合同]: it might justpay off[取得好结果][对于那些相信加密电子货币将是下一个大事件的人来说,买比特币就像一个期权,他们可能刚刚取得了好结果]. For everyone else, the wise course is to watch[至于剩下的人,明智的做法是观望]. Investors have had a lot of fun piling[挤]into bitcoin[投资者们挤进比特币市场很开心]; the real test will come when they suddenly need to get
out again[当他们需要突然出来的时候,真正的考验才开始].
2017/12/19670 words