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选自 | January 13 2018 | Business | 商业板块
Companies and the environment[企业与环境]
Low-carb diet[低碳生活]
Some firms are voluntarily imposing carbon pricing on themselves[一些公司自愿在自身企业推行碳价机制]
ECONOMISTS have long argued that the most efficient way to curb global warming is to put a price on the greenhouse-gas emissions that cause it[经济学家长期以来认为,阻止全球变缓的最有效的方法,是给导致这一现象的温室气体排放定一个价格]. A total of 41 OECD and G20 governments have announced either a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade[限额交易] scheme, or both[总共有41个来自经合组织与G20的国家已经宣布了碳税或者限额交易方案]. Add state and local schemes, and they cover 15% of the world’s emissions, up from 4% in 2010[加上各州和当地的方案,这些国家涵盖的世界排放,从2010年的4%,上升到了15%]. Voters concerned about climate change are egging them on[鼓动][那些关心气候变化的选民正在鼓动这些国家这么做]. So, too, are corporatebosses[企业老板也同样受到鼓动]. More firms are imposing[推行] such pricing on themselves, even in places where policymakers are dragging their feet[更多的企业在自身上推行这种价格机制,甚至在监管者会拖后腿的地方].
Of the 6,100-odd firms which report climate-related data to CDP, a British watchdog, 607 now claim to use “internal carbon prices”[在向一家英国监察机构CDP报告环境相关数据的6100多家企业中,有607家企业声称使用了“内部碳价”]. The number has quadrupled since CDP first began posing the query in its annual questionnaire three yearsago[从CDP在三年前的年度调查问卷中第一次提出这一问题时起,这一数字翻了两番]. Another 782 companies say they will introduce similar measures within two years[其他782个企业表明他们将在未来两年内引用相似的措施]. Total annual revenues of these 1,389 carbon-price champions amount to a hefty[大的] $7trn[来自1389个碳价拥护企业的总年收入达到了7万亿美元的巨额]. Most come from rich countries, but more developing-world firms are joining them[绝大多是来自富裕的国家,但是更多来自发展中世界的企业正在加入].
Corporate carbon-pricing comes in two main varieties[企业的碳价机制分为两个主要方式]. The first involves business units paying a fee into a central pot based on their carbon footprint[碳足迹(个人活动而产生的二氧化碳气体的排放量)][第一种是,业务部门基于他们的碳足迹向中心部门支付费用]. Microsoft, for example, charges all departments for every kilowatt-hour of dirty energy[化石燃料] they contract or air mile flown by executives, to help meet firm-wide climatetargets[以微软为例,每个部门按照订购的每千瓦时的化石燃料收费,或者管理人员按照飞行的英里数收费,以帮助整个公司达到气候目标]. This payment, equivalent to$8 per ton of carbon dioxide, is designed to encourage those who can cut emissions most easily to do more, and nudge[轻推] everyone to do something, says Rob Bernard, who oversees the software giant’s environmental activities[负责监督微软庞大的环境活动的负责人,RB说,这项相当于每吨二氧化碳8美元费用,是为了鼓励那些可以最容易减少排放的部门减少更多的排放,并且推动每一人都付出行动而设计的。].
Tracking exactly how much of the power a business unit consumes comes from coal, say, is not always straightforward[简单的][准确的记录一个业务部门消耗能量的多少,比如产自煤的能量,并不总是简单的]. Fee-based systems like Microsoft’s therefore remain rare[因此,像微软这种基于费用的系统仍然很少]. Although some smaller firms have toyed with[考虑] them, Disney is the only other big multinational to use one[尽管一些小公司考虑过这种系统,但是迪士尼是唯一一个使用这种系统的另一个大型跨国公司]. Many more firms use shadow carbon prices to stress-test[压力试验] investments for a world of government-mandated levies[税款][更多其他的公司使用阴影碳价格,去对大量的政府强制税收投资进行压力测试].
Shadow price:影子价格,又称阴影价格。简单来说,影子价格就是,在最适化问题当中,当限制条件放宽一个单位之后,最适解决方案的真实价值的变化。在商业活动当中,影子价格是管理层愿意为获取额外一个单位的既定资源,而多付出的最大价格。例如,当一条生产线已经运行了40个小时(其最长工作时间),那么让这条生产线再多工作一个小时,其价格是多少呢?这个价格就是影子价格。
Investors increasingly demand that companies take that possibilityseriously—81 countries mention a carbon cost in their national pledges to limit global warming under the Paris climate agreement of 2015[投资者越来越多地要求企业应该认真地考虑那种可能性——在2015年巴黎气候协议中,81个国家在他们限制全球变暖的国家承诺中提到了碳成本]. Plenty of the Paris promises remain just that for now, but bosses ignore them at their peril[自冒风险], cautions Feike Sij-besma, who co-chairs the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, which groups green-minded governments and businesses under the auspices of[在…的支持下] the World Bank[很多巴黎承诺如今仍只是承诺,但是,老板们冒着风险忽略了这些承诺,这一现象警示了作为碳价领导力联盟的联合主席FS,该组织在世界银行的支持下集合了有绿色意识的政府和企业].
In his day job as chief executive of Royal DSM, Mr Sijbesma has made the Dutch food producer examine all proposed ventures to check whether the sums still add up if a ton of carbon dioxide cost €50 ($60), well above the going rate of €6 or so in the EuropeanUnion’s emissions-trading system, which is kept low by an oversupply of permits[作为荷兰皇家帝斯曼集团的执行总裁,在平日工作中,S先生让荷兰食品制造商检查所有被提出的场所,去确认如果每吨二氧化碳成本为50英镑(60美元)总量是否仍在增加,这一成本远高于欧盟排放交易系统的6英镑左右,其因碳排放许可证的过度供给而保持在很低的水平].
碳排放交易 Emissions-trading system
Where they do not, alternative feedstocks or cleaner energy suppliers must be found[如果没有增加,说明一定找到了一种可替代的原料或清洁能源供给]. If a project still looks unprofitable, it could be discarded altogether[如果一个项目看起来不盈利,可能会被一并废弃].
Businesses ranging from European supermarkets (France’s Carrefour and Britain’s Sainsbury’s) to Indian cement-makers (ACC, Ambuja and Dalmia) espouse[投身,支持] shadow pricing[从欧洲的超市(法国家乐福和英国的塞恩斯伯里)到印度的水泥制造商(ACC, Ambuja 和Dalmia),这些企业都使用阴影价格]. Some add flourishes[一些企业提高了价格]. Besides assessing capital projects at €30 per ton of carbon dioxide, Saint-Gobain, a French maker of building materials, factors in a higher price of €100 per ton when choosing between long-term research-and-development projects[Saint-Gobain,一家法国建筑材料制造商,除了以每吨二氧化碳30英镑评估资本项目外,当在选择长期研发项目时,以每吨100英镑这一更高的价格评估]. AkzoNobel, a Dutch chemicals giant, uses €50 per ton for most investments, but double that forthose with lifetimes of 30 years or more[一家荷兰化学制品巨头公司,AkzoNobel,在大多数投资中使用每吨50英镑,但在那些使用生命超过30年甚至更多的投资中将这一数字翻倍].
These are some of the most ambitious schemes; many others lack bite[强烈的影响力][有一些方案最具野心,但其他很多方案都缺乏影响力]. Plenty of firms which declare their shadow prices set them below $10 per ton of carbon dioxide[众多宣布他们阴影价格的企业,把价格定在低于每吨二氧化碳10美元]. As John Ward of VividEconomics, a consultancy, points out, that is “just high enough so it has no real impact”[正如生动经济学顾问公司的JW所指出的,这些价格只是足够高而没有真正产生影响而已]. Companies which use higher prices should treat them as more than a “spreadsheet exercise”, counsels one climate-change expert[一位气候改变的专家建议,那些使用更高价格的公司,应该把他们看作不仅仅是“电子表格练习”]. Oil majors have priced in carbon for years when assessing exploration projects[石油领域在评估考察项目时,已经以碳定价很多年了]. But there is little evidence that high-price scenarios swayed[使动摇] their investment decisions[但是有很少的证据表明高价的方案动摇了他们的投资计划].
Nevertheless, the trend for firms to incorporate carbon pricing iswelcome[尽管如此,企业采用碳价的趋势是受欢迎的]. Some of the less impressive schemes could in time come to[开始做] resemble[像] Microsoft’s or Royal DSM’smeatier ones[一些不太尽如人意的方案,可以及时开始像微软或者皇家帝斯曼集团更加有效的方法一样]. Such voluntary steps will not stop the planet sizzling[极热的][像这样的自愿行为将不会阻止地球变热]. But they help firms prepare for when governments do bring in pricing schemes[但是,可让企业在政府引入价格方案是做好准备]. In December China launched a market for trading carbon emissions which is the world’s largest[去年12月,中国启动了世界上最大的碳排放交易市场]. The clearest sign of progress would be for similar policies elsewhere to render[使成为,使变得] internal exercises redundant[最明显的进步迹象是,让类似的政策在别处,使内部操作成为多余].
Jan 18 | 751 words